Monday, December 31, 2007

White Privilege

I don't want to just send you off to another blog to read something, but sometimes I can't do justice to a piece.

So head on over to Alternet to read Alex Jung's White Liberals Have White Privilege Too!

I don't agree with every word, but gawd damn, it's pretty right on and does explain white privilege pretty darn well. And it was this paragraph that really drew me in. It was as if someone was writing about me except that I did have a bit of a realization that being Latina meant something, but being as non-Latina in the company of non-Latinas was emphasized without saying those exact words. At least that's how I read the signs.

Growing up in the company of white people, I was unaware of systems of whiteness. I knew that, as an Asian American, I looked different (and was unhappy about that), and that my parents faced linguistic and financial barriers (which I blamed them for). I did what "good" Americans did, and I individualized my struggles, believing that if I had enough gumption and know-how, I could rise to the pinnacle of society regardless of my starting point. I was an acolyte of the Temple of Ayn Rand. I didn't connect my experiences, or those of my parents, with larger institutions (i.e., capitalism) or cultural biases (i.e., white is right!), and blamed myself for failing to meet those standards rather than critique the systems that generated those standards. I had internalized whiteness, and if I had, then white people certainly had. As I began to develop what W.E.B. Du Bois called a "double consciousness" -- the perspective of "always looking at one's self through the eyes of others," I could not stop looking. Race (which in its fullness includes gender and class) was impossible to ignore, and I could not believe I had perpetuated racial hierarchy as much as I had.

Technorati tags: white privilege, racism, latina

50 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2008 According to U.S. News & World Report

The 50 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2008 are divided in 4 groups:

Your Money
Your Mind
Your World

Don't forget to check the related video by the U.S. News staffers:

Rockefeller Greenhouse in Cleveland, Ohio

Rockefeller Greenhouse. Click here for larger photos.

The Rockefeller Greenhouse was part of John D. Rockefeller's estate, and it is now owned by the city of Cleveland and is free to the public. Cleveland Cultural Gardens are just down the road from the greenhouse.

Read more about the greenhouse here.

There are are many online choices for photo and video sharing. I currently use Picasa Web Albums (Google Photos) for photos and YouTube for videos. It looks like Google Video does not update its service for personal users anymore and I had to switch to YouTube in 2007.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Reminder: Piper Reed Giveaway

A quick reminder to get your comments & email address in for the Piper Reed give-a-way. I have three comments, but only one left their email address.


The 1st Pro-Choice Carnival

There's a new blog carnival in town folks - The Pro-Choice Carnival. Check out the first issue!

Of course, yours truly makes an appearance for my musings if abortion can be in a love story. That was an awesome birthday present. Thanks!

Technorati tags: blog carnival, pro-choice carnival, feminist

Saturday, December 29, 2007

2008 Feminista Resolutions

Britt Bravo at Blogher asks us:

What Are Your 2008 Activist Resolutions?

1. Give more money. I really am horrible at giving money to organizations that I support or even volunteer with. I'm going to put reminders in my Treo to help.

2. Write more. This isn't just because I want to be a better writer, but I really do try to incorporate my feminism into everything I write, thus I feel that my writing is an extension of my activism.

3. Get published more...anywhere. See #2, but getting published somewhere other than this blog means a much wider audience.

4. Say no more often. I say yes far too often and that not only makes my life a mess, but it also means that I don't give my best effort towards whichever action I'm trying to do. Sadly, I think my increase in work responsibilities may mean the end of one of my beloved 'after-school' activities and perhaps a need to pick up another one - that is more work related and local.

5. Be a better advocate. In high school I was one of those kids who shoved my ideas down people's throats. After the backlash, I pulled back...a lot. Now I feel that some days I've inched my way back to shoving ideas down certain people's throats and perhaps not pushing others enough. I know I need to know my audience, but I feel off kilter..a lot.

6. Get to book club. I've been a member of an awesome book club for years and I need to make it a priority to get there each month. The members and the book help me learn more about me, the world, and my feminism.

7. Take care of myself. If I'm sick, no one wins.

OK readers...what about you?

Technorati tags: blogher, 2008 Resolutions, feminist

I'm back!

I'm back from vacation and ready to rock. Stay tuned for some actual blog posts.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

There is a Santa Claus

In 2006, Dr. Charles linked to the wonderful editorial response to a letter of a 8-year old girl who doubted that Santa Claus existed. It was published in the New York Sun in 1897. Not much has changed since then. Apart from the fact that Dr. Charles' blog is no longer active, of course.

Dear Editor--

I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Image source: Wikipedia, public domain.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Free Online Atlases: Dermatology, Radiology and Ophthalmology


Interactive Dermatology Atlas

Case-in-Point by American College of Radiology (ACR) (Ophthalmology)

Video: Eye Trauma according to Dr Root and


Susan Faludi wants you to read this

As some of you know, I am a board member of an awesome feminist media organization, Women In Media & News. Well it's that time of the year to ask you to reach into your wallet, perhaps looking between the cushions of your couch, and that spare change in your bag. And who better to ask you to give a little love to WIMN than the amazing Susan Faludi?

♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥

Dear Friend of WIMN,

Award-winning journalist Susan Faludi has spent decades documenting the dangerous impact of media sexism on American women, and on our country. Now, the author of Backlash and The Terror Dream asks for your help to improve the media landscape:

“Women in Media & News offers a desperately needed and all-too-rare public service: spotlighting media’s misrepresentations of women from all angles–from distortions to falsehoods to utter erasure–and countering them with careful reporting, no-nonsense statistics, and intelligent analysis. And WIMN’s dispatches are fun to read, to boot. What’s more, WIMN actively changes women’s status in the media: both by bringing a vast repository of informed female sources to the media and by teaching media consumers a crucial skill–how to dissect and debunk those supposedly ‘objective’ media messages about women that they are being bombarded with 24 hours a day, and how to improve those messages. Please join me in giving as generously as you can to support WIMN’s vital work, professionalism, and commitment. The organization can’t survive without you.”

As one of our loyal readers, you know the vital work Susan’s talking about. In 2007 alone, we:

  • Brought feminist media criticism to the mainstream, with multiple appearances on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and PBS. For example, on “Hannity & Colmes” in the aftermath of the horrific Virginia Tech massacre, WIMN was the only voice in broadcast media to expose how violence against women has been at the root of most of the worst school shootings over the past two decades.
  • Produced hundreds of blog posts, articles, and action alerts skewering sexist double standards in reporting on female politicians; debunking biased science journalism, such as the New York Times column on how women are biologically programmed to desire rich men; highlighting the invisibility of women in war coverage, including rape as a war crime and the again-invisible plight of Afghan women; and offering astute insights on pop culture inanities from Britney Spears’ panties to the hookups of “The Bachelor” and supposedly-sexy corpses on “America’s Next Top Model.” Our analyses often changed media coverage: for example, after WIMN’s Voices blogger Jill Nelson challenged the invisibility of Black women’s voices in media debates over radio host Don Imus’s on-air slurs, her commentary was reprinted widely and Nelson–an award-winning African American journalist–did radio interviews and was quoted extensively in regional and national media, shifting the tone of the national discussion and broadening the whitewashed opinion lineup.
  • Placed women as featured experts in major news outlets such as Fox, ABC News, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, and Pacifica Radio and in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Bitch, Ms., In These Times, the American Prospect, and many others.
  • Conducted media trainings for more than 20 women’s groups such as the NYC Alliance Against Sexual Assault, the New Orleans Women’s Health and Justice Initiative, and Vibe Theater Experience, and led media literacy programs for more than 1,000 young people at colleges across the country.
  • Advocated for media justice in powerful arenas: Following conversations with WIMN, Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards’ campaign began speaking publicly against media consolidation.

If that doesn’t convince you to open up your checkbook, this reality check should: WIMN has achieved these successes, and many more, with just one full-time staff person (who works without a salary or health insurance), no office, and only minimal foundation support.

In order to keep moving women’s voices from the margins to the mainstream, WIMN needs to raise $15,000 in donations from individuals like you. Please make a tax-deductible gift to WIMN today!

As an added bonus, for every donation of $35 or more, you’ll get a fabulous gift, courtesy of our friends at the Unemployed Philosopher’s Guild (see their site for pictures and descriptions of these items):

  • Donate $35, and you’ll receive a tasty tin of EmpowerMints
  • Contribute $50, and you’ll receive a finger puppet of Emma Goldman, Harriet Tubman or Susan B. Anthony
  • Give $100, and you’ll receive a nifty “disappearing civil liberties” mug
  • Donate $250, and you’ll get a copy of WIMN’s Voices blogger Anne Elizabeth Moore’s brilliant new book, “Unmarketable: Brandalism, Copyfighting, Mocketing and the Erosion of Integrity”
  • Donate $500 or more, and you’ll get all four
  • As Susan Faludi says, WIMN’s work is essential to improving women’s status in the media. Your support will allow us to become an even greater force for change. Please give generously today!

    With gratitude,

    Jennifer L. Pozner, Founder and Executive Director

    Lisa Jervis, Aliza Dichter, Sunita Viswanath, Veronica Arreola and Sara Beinert, WIMN’s board of directors

    PS: Many companies and non-profits match charitable donations; ask your employer if your tax-deductible gift to WIMN is eligible for matching funds. Thank you for digging deep and making your donation today. We can’t keep our programs running without you!

Technorati tags: Susan Faludi, feminist media, WIMN, Women In Media & News, Jennifer Pozner

Show me some love!

Hoyden about town is taking nominations for best feminist blog post of the year!

It was hard picking out two to self-nominate, but I did it. Now to find some other feminist posts that I think were awesome and didn't get a lot of play outside a small circle of readers. I'm all about getting the lil blogger some recognition.

So dig through your posts and nominate yourself while you send in your favorite post from here. ;-)

2008 will be the year of no shame for me.

Technorati tags: feminist, blogging

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Nicaraguan Pro-Choice Advocates Need Your Help

From Ipas Policy via The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health:

Dear friends,

I’m writing to update you on more disturbing news from Nicaragua and ask for your solidarity. First, some context for the situation.

As you may remember, in 2003, members of the Women’s Network against Violence (Red de Violencia contra las Mujeres) in Nicaragua helped a young girl known as “Rosita” obtain a therapeutic abortion, which at the time was legal in Nicaragua. Rosita had been raped and became pregnant at the age of nine. At the time, she said the rapist was a neighbor in Costa Rica; the man maintained he was innocent and he was never convicted of the crime.

In August 2007, the Nicaraguan media reported that “Rosita” had become pregnant again and given birth to the baby, and that the accused rapist was her stepfather. She testified in court that her stepfather had raped her and fathered the child, and he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. She also said that her stepfather was the one who had raped her in 2003.

Last month, we understand that a Nicaraguan anti-choice group with the misleading name, “Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPDH)”, petitioned the Ministry of Justice to bring criminal charges against nine members of the Women’s Network against Violence for obstruction of justice and as accessories to a crime, saying that they had known about the stepfather’s involvement in the case from the beginning and hid that knowledge. The nine women—all well-known in Nicaragua and globally for their tireless work on behalf of women and human rights -- include: Marta María Blandón, Ana María Pizarro, Luisa Molina, Yamileth Mejía, Juana Jiménez, Martha Munguía, Mayra Sirias, Lorna Norori and Violeta Delgado. The exact legal process being used is unclear, since so far none of the women have received legal documents outlining any specific charges. They learned about the charges through a leak from the prosecutor’s office and have received only summons to go to the prosecutor’s office for questioning.

This is another example of a coordinated attack against the women’s movement and against women’s human, sexual and reproductive rights. The outpouring of support for these nine women in Nicaragua and around the region has been tremendous and comes from diverse sources. Attached you’ll find English translations of letters to the prosecutor from the Nicaraguan Feminist Movement, by prominent Nicaraguans who represent many of the political parties (including the ruling Sandinistas and the opposition party), and by other important citizens. The letters condemn the legal action as a persecution of these nine women’s efforts to defend women’s human rights, including the right to therapeutic abortion. These are just examples of the many public pronouncements that have been made in their favor and disseminated through the national media. A few letters in Spanish are also attached.

We encourage you to join this call for support of the nine women named in the suit and condemn the Nicaraguan government’s actions. Letters in Spanish can be sent to the following individuals at the prosecutor’s office and the attached letters can be used as models:

Dr. Julio Centeno Gomez
Fiscal General de la Republica
Fax. 505-2556832

Dra.Ana Julia Guido
Fiscal Adjunta
celular: 8696299
Telefono oficina: 2556820
Fax, 505-2556832

Dra. Mirna Siles
Fical asignada al Caso
Telefono y Fax 505- 2515652

We request that you send copies of any letters to Ipas Central America (,,

Thank you for your ongoing support and solidarity.

Charlotte Hord Smith
Director, Ipas Policy

Thanks to Pearl Friedberg and Ipas-Nicaragua staff for compiling this information.

Technorati tags: Nigarauga, abortion, action

Book Review - Piper Reed: Navy Brat

I am a book-aholic, bookworm, and lover of books.
I get so lost in books that I really do tune out the rest of the world. My second grade teacher could tell you that as one time I missed a spelling test because I was still reading a book. That is why I love doing book reviews. As the mom of a bookworm, I love reading new children's books hoping to find something new and fun to share with my daughter. Piper Reed: Navy Brat is a great book for young girls and boys.

I did try to read this book to her, but she's still all about the pictures in a book and since this is a big girl book, she got quickly bored. You'd think saying it was a "big girl" book would have settled her down, but no.

Piper Reed: Navy Brat chronicles the transition Piper, the middle daughter of a Navy officer. She's not quite Jan Brady, but does have some middle child issues that I'm sure we'll see more of in future books. The book starts off with the family moving from San Diego to Florida. The trip to Florida and their first few days is what is covered in this short story. Piper's attempt to recreate her "Gypsy Club" on the other side of the country is worth the read in itself. If you've ever moved in the middle of a school year, I think you'll appreciate this book -- Hint: If that move is in your kids future, this might be a good book to get. She learns that being the middle of three daughters isn't all that bad some days. Family does save the day!

I was lucky enough to interview Piper's creator, Kimberly Willis Holt, over email:

1) Is this your first book blog tour? If so, what are your hopes for it (well besides book sales)? If not, what do you feel blog tours bring to your books that a traditional book tour doesn't?

This is my first blog tour. The first time I heard of a writer doing one, I laughed. But a second later, I thought, smart idea. My main goal for the tour is to introduce Piper Reed Navy Brat. It's the first book in a series. I hope Piper Reed finds her way into a lot of young (or old) readers'

The blog world has taken cyberspace by a storm. Many of us start our day reading them like we used to begin our day with the newspaper. Traditional tours certainly have their place. There's nothing like meeting readers face to face, but even then writers can't visit every bookstore or library. Anyone with internet service can visit a writer on a blog tour. So the potential is greater.

2) Piper Reed is one spunky gal! How much of you is Piper? You really nailed the middle child "thing" - I'm the oldest of three girls like Tori (Piper's older sister).

I'm the oldest of three girls, too. So I can relate more to Tori than I can Piper. My middle sister was witty and funny. I decided that would be a more interesting point of view for a young reader to hear a story about a military child.

Though I have to say I do share some things with Piper. None of us have dyslexia, but I am a slow reader because I have to hear what I read. Over the years I've trained my lips not to move, but my tongue pronounces each word. Because of that, I rarely finished timed tests. I can relate to kids who have reading disabilities because of that.

Like Piper, I'm a planner. When Piper learns that her family is moving to Pensacola, Florida, she starts plotting to make new friends. I think a lot of military kids are adaptable to many situations because it was a survival technique. We had to learn to fit in quickly. Then in a year or two, we moved somewhere else.

3) You say that you thought your life was boring. Why do you think that? Was the moving & change so routine that it became boring?

I was shy. I thought extroverts had interesting lives. Most of my life was spent in my head, daydreaming. I didn't recognize all the adventures I was participating in--learning to speak and read French in a village outside of Paris, swimming in every ocean before I reached the age of ten, attending fiestas on Guam. Those aren't boring accomplishments. But I had to grow up
to see what an exciting life my military childhood provided.

4) Kids today have lives that are so packed with activities, the internet, and all go-go-go...Did you have this in mind when you wrote Piper Reed: Navy Brat? The book has a fairly laid back pace, a perfect book for reading in a tree house or even sitting under a tree with a glass of lemonade.

It really wasn't a conscious goal, but I guess in that way, Piper's family mirrors mine. The base offered activities that we participated in, but we weren't overscheduled like kids today. We had time to daydream and entertain ourselves. My mom still remembers how I used to write plays and direct them. My middle sister was the star. (At that time, the baby was too young to
participate.) None of that would have happened had I been overloaded with activities. I think Piper's mom is like my mom was. She allows time for creativity and encourages it.

5) While my picture obsessed 4-year-old didn't get into the book, I thought it was a great story with a cute character. In fact near the end of the book, I got a bit upset because I didn't want it to end.

How many Piper books are in the works? The second book, Piper Reed, The Great Gypsy comes out this August. A third will come out the following year. If the numbers are there, hopefully there will be more. I certainly have more stories for Piper and her sisters.

Thanks so much for your time and your story! I can't wait for my daughter to sit still long enough to enjoy Piper.

Thank you, Veronica, for giving me a chance to talk about Piper.

One lucky reader can have their own copy of Piper Reed and a "Get off the bus!" button. That's Piper's signature exclamation. I think I've used it a few times already since reading the book. Just comment on this post by January 1, 2008, tell me your favorite children's book and I'll pick someone at random. Make sure you leave your email address!

Don't forget to check out the rest of the book blog tour too.

Disclaimer: The only payment I received for this review was the review copy of the book.

Technorati tags: book review, blog tour, Piper Reed, Kimberly Willis Holt

Monday, December 17, 2007

"Diagnosis Wenckebach" YouTube Style

A spoof of Justin Timberlake's song done by the University of Alberta 2010 medicine class. Wenckebach is a cardiac arrhythmia -- type 1 second degree AV block, also known as Mobitz I, as they clearly explain in the clip.

This video seems to be quite a hit I was unaware of until our hospital medicine fellow told us today.

EKG of Second Degree Type 1 AV Block, Mobitz I, Wenckebach.

Second degree AV block is characterized by a failure of one or more atrial impulses to reach the ventricles. Type I second degree AV block, or Wenckebach, requires prolongation of the PR interval prior to the blocked impulse with subsequent shortening of the PR interval with the next conducted impulse. On the ECG, the R-R interval progressively shortens up to the point of the blocked ventricular impulse. This occurs because the largest increment in the PR interval occurs between the first and second cycle. The site of block in Type I second degree AV block is the AV node. This conduction disturbance most often is physiologic and seen with high vagal tone and during sleep. Pacing is rarely indicated. Image source: AskDrWiki, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.

Karel Frederik Wenckebach, M.D. Image source: Government of Malta.

The type of AV block described above was named after Karel Frederik Wenckebach, a Dutch-born Austrian internist, (1864- 1940). In 1899 he provided a description of irregular pulses due to partial blockage of AV conduction which created a progressive lengthening of conduction time. This condition was referred to as a "second degree AV block" (Mobitz Type I), and later named the Wenckebach phenomenon. Source: Wikipedia.

Dr. Wenckebach wrote in the Lancet: "I owe my reputation to the fact that I use digitalis in doses the text books say are dangerous and in cases that the text book say are unsuitable." Source:

YouTube as a Source of Health Misinformation. Highlight HEALTH 2.0, 02/2008.
YouTube as a source of information on immunization: a content analysis. Keelan et al. JAMA. 2007 Dec 5;298(21):2482-4.

Updated: 02/06/2008

I have the best friends EVER!

I sent out a very last minute plea for help last week. The Chicago Abortion Fund has a new leadership program for former grantees and this year I adopted one of our fabulous women for Christmas. In fact I adopted her and her very young daughter. Thus I opened up my contacts list and sent an email to a small group of women in Chicago who I thought might donate a gift card or two for a woman struggling to make a life for her and her daughter.

I now am temporary owner of 2 big shopping bags (GAP and Ann Taylor Loft), one laundry basket, and one large bankers box of goodies for this woman and her daughter. I was planning on delivering all this to our office tonight, but egads, I'm not Santa! Thus she'll get one bag of goodies (mostly for her daughter) tonight and I'll have to arrange to bring by the other things.

I am honestly completely and totally floored that my friends reacted so quickly and generously. Not that I didn't think they'd come through, but I really emailed them at the last minute. One even emailed to say she wishes she could, but the budget was too tight.

Thank you everyone.

NEJM Image Challenge and (Lack of) Wisdom of Crowds

The New England Journal of Medicine Image Challenge "provides an opportunity for you to use the clinical images from NEJM to test your diagnostic skills.

A new image and question appears each week, along with several possible answers. Before selecting an answer, you can take a closer look by zooming in and moving the image within the frame. You can also look at the relative distribution of answers chosen by other users." Source: NEJM.

The Image Challenge is a good review tool for USMLE, ABIM or residency in-service exams. When I studied for USMLE, I used to group clinical images from NEJM under system headings, e.g. Cardiology, Pulmonology, etc. but the image quiz/challenge is more fun.

The NEJM Image Challenge is, in a sense, a Web 2.0 tool -- it relies on user-created content in terms of recording readers' responses and comparing them to correct answers. It is surprising to see that for many image challenges the readers ("the crowd") did not get the right answer despite the massive participation of tens of thousands of responders for some queries -- click to enlarge the image above for an example. This may be an indication that for professional fields like medicine the "wisdom of crowds" concept does not work as well as, for example, or Wikipedia. I would prefer an expert's opinion over the crowd's opinion most of the time, I think.

It could be an interesting mini-research project to have a look at all the answers in the NEJM Image Challenge and to see how many times the "crowd" got it wrong versus the "expert" (NEJM) who always provided the correct answer. In August 2007, I calculated the percentage of correct answers and the number of responses per question from all the images available on the NEJM website at the time. The results showed that there were on average 8300 responses per question and the "crowd" solved correctly only 69% of the image challenges.

Related reading

JAMA liked NEJM's Image Challenge so much that they launched their own "Clinical Challenge"
Make the Largest Encyclopedia in the World Better. I already did (I hope), 9/28/2005.
You know NEJM has a clinical "Image Challenge" right? Now The Lancet has "Picture Quiz" - Where are you, BMJ?
Digg for Medicine: Nature Publishing Group Launches Dissect Medicine, 5/03/2006.
Edit Wars in Medical Wikipedia, 12/09/2006.
Google Finds Correct Diagnosis in 58 % of Cases Published in NEJM, 11/11/2006.
The only way to preserve the wisdom of the crowd is to protect the independence of the individual. WSJ, 2011.
NEJM Image Challenge is one of the most popular features on, and now there is a new way to play - on Facebook

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Does abortion belong in a love story?

Abortion has been discussed a lot on the blogosphere this year, mostly surrounding recent USSC rulings and movies like Knocked Up, Waitress, and Juno. The latter has most intrigued me. Not because I'm not interested in what 8 men in dresses say I should do with my womb, but because I think that pop culture can push and pull society in certain directions despite what the men in dresses say.

The biggest critique of the movies (note: I corrected the link. Sorry!) is that while abortion is discussed (whether for a second or more), the pregnant woman ends up not having an abortion. And for some reason this is a problem for some pro-choice bloggers. And of course, the anti's jump at this plot device as a reason to dub the film "pro-life." (Many anti's held this opinion of Sugar and Spice as well.) In my opinion, I think both are pretty wrong. I find more fault with Knocked Up at showcasing women as stick-in-the-muds who need a slacker lover to get them to wake up and smell the roses. It plays into the theory that men mature with marriage or fatherhood. If the dude isn't mature on your wedding day, keep waiting until he is, k?

But all this made me stop and think about how stories are crafted. Can a good love story be crafted where the couple goes through an abortion? Dirty Dancing had one, but it wasn't central to the love story.

Alison Piepmeier's essay in Skirt! Magazine claims that it can because it is central to her personal love.

But given the comments that her essay elicited can a successful romance movie be made with abortion as a major plot point? Can we see people lining up to pay $10 each to see a movie where the couple is struggling, the woman is found crying in their bedroom with a positive EPT in her hand, and their love is strengthened by a visit to their Planned Parenthood? Or where a fairy tale romance between Maurice & Susana is rolling along and BAM! a missed period throws them off course...temporarily. On their flight to Harvard Law School, Susana pops the first of her abortion pills. Kinda like Say Anything but instead of waiting for the ding, they wait for drink service.

I think it can be made. I'm just not sure if people would line up to see it. Then again, what if we framed it as a movie like Knocked Up where the slacker dude and the uptight woman both want the abortion and he is free to slack another day AND fall in love. Ok, maybe that last part was taking it too far.

I really want to see Juno because the trailer really wrapped itself around my heart. I do think that there are more plot devices in choosing to carry a pregnancy to term. How does a woman on the brink of busting out keep up that momentum after becoming a mother? How does a woman carry on after giving up their child for adoption? Can we have the same thoughts in a pro-choice movie about an abortion without giving in to anti-myths such as post-abortion syndrome?

I hope so. I know I won't be writing that screenplay, so I'll be waiting. If anyone does accomplish it, give me a buzz.

Technorati tags: Knocked Up, Waitress, Juno, feminist, abortion, pro-choice, Piepmeier, Skirt! Magazine

Saturday, December 15, 2007

JAMA Adds More Web 2.0 Features to Its Website

Following the lead of NEJM, JAMA has added more audiovisual and interactive content to its website. The leading journals are becoming much more than a vehicle for printing articles, and medical professionals who are not regular users of their websites are missing out on some useful features. You do not even need to visit the website to get the latest updates -- they follow you via RSS web feeds. The feeds also power journal podcasts which are downloaded automatically to your iPod whenever a new addition is published, again, no website visit required. I have become a regular listener to the editorial podcasts of JAMA, NEJM, Lancet and Annals. Here is the list of the Top 5 Medical Podcasts I Listen To.

Below is the list of some "Web 2.0 features" JAMA has added to its website:
Most people subscribe to medical podcasts by using iTunes/iPod/iPhone from Apple. A lesser known fact is that Google Reader can be used as a podcast program as well.

Click here to subscribe to the 4 major journal podcasts in your iGoogle homepage.

Top 5 Medical Podcasts I Listen To
Annals of Internal Medicine Launches Podcast and Audio Summaries
Make Your Own "Medical Journal" with iGoogle Personalized Page
JAMA Podcast: Audio Commentary by the Editor-in-Chief

Friday, December 14, 2007

Upcoming Events - Book Tour & Conference

Wednesday, December 19th this will be just one of the many stops on the Piper Reed Book Blog Tour:

It’s not easy being the middle child, especially when your dad is a Navy Chief. Meet Piper Reed, a spunky nine-year-old who has moved more times than she can count on one hand. From Texas to Guam, wherever Piper goes, adventure follows, inspired by her active imagination, free-wheeling spirit, and a bit of sister magic.
Unlike her older sister, Piper loves being part of a Navy family, and unlike her younger sister, Piper is no prodigy genius. Piper is Piper–fearless and full of life!

I'll be posting my review of the book along with some Q & A with author Kimberly Willis Holt. If you leave a comment in this post or Wednesday's post, that will enter you into a drawing for a free copy of this book. And without giving away too much, you'll want this book!

March 28-30, 2008 I'll be presenting at WAM! OMG, I got invited to the big girls table! ;-) I'll be presenting on this panel:
Feminist Blogs: Activism, Journalism or Masochism?
Jennifer Pozner, ME, Deanna Zandt, Liza Sabater
Oh yeah...I'm rockin' it. I'm on a panel with Deanna & Liza! I'll try not to act like a fan-girl in front of them. Jenn...hey, she's slept on my couch...ok I'm still an uber-fan-girl of hers too. Next year we're so proposing a panel that starts with A so we're at the top of the list.

That trip will be a tad expensive and while I'll be doing it with half-a-Chicago Abortion Fund-cap on, I may put a tip jar on here after the new year. So save your Solstice cash for me!

Technorati tags: Piper Reed, book blog tour, books, WAM, Women, Action & the Media

What to get that (really) young feminist in your life

The gift giving season is here! All the big stores have their catalogs out, the commercials are running non-stop, and Santa's waiting line is longer than the Hannah Montana ticket line. But here you are, burnt out on princess garb, too scared to buy anything from China, and frankly out of ideas for the girl (or boy!) who has everything. Look no further than Veronica's Gift Giving Guide for (Really) Young Feminists:

So there...You now have a boatload of ideas on what to give the empowered girl in your life. Maybe you still want to buy her Princess (fill in the blank), go ahead, who gets one present? But take a look at the list above and compliment that princess with some butt-kicking gear.

Crossposted from Chicago Parent

Technorati tags: gifts, NOW, feminist, Feminst Majority, Sticker Sisters, Willie Mae Rock Camp, magazines

Thursday, December 13, 2007

DVT and PE may double the risk of heart attack or stroke

In a 20-year Danish population-based cohort study of more than 40,000 patients, deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) doubled the risk of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke.

For patients with DVT, the relative risk was 1·60 for MI, and 2·60 for stroke in the first year after the thrombotic event. For patients with PE, the relative risk was 2·60 for MI, and 2·93 for stroke. The relative risk was also raised, though less, during the subsequent 20 years of follow-up, at 20-40% for arterial cardiovascular events.

There seems to be a link (causative or associative) between the 3 conditions: venous thromboembolism (DVT/PE), MI and stroke.

Venous thromboembolism and subsequent hospitalisation due to acute arterial cardiovascular events: a 20-year cohort study. The Lancet 2007; 370:1773-1779.
Vein clots up risk of heart attack. Reuters.
Image source: Saphenous vein, Gray's Anatomy, 1918 (public domain).

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Popular tech blogger Mark Orchant died of heart attack at 50

According to most people who knew him, Marck Orchant was a remarkable human being. Oliver from StarrTrek chronicled what happened:

"At some time between 7:30 and 8:10 AM on Sunday Morning December 2nd, 2007, Marc Orchant, my fellow author on this blog, as well as one of my closest friends sustained a massive heart attack while working in his home office.

According to Sue Orchant, Marc was up early Sunday morning as is his normal custom. Sue told me that he was working in his office from about 7:30 AM until 8:10 when Sue says she heard a strange noise in Marc’s office.

When she went to investigate she saw that Marc was not sitting in front of the computer like he normally does and was slumped over between his desk and a small couch that is in the room. Initially, Sue said, she though he was leaning over doing something to their Golder Retriever but then she realized that he was not conscious.

Fortunately, Sue has basic medical knowledge and after verifying that Marc was not choking and had a clear airway she began to perform CPR while their son, Jason, called paramedics. The ambulance arrived in less than 10 minutes and technicians immediately took over performing CPR and administered treatment with a cardiac defibrillator. Marc was rushed into emergency open heart surgery where an angioplasty was performed to restore circulation in the blocked artery.

Sue went on to tell me that in spite of Marc’s apparent good health, he has severe occlusion in both his other arteries and they too will require treatment soon. The primary concern and the question that cannot be answered until Marc regains consciousness is the nature or extent of any neurological damage as a result of insufficient oxygen reaching Marc’s brain."

Digital Inspiration posted a farewell tribute to Marc Orchant:

In medical school, I made up a mnemonic for some of the risk factors for CAD -- OBESE:

Blood pressure (hypertension)
Elevated LDL, low HDL
Elevated glucose (diabetes)

At least from the extensive blog coverage, it does not look like Mark Orchant had many of the risk factors listed above.

AltaVista Founder Dies of a Heart Attack at 42, CasesBlog, 2006.
Honoring the Memory of Marc Orchant. Micro Persuasion.
In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop. NYTimes, 04/2008.
Dangers of unrecognized heart disease: Husband dies while giving wife CPR (both found dead, age 60, 59)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm late to my party!

Aiken Area Progressive named me person of the Month...for November. I just found this honor, so a very belated thank you to this wonderful blog! I received this honor for my work on the Planned Parenthood Aurora site. It was a lot of work, but getting emails here and there telling me thank you made it worth it. Now back to a webinar I'm on.

Technorati tags: Person of the Month

Monday, December 10, 2007

CNN asks "Can Led Zeppelin still rock?" Did you have any doubts?

The surviving 3 members of legendary rock group Led Zeppelin reunited for a one-time gig on December 10.

To ask if the founders of the hard rock can still rock, as CNN just did yesterday, shows a lack of understanding of what the music is all about. If you had any doubts, check the BBC coverage of the concert: Zeppelin wow their fans at gig (video).

WSJ video: Song remains the same

"As soon as the tickets went on sale -- for £125 ($253.50) -- fans rushed to get their hands on one. In total 11 million people signed up for the chance to see the reunion gig but only 18,000 were the lucky ones."

"The concert web site exceeded its bandwidth allowance and crashed almost immediately following the announcement, with the promoter predicting that the gig would cause the "largest demand for one show in history", due to the ticket request site receiving one billion page impressions."

For the record, I like Deep Purple better but Led Zeppelin are truly the epitome of a rock band. Here is the link to an interview with Roger Glover, the bassist of Purple.

If you think that this post is off-topic, think again. One of the best orthopedic surgeons at Cleveland Clinic, Viktor Krebs, seems to be the fan of rock music too:

Can Led Zeppelin still rock? CNN.
Legendary Led Zeppelin feels a whole lotta love. USA Today.
Music Review: Led Zeppelin Finds Its Old Power. NYTimes.
Music in the OR? For Cleveland Clinic Surgeons, It's Not Just Mozart.
Zep lover 'will rule Russia.' The Sun, 12/2007.
A day in the life of a touring musician - Roger Glover from Deep Purple

Red Wine in a Pill?

Resveratrol ("res-vera-trol") is a compound found in red grape skins and seeds. I have written before about several studies on cardiovascular effects of red wine and made up the "R" mnemonic:

Red wine
Reduces stroke area in mice by 40%

The WSJ Health Blog interviews the CEO of a company which is planning to test a pill form of resveratrol in diabetes patients. It has developed new compounds which reportedly mimic the effects of resveratrol and had a beneficial effect on blood glucose and insulin levels. See the video below:

Health Blog Interview: CEO, Red Wine in a Pill, Inc. WSJ Health Blog, 11/2007.
Red Wine Can Prevent Stroke (in Mice). CasesBlog. 10/2006.
A glass of wine daily may prolong life. How you can you predict which patient will have a bottle daily though? CasesBlog, 03/2007.
Doubt on Anti-Aging Molecule as Resveratrol Trial Is Halted
Image source: Wikipedia.

Mini blogging break

I haven't gone anywhere, but lots of stuff has been happening this weekend and culminating to a luncheon today. I hope to be back tonight with something more intelligent and to finally catch up on the Go Run posts.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Doctor has a Problem with the "Queen of All Googlers"

Dr. Scott Haig, a NYC orthopedic surgeon, wrote about his encounter with a lady he describes as the "queen of all Googlers" and a "brainsucker." Not surprisingly, his TIME article has faced some backlash from health-related online communities and blogs.

What Dr. Haig describes though goes beyond simply using search engines for medical information and one should know that if the article is read in full. On a side note, I do not think that anybody should be calling names to anybody. Most doctors usually remember that no matter how tired or angry they feel, the things are almost always worse on the colder side of the stethoscope where the patient is.

Generally, I encourage patients to research their condition. Here, at Cleveland Clinic, we have patient information handouts authored by us and integrated within the electronic medical record software (Epic). Many people read the handouts in detail and ask excellent informed questions.

By the way, Google discourages the use of its name as a verb, for example, "Googling." The correct description of the activity should be "searching on Google."

When the Patient Is a Googler. Scott Haig, TIME.
A Doctor’s Disdain for Medical “Googlers.” NYTimes health blog.

Google Finds Correct Diagnosis in 58 % of Cases Published in NEJM
Who's your patients' best friend? Google!
Google, M.D. In Action - Part II
The Patient Who Knew Too Much. California Medicine Man.
Information is stupid. I think. Jay Parkinson.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

49th Carnival of Feminists is out!

And guess who's in it?

So thanks to Days in a wannabe punk's life for the inclusion. My Dora rant post was featured.

Welcome to those of you reading me who are coming in from the carnival! Hope you come back and feel free to comment.

Other posts that are featured that I want to point out:
  • This post at Feminist Allies was made by Jeff to honor the spirit of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, but since it was about violence in comic strips (oh how funny har har, not) I thought it was appropriate for this category.
  • Anindita Sengupta at Ultra Violet has a scathing post up on the silence, or worse; the squirm worthy coverage of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign, by the Indian media.
  • Natasha at Homo Academicus expands on her reasoning behind calling herself a feminist and not a ‘humanist’ or an ‘equalist’ and works through the pros and cons behind the feminist label.
  • Vidya from The Mountaintop asks if the presence of a divine feminine, irrespective of her representation as being egalitarian or otherwise in goddess worshiping cultures, contribute to an uplifting effect on the status of women; and proceeds to examine the connections between the two.
  • While Science Woman is thrilled that these young women took the top prizes at this year’s Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology, she is understandably tired of the gendered headlines blaring about their win, and hopes that a day will come when gendering of a headline becomes a thing of the past and science headlines are treated as just that- neutral gender-free science headlines. And for the record, I am inclined to agree with her.
  • Zuska explores the idea of parthenogenesis using Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s vision of a utopian all female society in Herland as a point of reference of sorts.
Yeah...I almost reposted the entire list, but I tried to pick the ones that really, really, really piqued my interest. Now to go and read them all. You should too!!

Technorati tags: Carnival of Feminists, feminist

Breast feeding is a fundamental right for both mother and child

Today at the Chicago Moms Blog & our sister sites, we are tackling the issue of breastfeeding. This is my contribution.

I don't want to get into the politics of breastfeeding in public (I support it, I've done it) or whether you are a bad mom if you use formula (done that too). I do want to get into what I think is at the base of many of the arguments and that is not whether mothers should breastfeed, but the idea that breastfeeding is a fundamental right. If we saw it that way, we wouldn't have to fight to keep formula out of our goody bags at the hospital, stand tall after 20 hours of labor when the nurse insists on giving the baby a "little something", or to discreetly nurse while on an airplane.

Because if we were really a world of people who cared about children & cute lil babies, we wouldn't deny an infant their sole source of nourishment.

Sayda Umanzor's child was denied:

On Oct. 26, Sayda Umanzor, who sometimes spells her first name Saida, was arrested at home on Maple Street in Conneaut when immigration agents, working in conjunction with Ashtabula County sheriff's deputies, came with a warrant for her brother-in law, who also lived in the house.

Umanzor, 27, admitted to being in the country illegally, she said in an earlier interview.

The federal agents determined that Umanzor had been ordered deported in July 2006, after missing an immigration court hearing. They arrested her as a federal fugitive.

Soon after, caseworkers for the Ashtabula County Children Services Board arrived to take custody of Umanzor's two children at home, as well as the three children of her sister, an illegal immigrant, who was at work.

A crying Umanzor handed over her 9-month-old baby Brittany.

At Bedford Heights Jail, Umanzor complained that her breasts became painfully engorged with milk. Brittany, suddenly without mother's milk, cried incessantly and refused baby formula for days, Dahlberg said.

Janipher Maseko's infant was denied [h/t]:
I was transferred to Yarl's Wood immigration removal centre in Bedfordshire. I arrived at midnight. I told them I had just had a baby and had been separated from my kids, but they just gave me a paracetamol. I was distraught. My children weren't with me. I was crying all the time. I couldn't eat. They put me on antidepressants.

During the two weeks I was there, no one organised for me to see my kids or told me how they were. Whenever I asked one of the officers, "Please, I have to see my kids. I am breastfeeding. I am in pain," all they said was, "Have a paracetamol." I was told to take drugs to dry my milk. But I wanted Colin back, I wanted to breastfeed because I knew it was best for him.
Unless a woman has physically harmed someone, there is no reason to keep her from her nursing child. I repeat NONE. We jail pregnant women all the time. Some times she might even get proper medical treatment. But our jail & prison system is set up to deal with the medical realities of the incarcerated (most of the time, ok some of the time). Bottom line, I'm sure that here in the USA or in the UK someone could have reunited the mothers with their infants in a secure hospital room or something while they await trial/deportation AND allow the mothers to nurse their children. And until we get to that point, we're going to keep fighting all the smaller battles over and over and over.

Technorati tags: breastfeeding, nursing, Chicago Moms Blog

Clinical Correlations, NYU Internal Medicine Blog, Celebrates One-year Anniversary

Clinical Correlations, an NYU Department of Medicine educational web site, hosted by the Internal Medicine Residency Program, celebrates its one-year anniversary:

"It’s been quite a year in the life of Clinical Correlations. One year ago today we officially announced the creation of Clinical Correlations, the NYU internal medicine blog, to the NYU medical community. Starting from scratch without much of a game plan we developed a website (a word I greatly prefer to blog) that we hoped would simultaneously inspire students, house staff and faculty. I am so proud to say that I think we have accomplished this goal. In this year, I have learned that perseverance clearly pays off and now Clinical Correlations has become part of the very fabric of NYU."

"In the last year we have had 216 posts on various medical topics. Our writers have included medical students, residents, chief residents, former chief residents and faculty from NYU. Our editorship staff has expanded to 11 senior editors and 11 copy editors. Our overall readership has steadily slowly grown through the year without any a single advertisement or strategically placed comment on other blog sites or forums. We have readers in over 110 countries. Our hits are now averaging ~250/day."

I wrote a short piece on Residency Program Blogs in 2006:

The Early Days

I think the first residency program blog was launched by a faculty member at the University of Cincinnati in March 2003. It looks like Dr. Carl Gandola is still the sole contributor to the website.

For the Residents, By the Residents

My former residency program at Case Western Reserve University (St Vincent/St Luke) followed in 2004, and as far as I know, that was the first blog created for the residents by the residents (correct me if I am wrong). Actually, the web site was not a blog in the exact sense of the word but it just used the newly redesigned (at that time) to make a regular web site supported by the residents who contributed clinical cases, EKGs, CXRs and medical procedures info. This web site grew quite popular within the residency program and spun off several projects, including the blog you are currently reading...

Celebrating our one year anniversary!! Clinical Correlations.
Residency Program Blogs. CasesBlog, 03/2006.
Image source: Clinical Correlations.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Web 2.0 Music Video: Here Comes Another Bubble

Web 2.0: Here Comes Another Bubble, version 1.1. Song by Matt Hempey based on Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire. Link via Google Blogoscoped.

Will something similar happen to the medical Web 2.0? Will doctors, nurses and patients tire of writing and reading blogs? Will physicians forget the last time they logged in Sermo and the other social networks? Will medical students delete the NEJM and JAMA podcasts and listen to music only? Only time will tell.

Update 12/19/2007:
The version 1.0 of the video was deleted due to a copyright violation. Read more inCopyright Claim Erases Parody Video From YouTube.

Web 2.0 Company Logos
Social Media Starfish and 6 Axes of Medical Education in Web 2.0

Updated: 01/01/2008

We are the enemy

A not so secret bit of trivia about me. While I had a few best girl friends growing up, I never felt comfortable with them. I grew up one of those tomboys who so disliked girly girls that I went out of my way to avoid them, scoffed at their likes, and preferred to hang out with the guys. NG was too pretty for me to feel comfortable with. It wasn't anything she did, I just felt like the ugly friend. KC & I competed too much to be girl friends the way it should had been. We went out or went after the same boys. We both played softball. We were both in honors classes - though she starting opting out. I'll never forget her blabbing about my latest my sister, while I felt that defended her when the L-word was tossed around. In college I made a few girl friends, but due to the commuting nature of our school, I bonded only with a few and I lost track of both of them. It wasn't until I was well out of college that I was able to trust women to be friends and not feel that I was unworthy of them.

Last week I blogged about how a recent study showed that going to an all-girls high school buffers young women from the pressures of competing with men as well as the harassment that boys bring to the classroom. Yet that buffer is lost by the time a woman graduates college.

Over the weekend I went to the White House Project's Go Run training. My roommate is currently attending an all-women's college. We chatted a bit about the school. I remembered getting their information and tossing aside once I realized it was an all-women's school. She said she almost did the same thing, but reconsidered after visiting. Then she said something PROFOUND. That attending an all-women's college is allowing her to figure out women and how to deal with them. More precisely she made a comment about dealing with 'those kind of women.' Oh, yes! Those women!

I knew exactly what she was talking about before she even tried to explain. Why? Because of the great 'failures' in my life, one can be attributed to me underestimating the unfeminist way that some women thought & acted. Of course, this was after some nice years in supportive women's communities. I bought into the sisterhood mantra only to be cut down by a "Backlash"-wielding woman. And I suddenly realized that I think that I threw out the idea of an all-woman's college in high school because I didn't want to be trapped for four years with only women to socialize with. One reason I didn't attend a certain rural campus was that I felt like everyone in my high school was on their way there. Nope, I picked a school that was not only not high on the list of my classmates, but one that didn't look like my high school.

Kelly Valen's brave account in the NYTimes of her being whipped by sisterhood was so hard for me to read it took 2-3 attempts. While I was never raped, I never experienced that "Sex in the City" sisterhood that allows for women to talk openly about sex, love, and men. As Valen found out, I knew quite early on that if I ever 'confided' in my girl friends, it would only be all over the lunch room by Monday. Her description of the "Laura Ashley prairie dresses" matched my classmates who loved to throw "slut" around at any girl in our class who even appeared to have had more experience than a peck on the cheek.

Has my experiences made me less trusting of my fellow XX'ers? Yes. Has it stopped me from trying to make more friends with women? No. Have I forgiven my classmates? Sadly no. Their slut-labeling haunts me to this day. Of course, after college I learned that my hunches were correct...they were having sex in ways that would make a slut blush!

Valen asks us how we are supposed to have survived this and teach our daughters to be strong women:
I want to remain optimistic. After all, here I am with three daughters. What am I to teach them? Cautionary tales about men’s harmful proclivities abound. But how do we help our girls navigate the duplicitous female maze? How do we ensure that they behave authentically, respect humanity over fleeting alliances, and squash the nasty tribal instincts that can inflict lifelong distress?
This is hard and easy one for me. First of all, I'm lucky to have such a fabulous network of women friends now. I plan on modeling good behavior for my daughter on woman-to-woman relationships. Oh, I know I'll trip up and get all catty in front of her, but over all I think she'll look at her mommy and her friends and think, yeah...that's how it should be. Even at four, she's already encountering peer pressure to wear the right clothes or wear her hair a certain way. We try to tell her that she needs to wear what she feels is good for her, so yes, we're letting her pick out her own clothes. Some might think she doesn't match, I like to think she's just very punk rock. She gets compliments on her outfits for punkish women at Kopi.

I also want to be honest with her and hopefully my bad experiences will help her sort out the stumbles she will encounter. I'll also try to teach her how to trust the way I couldn't. One of my few regrets of high school was not trusting NG enough with my heart. There is still a part of me who believes she is a good person and I wish I had allowed her in more.

How to Create a Blog Carnival: A Step by Step Guide

Berci Mesko of has a comprehensive how-to guide on creating your own blog carnival. A blog carnival is a blog event similar to a magazine dedicated to a particular topic. Each edition of a blog carnival is in the form of a blog article that contains links to other blog articles on the particular topic (source: Wikipedia).

The most famous medical blog carnival is the venerable Grand Rounds - a weekly summary of the best posts in the medical blogosphere. Pre-Rounds is an article series about the hosts of Grand Rounds on Nick Genes of Blogborygmi, who writes the Medscape column, is the founder of Grand Rounds and he maintains the 4-year-old archive. I have hosted Grand Rounds twice which is nothing compared to 4-time hosts like GruntDoc and Kevin, M.D.

Berci knows a thing or two about launching blog carnivals for sure -- he started 2 of them:

Medicine 2.0
Gene Genie

He points to the following steps to help you create your own blog carnival:

Find out a proper name
Register it at
Create a blog for your carnival
Write a mission statement and a guideline:
Create a logo

This Google video shows it takes about 2 minutes to start a blog on Creating a web site has never been easier.

How to create a blog carnival: Step by Step.
Popular Case-Based Resource Models Online Medical Training. 2006;8(2), 2006 Medscape.
Clinical Cases Make Blog a Popular Resource. 2006;8(1), 2006 Medscape.
Image source:, public domain.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Clinical Case: Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria

A 27-year-old male is referred to the allergy clinic for symptoms of hives for 2 months. Possible triggers have not been identified.

Figure 1. Urticaria appearing on right arm. Image source: Wikipedia, public domain.

What is the next step?

Figure 2. Mind map diagram of chronic urticaria.

Read more in Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria on

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Geography Quiz: Is Europe a Country? Hungary as in "Hungry"?

From Gadling travel blog: The American Idol finalist Kellie Pickler "appeared on US television game show "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader" and was asked what country Budapest was the capital of. She had never even heard of Hungary, and she thought Europe was a country."

Here is one of the responses to the video on YouTube: "I'm from Budapest, Hungary, yet I don't feel offended by the lady's ignorance. Why on earth should she have known? What I think she should have known, however, is the fact that Europe is a continent rather than a country. A continent that has had separate countries for at least 2,000 years, including 1,100-year-old Hungary. A country where people are not normally hungry."

Ms. Pickler donated the money she won from the competition to charity.

By the way, I was lucky to visit Hungary in the 1980s and I agree with the general opinion that Budapest is of one the most beautiful capital cities in the world. It is actually 2 cities -- Buda and Pest divided by the Danube river.

May be Berci Mesko of ScienceRoll, who is Hungarian, will have something more to add. (whatever the name means) offers an easy way to create a map of the states and countries you have visited -- see an example here.

Link on Google Video.

Amazon Kindle One Week Later: iPhone or Zune of Electronic Books?

Kindle eBook reader by Amazon was met with great accolades initially. It sold out in 2 days. After all, you can store 200 (medical?) books on one thin 10.3 oz (292 g) tablet. The euphoria lasted until the users actually got the device in their hands. Kindle, it turns out, is a great concept with poor implementation. It makes it easy to buy books and difficult to -- eh -- read them... Reading books, from technical point at least, is supposed to be easy. Amazon had designed some huge buttons on the sides of the device which users press inadvertently when holding the Kindle and then pages flip back uncontrollably. A reading device which makes reading difficult is unlikely to succeed. I am sure Amazon will have a better luck with the second generation of Kindle but in the meantime Apple may take over the market with their much-rumored "multi-touch" tablet. In summary, Amazon Kindle is an interesting device but I would hold on buying one until its second generation, at least.

See a few funny videos showing pre-Kindle, launch and post-Kindle opinions:

Medieval Helpdesk Solves Problems With a New Technology: The Book

WSJ's Walt Mossberg review: Will the Kindle catch fire?

Robert Scoble: Whoever designed this should be fired and the team should start over

The iPod of E-Book Reader?

Kindle e-book reader by Amazon: you can have 200 (medical) books on one device. CasesBlog.
Medieval Helpdesk Solves Problems With New Technology. CasesBlog.

Hack Your Kindle: 100+ Tips, Resources, and Tutorials to Get More Out of the Amazon Kindle., 06/2008.
The Kindle for Medical Education. Life as a Healthcare CIO, 10/2008.
Turning Page, E-Books Start to Take Hold. NYTimes, 12/2008.

Updated: 12/25/2008