Sunday, March 31, 2013

So your skin when you go out 0 readers liked it

Unusual Hungarian Easter Traditions | News> Easter |
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So your skin when you go out 0 readers liked it
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A lot of people never heard of Easter népszokásról other than locsolásról, and there is plenty of freaks around the holidays, and perhaps not always so bad, that not all lives traditions alive in our memories ...
Easter is linked to the period before Palm Sunday, we celebrate our country barkaszenteléssel was not so long ago. Although the tradition is still present, superstition seeing less and less of the bark, but rather see it as a decorative element of high, rather than as a tool of evil spirits clearances. In previous years, the priests in the temple consecrated by anyone mcnett aquamira in the house flying the believers, in order to protect

them from diseases and tragedies, as well as to any matter not reach the inhabitants of the house.
Nowadays most of the Busó festivities, which télűzőként remained in the public consciousness, whereas previously it was Palm Sunday is the date when this tradition took place. The huge straw man dressed in women's clothes, carried around the village mcnett aquamira and then drowned, or, even more popular was burned. After the destruction of the puppet is often thrown out templomkerítésen through, ensuring that the area in the next year to avoid the misery and hunger.
The Komati all well packed earth, mcnett aquamira genuine bőségtálakat reported. As usual principal for pregnant mcnett aquamira women to receive such surprises, strong and energetic to be the child's education, to recover as soon as possible after delivery. Later he became a habit for Easter girlfriends and all sympathetic and close family friend of the cake, apple, egg, ham-laden bowl gift.
Years ago our country was not the real Easter locsolkodás folk tradition, but the flogging. The boys fűzfaágakat wringing themselves, the flexible legs crossed, and set off with rain and whipping girls in their way. The flogging mcnett aquamira may also be traced back to the concept of fertility, and like all successful lovemaking, this is a well deserved reward for the people followed the custom, as the girls find freshly made "ostorára" tape-bound and drink offered to guests.
The water seed Easter Monday is now only seven persons called, and the former does not really reflect the essence of the day. Had not simply drawn from a well, buckets of water, or spraying cologne on menyecskéket, but they were literally water. This is the procedure mcnett aquamira you will have the best alkalmatosság undoubtedly proved troughs in the courtyards. Further highlights in the Easter locsolásról that while today everyone is applicable to the sale on Monday in line ladies, they had visited on Sunday night, the young men menyecskéket. The Monday mcnett aquamira fiúcskáknak the left with only the hope of the reward came in the houses mcnett aquamira sprinkled.
Holy Thursday Mass in the evening after the muted bells, Easter period, reflecting the deepest grief that day, Good Friday, the silence under the strict ban on meat and moderate diet followed. As a temporary interruption of the bells could not keep away the evil of the area, many villages were responsible for the children to roam the streets mcnett aquamira kereplővel, loud in order to drive away evil spirits. Great Saturday and then return to the bells, and while at this time is more relaxing dedicate the time, had great work started around the house whitening, cleaning, féregűzés, or even the house körbeseprése, the point is that all the shine, flash, Sunday onset before .
RELATED ARTICLES It recently mcnett aquamira celebrated the carnival carnival of fun and dressing up today represents. Let's mcnett aquamira see how this practice became so popular, since we are celebrating ancestors and how they amused themselves this time! Hungarian folk traditions of the carnival carnival season mókázásról most of the fun things about the negative elijesztgetéséről always said. In addition, however, a vigorous style, often critical traditions

and customs were interspersed with pretty much the holidays.
The Thomas & Heritage Day on March 7th Thomas Day. The meaning and origin of the name outside can not hurt to get to know some habits that are described in the fun. Luca Day Today 13 December beliefs, Luca day. Luca Hungary, a scary ghost v

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