Saturday, August 30, 2008

Using Evernote as Electronic Medical Records Software

From EfficientMD:

Let me be clear: I'm not suggesting that Evernote is a substitute for any of the excellent commercial EHRs currently available. The following is presented as a proof of concept only for how a simple, inexpensive, customizable EHR built on Evernote might work.

Evernote has confirmed by email that, "At this time we do not plan to pursue HIPAA certification for our (consumer) Evernote service."

Of course, if you're concerned about transmitting information to the Evernote servers, you can always instruct Evernote to keep all data on your local computer. This bypasses the HIPAA issue and you'd still be able to use Evernote, but this means that you won't be able to access patient data from the web unless you use a program like

How Doctors Can Use Evernote As A Professional Memory Accessible Anywhere, Part 2: Using Evernote as an Electronic Health Record (EHR). EfficientMD, 08/2008.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Book Review: Mama PhD

I live in this weird place. I consider myself an academic, it's in my title at work, yet I don't hold a PhD. I am seriously considering returning to my master's program to "finish" up with a PhD. Yet, I am fairly certain that I don't want to be a faculty member and churn out papers and books. And obviously if I did return to grad school I would be doing it as a mom instead of just being pregnant as I was my final semester. WOW! That thought just gave me the willies.

Add to those facts is that my day job is to essentially convince women students to sign up for an academic life. The #1 question in my 15 years of being in academia, including my 4 as an undergrad, is "When do we have babies?" *sigh* Mama PhD: Women Write about Motherhood and Academic Life, does not have one answer to that question. It has many answers.

The foreword by Miriam Peskowitz says it best:
The essays in this book extend that realization (that the work and family problem is bigger than any one of us, more than any one woman or man can solve) , documenting what happens when smart women consider motherhood in the context of institutions that have barely gotten used to the presence of women, let alone mothers who might prefer ordinary human lives where they are home for dinner, and have some time with the kids before they go to sleep. (pages xiii-xiv)

The work-life balance isn't easy anywhere, but when you think about colleges & universities it makes sense that they would be the best place for work-life balance. Technically professors only need to be on campus to teach, office hours, and committee work. If you're a lab scientist, add lab time in. But unlike corporate America, there isn't a goal to get out 1,000 widgets an hour. No, the goal is to forward your area of expertise (cure cancer, theorize on Jane Eyre, design bridges) and to teach students in the hopes that they will one day work beside you. Universities and colleges that also train early childhood teachers are perfect for having infant and child care. Don't most of those students have to spend time in a child care setting for their degree? But no. It's not that simple. And I think that the illogic that women run into is what is the most frustrating.

The best example of that illogic is in Jessica Smart Gullion's essay, "Scholar, Negated." In it she recounts how when she was a graduate student her spring teaching assignment was taken from her because she was pregnant and due in the middle of the semester. She worked at 1] a women's college and 2] in a sociology department chock full of feminst theorists. Her department head had done "pioneering work with women employed in inhumane working conditions in the maquiladoras along the Texas-Mexico border."

That said, most of the essays are hopeful. Mama PhDs who thought that the flexible schedule of an academic would make motherhood easier than for someone with a 9-5 job but soon realized that the pressure to write a book and change diapers was far different. Mama PhDs who worried endlessly that the time they spent away from their children and the travel required made them bad mamas only to have their children tell them otherwise.

Mama PhD is heart wrenching and heartwarming at the same time. It shows how far we have to go as a society to truly value families and the contributions of working moms. I think this book could be replicated for almost any industry as well as with subfields of academia.

This is book review is a part of the MotherTalk book blog tour.

You can get your own copy of Mama PhD thru an independent book store, Powell's or Amazon. Either way, grab a copy, especially if you are a Mama PhD struggling with your own guilt. used to teach ICU topics to residents

One of the latest applications of our free case-based curriculum of clinical medicine,, was in the teaching of the residents at Moses Cone Family Medicine Residency.

The faculty used the following cases for review of Acute Respiratory Failure:

Clinical Cases and Images: Atelectasis due to Hypoventilation and Mucus Plug

Clinical Cases and Images: Weaning & Extubation Criteria in a Patient with Septic Shock and Respiratory Failure

Respiratory Depression in COPD Patient

COPD vs. CHF Exacerbation

Respiratory Arrest

Moses Cone Family Medicine Residency: ICU Goals, Objectives & Resources.

Where is Moses Cone Family Medicine Residency Program?
The Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital is in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What to Buy Wednesday – Books

I know I said I would be positive in this series, so I am going to say that I am POSITIVE that buying your youngling edu-tainment toys will not guarantee them a ticket to Harvard. Instead I urge you to focus on buying your future student books. Plain old books. Buy them a few of your favorites and some new ones for that bookcase you are setting up in the nursery. Start reading now and never stop reading to your kids.

Parenting has a wonderful article on giftedness (h/t Kim) that not just says that gifted kids are rare, but that we can't make them with drills, toys, and extra work:

"Gifted" has become one of the most tossed-about words in the parenting lexicon. Unfortunately -- sorry, but let's get this out of the way right up front -- it's also one of the most misused. The vast majority of children are not gifted. Only 2 to 5 percent of kids fit the bill, by various estimates. Of those, only one in 100 is considered highly gifted. Prodigies (those wunderkinds who read at 2 and go to college at 10) are rarer still -- like one to two in a million. And despite the boom in infant-stimulation techniques, educational DVDs, learning toys, and enrichment classes, those numbers haven't been increasing. You can't build giftedness; it's mostly built in.

My daughter starts kindergarten next week and yes, she's in a gifted program. But we didn't drill her, send her to classes, or pile her with edu-tainment toys. I'm not saying that because I'm proud of it, honestly I'm deathly afraid that my trust in expert advice is actually wrong and all the kids in her class will come reading Shakepeare due to all the things we didn't do. I know they won't be, but that's what the edu-tainment & Co's are working off of...fear.

Instead, I ask you to have faith in your kid and yourself as parents. I know, many of us don't have our parents close by or if we do, they might not understand this new world we are raising our kids in. We all want more for our kids, but sometimes less is more.

Technorati tags: What to Buy Wednesday, motherhood, parenthood, gift

Hillary will always be my home girl

I don't shy away from the fact that Hillary Rodham Clinton & I have our differences. I'd be a fool to suggest otherwise. Yet there is something more than just our hometown that binds me to her. I can't put a label on it, but it's there and for me to ignore it would be dumb.

As I watched Hillary last night give the speech of her lifetime, I was star struck. Here we were, the world watching this woman who has fought her whole lifetime to be the President of the United States. We were also watching a woman who did spend the last 35 years working on behalf of women and children here in this country and abroad. Yes, she made concessions that I don't agree with. But she was out there. Not on the streets as some of us are more comfortable, but in the board rooms, in the halls of Congress, and in the White House.

I find myself in conversations with other women who fawn over the fact that I am so "active" and outspoken. They belittle themselves by saying that they are "just" this or that. "But you, you're out there!" I am where I can be. I am where I can squeeze myself into, where I can stick my foot in the door, and where I am welcomed. I'm not wearing 2 inch heels walking up and down the marble floors of the US Congress trying desperately to find one more co-sponsor for a ground-breaking and much required bill. I am not the President of a college who can demand that his administration find a way to make it easier for his workers and students who juggle child care to feel more at ease. I am not the woman who answers her phone at 3 am to meet a young woman who was just raped in the county ER to hold her hand. I am "just" doing what I can.

The media and pundits want to put the weight of this election on Hillary's shoulders. If Obama loses, it will be her fault. It'll be because she couldn't reign in the PUMAS or sway the Latina vote. It'll be because she said things in the primary that now make McCain look good. She can't control Bill & their cronies.

Yet, last night I heard a speech that was unequivocal. "No Way, No How, No McCain." "Did you vote for me, or that woman with cancer?" No, she didn't fall over herself to fawn over Obama, but she made it crystal clear that our country cannot stand another 4 years of Republican rule. She has worked too hard in the last 35 years, as we all have, to see women's rights slide any further. Yes, she might have gotten a raw deal in the primary and made many of her own errors, but when it comes to voting on November 4th, she wants us to fall in line.

If anyone who voted for her, gave her money, or knocked on a door for her can't do the same for Obama this fall, then good riddance. If anyone wants to dare call themselves a feminist and cast a ballot for a man who voted against the Violence Against Women Act and not vote for the man who helped write the damn thing, then turn in your card. I've never asked for someone's feminist card, I've even ranted before about others who questioned others feminist credentials, but I agree with Hillary:

I haven't spent the past 35 years in the trenches advocating for children, campaigning for universal health care, helping parents balance work and family, and fighting for women's rights at home and around the world . . . to see another Republican in the White House squander the promise of our country and the hopes of our people.

As a student of history, especially women's history I know how fragile our advancements that many of us, young and old, take for granted really are. I know some of the die-hard Clintonistas and have received their emails full of rage and anger. I can see some of them staying home, but I think even as Election Day wears on they will end up going to the poll and voting for Obama.

The media can do all they want to make Hillary out as the bad guy, calculating, and strategic and honestly the last two are why I supported her in the first place. I want a President who is calculating and strategic and anyone who thinks Obama isn't that is kidding themselves.


Clinical Case: How to Diagnose Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID)?

A 65-year-old female has a history of frequent UTIs for the last year. Serum immunoglobulins showed low levels of IgG 515 mg/dL (reference range 700 to 1600), IgM 30 (reference range 40 to 230), IgA 50 (reference range 70 to 400).

What is the reason for the low levels of immunoglobulins?

Five immunoglobulin classes (mind map)

What is the diagnostic work-up for CVID?

What treatment options would you suggest?

Read the rest of the case here: How to Diagnose Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID)? from

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Women's Equality Day!


I just finished live-blogging HRC's speech over at PunditMom's Blogher blog. I am spent!

88 years ago today women finally won the right to vote. Oddly and logically it was sold to the country as a motherly duty. That because we raise tomorrow's workers and voters, we should also have the right to vote. 88 years ago it was thought that women would follow their husband's lead in the voting booth. Oh, how wrong they ended up being!

Most of the married women I know are far more liberal than their spouses and of course, once you're in the voting booth, all bets are off. I also recently met a die-hard progressive feminist who is married to a REPUBLICAN! Dear goodness!! But I still love and admire said woman. ;-)

I get asked every now and then THE question, "If women are the majority in this country, why don't we have more women elected officials?" I don't have an easy answer for that one. But I'm sure it has to do with more women having less time to actually vote on election day. That's why I'm happy to see expansion of absentee and early voting around the country. Of course, I still think that that Election Day should be a federal holiday or at least the first half or last half of the day.

Added to that is the messy balancing act that women do every day. Mother, wife, woman...It's hard.

Speaking of which...time for bed. Night all.

CNN Video: Going to the Dentist in Mexico

A patient without a dental insurance uploaded a video of herself driving across the border to Mexico for dental treatment. The cost of 2 wisdom teeth extractions and 2 fillings: $ 160. made all their videos embeddable just like YouTube. This feature is useful for both bloggers and CNN since it drives traffic back to the site.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Work it, Mom! Monday

Today I mark the start of the Democratic National Convention at Work it, Mom! Come on by and let me know if you still have any lingering questions about the candidates.

I also remind us all that tomorrow marks 88 years since women won the right to vote. That's Alice Paul to our left!

And lastly I list a few blogs where you can keep up with how fellow feministas are taking in the convention.

So head on over!

Erectile Dysfunction Medications Related to Transient Amnesia, FDA Warns

According to WebMD:

All three erectile dysfunction drugs -- Cialis, Levitra, and Viagra -- now list rare reports of transient global amnesia on their labels.

What is transient global amnesia (TGA)?

TGA is a brief episode amnesia lasting less than 24 hours, without causing other problems. TGA has been a well-described phenomenon for more than 40 years.

Diagnostic requirements for TGA include:

- The attack was witnessed and reported as being a definite loss of recent memory (anterograde amnesia).
- There was an absence of clouding of consciousness.
- There were no focal neurological signs or deficits during or after the attack.
- There were no features of epilepsy, and the patient did not have any recent head injury or active epilepsy
- The attack resolved within 24 hours

The underlying cause of TGA is unclear. It may be due to venous congestion of the brain, leading to ischemia of the hippocampus (involved with memory, shown in the image above). The ischemia may be triggered by immersion in cold water, sexual activity, severe emotional stress and vigorous exertion.

The prognosis of TGA is very good but the annual recurrence rate is 4-5%.

There is no proof that the erectile dysfunction drugs actually cause transient global amnesia, which can happen for various reasons, and can be triggered by the sexual encounter itself.

However, FDA required that all erectile dysfunction drugs must list the TGA warning on their labels in the "Post-Marketing" section.

Note: All those ready to make "such a convenient excuse" jokes must be aware that TGA can be a very disturbing experience for the patient.


Cialis, Viagra Labels to Note Amnesia. WebMD.
Hodges JR, Warlow CP Syndromes of transient amnesia: towards a classification; a study of 153 cases. Neurosurg Psychiatry 1990;53:834–43.
Transient global amnesia, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Transient Global Amnesia. eMedicine.
Sex, then amnesia...and it's no soap opera. CNN, 2009.
Image source: Hippocampus, from Wikipedia, public domain.

Related reading:

“Forgettable” Sex: A Case of Transient Global Amnesia Presenting to the Emergency Department
How sex and stress made one man lose his memory. The Daily Mail, 04/2010.
Men who use ED drugs have higher rates of STDs, particularly HIV infection - Ann Intern Med
ED, Depression, Heart Disease: Does the Existence of One Component of This Triad Necessitate Inquiring the Other Two?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

This week in Feminista...

Monday will be my weekly column at Work it, Mom!

Wednesday will be another edition of my popular series, "What to Buy Wednesday," where I talk honestly with pregnant women & new moms (not to mention their friends & loved ones) about what moms really need to buy. No pushing the Baby Einstein here, mamas! Real, simple, and honest.

Tuesday & Thursday there should be radio silence as I have four huge deadlines this week. Two essays and two book reviews. Thankfully the book reviews are almost done, but I need to hunker down this week to finish them up. One is slated for publication and that means CHA-CHING! Any posting those days will most likely be pointing you to other blogs.

Plus Thursday is not only kindergarten orientation, but also our pre-school end of the year party.

Friday should be a down & out tear fest as the daughter leaves pre-school/day care for the "last time" as we head into the Labor Day weekend and then to kindergarten. I put that in quotes as we do have a feeling we might have to beg for a day or two when neither the hubby nor I can take the day off on her many teacher institute days.

Have a great week all!!

PS: I hope to post about the second weekend of Progressive Women's Voices next weekend. Lots to still process, but lots to tell.

What do women want?

Tell everyone yourself! This is great new project from the feministas who bring you WAM! Check out this new site.

This Is What Women Want

Kelly Bundy’s boobs

When news broke a few weeks ago of Christina Applegate's diagnosis of breast cancer it took my breath away. I grew up sneaking glimpses of "Married with Children." Oddly, my parents had no trouble with me watching daytime soaps and "Dallas" but "Married with Children" was forbidden. Anywho, Applegate is just a few years older than me and while I never identified with her character, it was a learning experience watching her go from awkward sex-pot to down-right funny lead in "Samantha Who?" So when I read that she had breast cancer, it blew me out of the water. It wasn't that I didn't know that breast cancer can happen to women at any age, but that is was her.

Last week I read the headline that she was now proudly cancer-free, I smiled…then almost broke into tears when I read the rest of the story. As a young woman with breast cancer in her family (her mom battled when Applegate was a teen), tested positive for the breast cancer gene, AND just had breast cancer, she opted for a double mastectomy. Now don't get me wrong, I do not blame her for her choice. I most likely would make the same choice. She commented about it with her usual irreverence, "I'll have the best boobs in the retirement home." It was another reminder that for the epitome of women's diseases the best choice for prevention and treatment is the amputation of two body parts.

Is this really the best our amazing medical community do for breast cancer? To have women, some healthy, some recovering, remove a body part?

Do we really under value women's breasts so much that the answer is to lob them off as if we are Amazons preparing for battle? Is the benefit from breastfeeding so peripheral that we would urge young women in child-bearing years to prevent breast cancer with mastectomies?

It is a sad statement of how medical science views the human body. Actually it doesn't view it at all. It only sees cancer, cancer cells and how to combat those and not how to cure and heal the entire human body. If they really saw us as human beings, perhaps cancer treatment wouldn't be so invasive, harmful, and draining of our energy & spirit. Perhaps we would be focusing more on preventative measures that didn't require women (do men prevent penile cancer by amputation?) to remove a part of their bodies. Perhaps we would have a way to kill those damn cancer cells without almost killing the human being as well.

I'm sure that Applegate will certainly have the perkiest boobs in the retirement home because she will live a long and hilarious life. I wish her well and every other woman dealing with this bitch of a disease. I also wish us all a more humane response to breast cancer.

Annals of Int Med: The Death of a Clinician-Educator

The Annals of Internal Medicine published an interesting and thought-provoking piece called
The Death of a Clinician-Educator by Dr. Kimberly Manning, a junior faculty at Emory University. I can certainly share some of the feelings expressed by the author.

The full text is paid subscribers only for the next 6 months but you get a nice bonus if you listen to the Annals podcast -- the author reads the whole piece herself (MP3 file, 10 MB).

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cleveland Clinic launches a fully equipped mobile ICU ready to be dispatched worldwide

According to MarketWatch:

"Cleveland Clinic has launched a comprehensive critical care program that provides specialized care by Cleveland Clinic physicians, nurse practitioners and critical care nurses to domestic and international patients through means of mobile intensive care unit, helicopter and fixed-wing jets.

"While in the air, our team has the full complement of Cleveland Clinic expertise at its disposal via direct communication with the Clinic or back to the referring physician," said Marc Harrison, M.D., Director of Medical Operations and Associate Chief of Staff, Cleveland Clinic.

The program will offer uninterrupted service for patients via a diverse fleet of vehicles including ground ambulance, helicopter, and two fixed-winged jets. The jets are configurable for virtually every critical care scenario including mechanical ventilation, balloon pump and ECMO.

The fleet will be stored at Cleveland Clinic with the exception of the two Beechjet 400 medical aircrafts, which will be based at Cleveland's Burke Lakefront Airport."

The jets are equipped to provide ICU care during transcontinental flights, enabling very ill foreign patients to be transferred to the Cleveland Clinic.

Cleveland Clinic Launches Fully Dedicated International Comprehensive Critical Care Program. MarketWatch.
Cleveland Clinic launches mobile ICU. Crain Communications Inc.
Image source: CC logo, jet - public domain.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Book Review: Eco-Friendly Families & Author Conversation

It's back-to-school time and I personally believe this is the real new year. This is the time for resolutions - yes, I'm that much of an academic nrrd. My life revolves around academic years. So what better resolution than to be more green?

Eco-Friendly Families, a new book by Helen Coronato, gives you the outline for your whole family to lead a more green life. Now let me tell you, we are not the picture of a green family. Forgive me Goddess, for we have sinned! We live in Chicago which has a horrible recycling program and we're too lazy to haul our recyclables to a community center. We have a 5yo girl who could draw and write 24/7 if we let her, so we go thru more than our fair share of paper. I also indulge in frozen dinners for lunch at work.
Did I feel overwhelmed by this book? Yes. Did Coronato address that? YES! Basically she reminds you to go slow. Pick things that you can do or can get your family to do.

My favorite part of the book is near the beginning in chapter 3. She gives us month to month goals and only 4 of them called "The Eco-Friendly Four." The first tip for August is this:
Once school starts, so do computer projects. this year, put a dual-can practice into place wherever you have a printer. Mark one can "garbage" and one can "paper only." If your waste baskets don't have lids, reuse a piece of cardboard from an old box and attach a homemade lid that has to be lifted. this way, no one is absentmindedly dropping paper into the garbage can or vice versa. Before computer paper ever his the recycling container, make sure you have used both sides. Set up a paper tray for collecting sheets that can be used again. When it's time to purchase a new ream, look for recycled paper products.

The book has a lot of achievable goals. Don't work the book front to back as if you have to do this before that. Jump to areas you think you can really accomplish. For us it might be about cleaning solutions and paper use. We do have a new paper collection box just a few blocks from us. I also want to start remembering to bringing old shopping bags to the mall. I keep most of the bags I get from Ann Taylor Loft...they are great reusable bags. My problem is remembering to reuse them at their store!


I was able to talk with author, Helen Coronato, over the phone this week about her book for a few minutes.

Why did you write this book? I wrote the book that I was looking for and I couldn't find. I am a mom with two young children (ages 3 and 1). I wanted a book that was user friendly, optimistic, and hands-on. I wrote it to be an activity book for the entire family NOT as something that would be one more thing for mom to do. I didn't grow up with being green in mind. I had to change some old habits and I wanted to raise my kids knowing how to be green, so that it was second nature for them. Hopefully if we do that with our kids, they will take being green to the next level.

How do we go from feeling hopeless about the situation to hopeful without being overwhelmed by all that we need to do? In chapter three I break it down with a year-round calendar. Each month I give you four ideas - If you do just one new idea a month, you'll be doing a lot for the environment and our world. There's a lot to do, but most of us need to start with small steps. Little ideas do make a difference. And be realistic. You aren't going to go 100% green overnight. I wrote the book and my family doesn't do everything in it! I don't expect others to do it all. We also have to stop comparing ourselves to others...We have to be as green as we can be.

What was the hardest habit for your family to get into? The easiest? There are two things that are a struggle for us. The first is my husband has a hard time recycling paper. I have to police the paper use in our house. The second is that I am overly optimistic about how much healthy cooking I will do each week. I over buy produce. Thankfully my husband is great at making veggie soup on Sundays and using up the produce. The boys get into it and it's a fun thing for them to do together. My husband & I help each other with our challenges.

The easiest? Bringing our bags to the store. We put our oldest son in charge of the bags. We also store them in the car in front of his car seat, so each time we stop somewhere he asks us, "Mommy, do we need a bag?" When we walk from the car to the store, he holds one handle, I hold the other and so we know when we forget the bags. Do you bring bags to all stores or just the grocery store? Oh, everywhere!

Thanks Helen! Thank you, Veronica.

Purchase this book at an indie bookstore, Powell's, or Amazon!

Disclaimer: The only payment I received for this review was the review copy of the book. 

Stay Alive, Don't Text and Drive


"According to a survey by AAA and Seventeen magazine, 61 percent of 16- and 17-year-olds admit to risky driving habits and of those, 46 percent say they text while driving. Fifty-one percent of those teens say they drive while talking on their cell phones.

Studies have shown that a person using a cell phone while driving, hands-free or not, is four times more likely to crash and, as a result, land in the hospital, and that using a cell phone while driving is as risky as driving drunk."

Phone condom ($1.99) is a plastic bag that zips up and holds the phone so that you don't text and drive - NYT
Image source:, public domain.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Play ball, Dottie!

A sure fire way to make me cry is to have me watch "A League of Their Own." That scene at the end where the women are in the Hall of Fame and then they start singing? OMG...instant water works!

It's been over 60 years since the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League closed shop, but the memories live on, especially due to the movie. Earlier this month we lost another veteran of the league, Dottie Collins.

Pitching for six seasons in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, created in 1943 to provide home front entertainment while many major leaguers were off to war, Collins dazzled opposing batters.

She pitched underhand, sidearm and overhand; she threw curveballs, fastballs and changeups; and in the summer of 1948, she pitched until she was four months pregnant. She won more than 20 games in each of her first four seasons. She threw 17 shutouts and had a league-leading 293 strikeouts in 1945 for the Fort Wayne Daisies, when the women’s game resembled fast-pitch softball.

Did you read that? She pitched until she was FOUR MONTHS PREGNANT! Considering some of the beer bellies on some pitchers (ahem, Babe) I'm not that shocked. But still, woo-grrl! Dottie was the reason why most of us, including myself, even know about the league. She organized the association which lead to the display at the HoF and then the movie.

Thank you Dottie. Thanks for playing, for showing the world that us grrls have game (any coincidence that the daughter generation of AAGPBL won Title IX?), and for helping to preserve your history.

And if there's some sugar mama reading this, I would LOVE to attend this year's reunion...a cruise to the Bahamas! Can you imagine a cruise with all these "lil old ladies" who back in the day dove, slid, and ran in skirts, yet didn't allow them to impede their play? Hell ya, I want first on the shuffleboard.

Clinical Image: What is Bochdalek's Hernia?

In 1848, Bochdalek described the congenital defect in fusion of the posterolateral foramina of the diaphragm.

Bochdalek's hernia on the left

Bochdalek's hernia on the left

Most Bochdalek's hernias occur on the left side, allowing protrusion of the abdominal viscera into the chest. Previously unrecognized Bochdalek's hernia in adults is often diagnosed incidentally.

Read more here in Bochdalek's Hernia from Clinical Cases and Images.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1100 Torches...Carry on her torch

The 1100 Torches Campaign is a non-profit organization aimed to promote advocacy, while fostering volunteerism and civic servitude. It is our mission to link advocates to causes, providing a robust network for inspiration, support and strength in numbers. In addition, we offer opportunities to share updates, seek volunteers and forge a strong social civic network.

Yes, another blog post on Jana Mackey, the young feminist activist we lost over this summer. Check them out.

The Last Unicorn

Just because I was in the mood. Enjoy!

What to Buy Wednesday – Baby clothes

Well d'uh....of course you buy baby clothes!

What I want to stress is to focus buying baby clothes that aren't size 0-3 months. And even skimp on the 3-6 months ones too. Why? Because people like to buy itty bitty tiny baby clothes, socks, and shoes. People also love to gift you baby blankets, so don't go over board like we did.

It's also hard to believe when you're pregnant, but those first few months go by so fast and they grow so fast, well, before you know it, they are in the next size. Of course it's a rare bird (hint, hint friends & family of pregnant woman!) who buys an outfit for the lil one that is larger than six months.

So...if your budget is tight, focus on the larger sized items. Heck, you can always run out and grab a new pack of onesies.

Technorati tags: What to Buy Wednesday, motherhood, parenthood, gift

11 Things of Note in Medical Web from Summer 2008 -- My Opinion

The Social Media Starfish created by Darren Barefoot (a Creative Commons license) illustrates some of what I call "6 Axes of Medical Education in Web 2.0 Style":
  1. Web feeds (RSS)
  2. Podcasts
  3. Blogs
  4. Wikis
  5. Custom search engines
  6. Second Life virtual world
Dean Giustini of UBC Academic Search - Google Scholar Blog posted his selection of
11+ Things of Note in Medical Web - Summer 2008. Here is my opinion on some of the services on the list. Please check the original post for all website links.

1. Surfing the mobile web - (i.e. Apple iPhone for physicians).

Although I do not have an iPhone, I use the mobile web for medical information daily through the combination of Opera mobile browser, Windows Mobile-based phone (Moto Q9c) and unlimited mobile Internet (Sprint SERO).

2. Micromedia (or microbloggging) - (Twitter,

I started microblogging on Twitter just 2 months ago but already find it useful and entertaining which are the 2 most important components of any educational activity. It helps you follow the thought leaders in a particular field and communicate with like-minded people.

3. Micromedia Aggregation/search - FriendFeed (and microcarnival for doctors), Monitter, Twittersearch, Twellow.

I integrated all my publication channels into into one "super-feed" in FriendFeed -- it includes blogs, Picasa photos, Twitter and Google Shared Stuff. Although I input quite a lot of information in FriendFeed, I rarely use the "output" -- there is just too much information "noise" there.

4. Social Networking - DoctorsHangout, Facebook, Genepartner, Healtheva, Intermedi, LinkedIn, Sermo, SocialMD, Within3.

Although I have accounts for Facebook and Sermo, I do not use them regularly. Facebook is a nice way to stay in touch with colleagues and friends, but they can just follow my blogs instead.

5. Personal health tracking - My Digital Health, Google Health, Medsphere, Microsoft HealthVault, Quantified Self.

I started using Google Health immediately after its launch and so far I find it useful but not great. I tried Microsoft HealthVault but did not find it very compelling and do not use it currently.

6. Video aggregation - YouTube, bliptv, WebMed Technology.

I use YouTube quite often both as a viewer and "director" -- many of my travel videos are uploaded there. It is easy to upload videos but the conversion quality is grossly insufficient.

7. Bookmarking & infoclouds - Amedico, CiteMD, Connotea, Delicious, Diigo, LabMeeting, PeerClip, Wordle.

I use Google Bookmarks daily and although it is not a social media service yet since you do not share your links, it gets the job done for basic bookmarking.

8. Virtual reality - Lively, Second Life.

I have accounts for both Lively and Second Life but never use them. They would just take up too much of the little time I have and one has to set the limits somewhere.

9. Google/Wikipedia challengers - Cuil, Knol, Medpedia.

Wikipedia is a vast and useful resource, and in general, getting better. Regarding Google Knol, I do not see why an expert cannot just have a blog to share his knowledge instead of a "knol'...

10. Medical search - InfoMedmd, Ologeez.

Currently, I limit my medical searches to Pubmed, plain old Google, Google Scholar and UpToDate. This approach provides the answer in 99.9% of the cases.

11. Web 2.0 leaders.

Berci Mesko, Joshua Schwimmer and Dean Giustini are currently the best people to follow if you want to stay on top of the new developments in Web 2.0 and medicine. I expect this to change as Berci graduates from medical school next year and will have less time for blogging but he is such a discovery/publishing machine that there may not be a slowdown at all.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

She's only FIVE!

The problem with having a five-year-old smart, sassy, and sharp daughter is that we often forget that she's FIVE! We often expect her to act her intellect not her age...Get what I mean? If a girl who can instantaneously figure out that her dad's sarcasm is about Hannah Montana and not that she has enough t-shirts, as I tried to explain, er lie about, then why can't she sit nicely thru dinner?

Well because she's five.

My husband started a new job at the beginning of the month. She has not been happy. I know it's all around our new schedule. On Mondays we have to get up 30 minutes earlier, but I reward her with a trip to Starbucks where we get to share a muffin after we drop off her daddy at his 8 am meeting. He also has to work until at least 5:30 every day and that means we pick her up with just enough time to get home to let the dog out before an accident happens. This also means that no more stopping to have dinner on the way home. This is not a good thing.

Essentially we're having adjustment issues with the new schedule. And of course daddies aren't immune to guilt either. Daddy guilt might be harder than mommy guilt because well, daddies aren't supposed to have guilt. I tried to explain how important Daddy's job is to her and she wasnt' buying it. All she cared about was that he has to work late some days (I think a total of 2 nights he's come home on the el instead of carpool with us) and she is pissed. I gently reminded her that mommy does the same thing. I have my meetings after work and I go on trips. "Mommy has another trip this week."

Cue the water works.

Yup, she bawled and pleaded for me to not go on another trip. "I only have 3 more trips, sweetie, then I'm done for awhile." "No, mommy! I need you here with me. I want you....."

Cue heart break.

I worry that this transition isn't going well and that we're on the verge of kindergarten. Hopefully she focuses on the fact that kindergarten is for HER and that she embraces it. Playing off 5yo selfishness does work for good some days. ;-)

This morning she was fine. Who knows what tonight will bring...maybe with some Olympics & cuddling she'll feel better.

Does Michael Phelps have Marfan syndrome?

Michael Phelps holds the record for the most gold medals won at a single Olympics, a total of eight, and is arguably the best Olympic athlete ever.

With all NBC ads about "giant feet" and the highly publicized facts about his physical features, some of my colleagues pointed out that Mr. Phelps has quite a few features of Marfan syndrome.

His height is 6'4" and his arm span of 6'7" is greater than his height. According to Cleveland Leader, "that is a ratio of 1.04, which is just shy of the clinical cutoff of 1.05. He is also said to have hypermobile joints in his knees, shoulders and ankles." Mr. Phepls also has large hands and feet. Marfan syndrome is an inherited connective-tissue disorder which presents with tall stature, ectopia lentis, mitral valve prolapse, aortic root dilatation, and aortic dissection.

In his book, "Michael Phelps: Beneath the Surface" written by both Phelps and Brian Cazeneuve, he writes about the scare of the possible diagnosis of Marfan syndrome:
"My heart rate was accelerating and Bob suggested I see the doctor. Because I was very flexible and had long hands and feet. I had some early symptoms of Marfan Syndrome, a disease that affects connective tissues and can be fatal if there is leakage to the vessels that lead to the heart. If you reach out your arms and form a T and your wingspan is longer than your height, you can be at risk. In my case, those measurements have always been very close. I didn't know at the time why the doctor decided to look into this. My mom and Bob didn't want me to freak out, so they told me it was simply a good idea for young athletes to have an EKG test in order to look at the heart.

Fortunately everything was, and still is, okay. I have been tested once a year ever since at John's Hopkins under the direction of Dr. Peter Roe and the tissues are strong, the aortic rout is clear and my heart is in good shape - as long as my Baltimore Ravens are winning."
From page 66, Michael Phelps: Beneath the Surface, Google Books.

From the description above, it looks like Michael Phelps does not fulfill the criteria of a full-blown Marfan syndrome according to his doctors. If he were to have Marfan syndrome however, strenuous exercise would be generally contraindicated according to the American Heart Association.

The Age/Yahoo comments on "another bodily trait might also have helped transform Phelps into the perfect, indefatigable swimming machine. In sixth grade, the Maryland native was diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and prescribed Ritalin to curb his near boundless energy.

After growing frustrated with the drowsiness caused by the drug, Phelps turned to sport, where the symptoms that so agitated teachers greatly impressed coaches.

"I had so many outlets for energy release. I'd go from a lacrosse game to a baseball game to swim practice," he wrote."

We all want our heroes to be perfect but they never are. Their biggest strength however lies in overcoming their own shortcomings and giving inspiration for millions around the world to do the same.

Image source: Wikipedia, public domain.

Related reading:
Joint hypermobility syndrome: Easily Missed? BMJ, 2011.
Phelps: Since age 7, "I've spent 20 years in the pool". He will retire after 2012 Olympics, plans to avoid water

Monday, August 18, 2008

Work it, Mom! Monday - Dads & Single Moms

Today at Work it, Mom! I say a heartfelt thank you to Joe Kelly and the team at Dads & Daughters for all the awesome work they did the past decade. I'm so sad that they had to close shop. The Chicago Foundation reminds us that only about 3% of philanthropic money goes towards women and girls-centered programming. Thus the closing of Dads & Daughters shouldn't be a surprise, but it still hurts.

On the flip side...kinda...I got a call from the Tyra Banks show. They are looking for single moms who have babies or infants to appear on the show. You also need to be in a difficult situation, having a very tough time at life. If you fit that description and want to learn more email Sonia at And let me know if you're going to be on! Yes, my readers are FIERCE! hehe....

Case Presentations on YouTube

Internal medicine tutorial, case study 1

The YouTube user mhussam seems to be an Egyptian physician who has uploaded 9 case presentations.

This is an interesting proof of concept that may deserve further exploration.

Last year, we posted about a pathologist with the screen name of WashingtonDeceit who had uploaded 544 histopathology videos since he joined YouTube on February 03, 2007. The videos lasted between 2 and 5 minutes and were professionally made and narrated.

We asked the nephrology fellows at the Cleveland Clinic what they thought about the renal histopathology videos via an anonymous web-based survey ( They actually found them quite useful and the abstract was published in the supplement of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology from the annual ASN meeting (Renal Week 2007).

Histopathology Kidney -- Interstitial nephritis

544 Histopathology Videos on YouTube
YouTube as a source of information on immunization: a content analysis. Keelan et al. JAMA. 2007 Dec 5;298(21):2482-4.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

3 Rs gave me an award!

....over 2 weeks ago!

But it doesn't diminish how great it felt to receive my first award for this blog. Thanks so much! Here's what Florinda said in her nomination:

Veronica brings her perspective as feminist, wife, mom, and Latina (in no particular order) to her blogging about issues of importance to women, and also works in book reviews and the occasional baseball-related post (go Cubbies!) every now and then.

And here are the rules for receiving the award:
  1. Put the logo on your blog (it's in this post, and has been added to the sidebar).
  2. Add a link to the person who awarded you (it's in this post - see above).
  3. Nominate at least seven other blogs (see below).
  4. Add links to those blogs on your blog (done in the nominations).
  5. Leave a message for your nominee on his or her blog
And the seven are....
  1. La Chola for always being a source of inspiration when it comes to blogging, being Latina, and being a kick ass mama.
  2. i am a butterfly for being brutally honest about life. When I need a no-bullshit moment, I go read her.
  3. baggage and bug for being one of the strongest women I know on-line or off. Being a Cubs fan does that to ya.
  4. Anti-Racist Parent for being a safe place for us to discuss race issues and parenthood.
  5. Womenstake for always getting the research out there for the rest of us to use.
  6. Bitch Blogs for always pushing my feminism to the next level.
  7. Ack!! I can't pick a 7th blog...too many! And if I even try to do more than 7, I'll be here all night. So I'll sleep on the 7th and notify the rest tomorrow.
    RedSoxBatGirl for starting to blog more often.

BTW - I quadruple checked to see if I had already blogged this, but it looks like I hadn't. I kept having this feeling of deja vu while writing. Maybe I dreamed it...Or maybe I didn't. Let me know.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

30 seconds

My 30 second spot is now up on the Progressive Women's Voices site. I'm not going to embed it because I think it would drive me crazy to see that video for a few more days.

In order to get this video I took a zillion takes, made a lot of fumbles, and was extremely nervous, which I think is evident on the video. After I saw the video, I was disappointed. I was hoping that somewhere in the 15 minutes I was taped I had done 30 seconds of good stuff without the office needing to splice the video. But seriously I was that nervous.

Why was I nervous? It was a combination of a camera being in the room and knowing that countless people would or could see this video. But honestly it's the thought of being wrong.

I've seen it a lot of more these days...people putting out their opinion and then saying, "But I'm not speaking for all [insert group here]." Well, honestly you are. And getting to that place was hard for me. For many years I was speaking, representing women/Latinas/feminists and I knew it. It wasn't easy and I would qualify my points. But in the end, we are all representatives of who we are. It's not fair, but it is what it is. If I'm on CNN talking about women in science and the need for on-site child care, I'm representing myself and the women I'm speaking for. And that's why I'm nervous. What if I say a statistic that is not just kinda wrong, but flat-out-totally wrong? I'm slowly embracing the idea of girlifying math & science, but what if I turn off that girl who does want to build jet fighters? How do I talk to all girls?

Simply, I can't.

Maybe I could craft my message to talk about building jet fighters or water irrigation sytems. Maybe that's pitting the two things against each other.

Last night I directed my husband to the site so he can see the video. Amazingly I thought I SOUNDED fine. The fact that I couldn't see the video, couldn't see where they edited it...I was pretty darn ok with what was being played. I was able to focus on one thing - my words. When I'm watching myself, I worry about my words, how I'm sitting, how big my eyes get when I'm excited, where are my hands, does my jewelry look ok, and even if the background was good.

Maybe I need to trick myself into believing that when I'm taping such things that I'm sitting in the Heartland Cafe talking with Michael while people around me are enjoying their coffee and whole grain pancakes. I dunno if that would work if I ever make it on to a TV show where the host is accusing me of things rather than engaging in a conversation the way Michael does. Hopefully one day I'll find out.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Those security codes you have to enter

I hate them, don't you? So annoying...yet so needed. Well on the way home yesterday I heard a piece on NPR about how those security images are now, on some sites, now merged with a project to digitize old books.

"Approximately 200 million of these are typed every day by people around the world. Each time you type one of these, essentially you waste about 10 seconds of your time," he says. "If you multiply that by 200 million, you get that humanity as a whole is wasting around 500,000 hours every day, typing these annoying squiggly characters."

But with reCAPTCHA, von Ahn has come up with an idea for harnessing all that human brain power.

He knew that lots of libraries have huge efforts under way to digitize their collections. These projects first scan books or newspapers by basically taking a picture of each page. Then a computer takes the image of each word and converts it into text, using optical character-recognition software.

But computers often come across printed words they just can't recognize. "Especially for older documents, things that were written before 1900, where the ink has faded and the pages have yellowed out, the computer makes a lot of mistakes," says von Ahn.

A human being has to look at those words and decipher them. It occurred to von Ahn that he could link this kind of activity to security devices used on the Internet. Instead of asking people to prove they're human by copying random sequences of distorted letters and numbers, he could ask them to decipher mystery words from scanned books and newspapers.

How awesome is that!? There is no end to my astonishment of science.Now I don't hate them all, just the ones that really are wasting time.

A Surgeon and Genetics: "What I cannot see does not exist. So forget about genetics!"

Berci Mesko is a 6th year medical students in Hungary with a passion for genetics and Web 2.0. He reports mini-impressions of his surgery rotation on Twitter:

One of the surgeons told me tonight: "What I cannot see does not exist. So forget about genetics!"

Well, I'm not so sure -- consider this link:

Colorectal Cancer Gene Mutation Found. Odds of Developing Colorectal Cancer May Be 9 Times Higher for Mutation Carriers. WebMD.

"The mutation, which lies in a gene called TGFBR1, was found in about 10% to 20% of the 242 colorectal cancer patients the researchers studied, compared to 3% of 195 adults without colorectal cancer.

The researchers aren't recommending TGFBR1 gene tests just yet. But such tests "may become part of clinical practice when evaluating a patient's colon cancer risk."

There is a relationship between genetics and surgery after all.

Disclaimer: The author greatly respects surgery and surgeons.

Image source: Stomach diagram, Wikipedia.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Site visit to New Moms

Back in March I wrote about a Chicago organization called New Moms who had a fire that destroyed their shelter. I got an email, blogged it, and Cinnamon posted it to Gapers Block. Somehow they identified me as someone they needed to get to know better, so I went out today for a site visit. Talk about power of the blog.

This organization is awesome.

First, they work with homeless teenage moms. It's hard to find a group that is more invisible in society. How invisible? According to the City of Chicago, they reported zero percent homeless youth last year. Well, New Moms has room for about 50 homeless youth who are mothers and up to two of their children. I'm gonna trust New Moms on this one. Illinois as a state has only about 110 beds for teen moms...doing the quick math, New Moms has half of those beds. They turn away 400-500 moms each year.

They don't just shelter these young moms for up to two years, they also have education programming to help them earn their GEDs, get into vocational training, and the cream of the crop get paid internships.

I peeked into one of the education sessions today and the women were all 20 or under, some with two kids. All have career aspirations such as nursing and catering. I also got to peek in on the daycare that the organization has for when the moms are in their classes. I saw the cutest 4-week old girl...she looked just like my daughter when she was little! She even had all that hair. OMG, I think that was when I fell in love with this group.

I found everyone in the organization to be very welcoming. No one even flinched when I talked about how I found out about them. Since Firebelly had awarded the Chicago Abortion Fund with a grant, I was on their mailing list and they sent out an email about the fire. I talked with one staffer and she agreed that many of the women CAF works with are just like the women they work with...they just made a different decision on their pregnancy. But both sets of women need assistance in some way. I also got the distinct feeling that some of the women who end up at New Moms are women who ended up at crisis pregnancy centers, were promised help when the baby comes, and gets nothing more than a box of diapers and a bag of baby clothes.

Have I tugged your heart strings enough? Well if you're in Chicago, you can attend their 25th anniversary dinner on September 12th. I'll be coming home from St. Louis that day. If you can't make it, click the invite there's a donation link too.

Technorati tags: New Moms, teenage moms, homeless

Matrix Video 101: The Medical School

Matrix 101: The Medical School

One of the stars in this spoof of the movie The Matrix is Dr. Segal, a former colleague of mine.

The video below is a spoof of "The Office" acted out by actual dental students from the Loma Linda University for a class talent show:

"The Office" spoof (15 minutes).

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What to Buy Wednesday – Our Bodies Ourselves *GIVEAWAY*

When I was pregnant I got two books, What to Expect When You Are Expecting and The Hipmama Survival Guide. While I hated WTE, I loved Hipmama, but was still unfulfilled. Both are such extremes and apparently I am dead in the center, ok left of center, but still.

Now Our Bodies Ourselves Pregnancy and Birth is more my pace.

I'll admit that I did not read each word in this book, but I feel that I did my due diligence. What OBOS's pregnancy book is is a book that combines the best of hipmama granola with honest medical advise. Yes, OBOS spends a lot of time talking about midwives and what an optimal birth would look like, but I never got the feeling that it was guilting me into having the "perfect" birth.

The tone is set at the very beginning on page 9:

When used appropriately, maternity care inerventions such as artifical inductions or labor, episiotomies, epidurals, and cesarean sections can improve health outcomes and even save lives. Yet far too often, these interventions are used routinely on healthy women who are at low risk for medical complications, despite clear scientific evidence that they are unnecessary, ineffective, and/or can cause harm."

Yes, it sounds contradictory and confusing - it is. Being pregnant & giving birth have so many 'what ifs' that is really is confusing and sometimes goes against all that you or your hippie midwife would normally do.

On pages 196-197, there is a brilliant chart on how far you want to go with medication during labor.
What this means: I want no medication, even for a cesarean delivery. (An impossible extreme.)
Your partner, doula, nurse, or caregiver can help you by: Helping you gain a realistic understanding of risks and benefits of pain medications.

Even at -7 "I have a very strong desire for a natural birth, for personal gratification along with the benefits to my baby and my labor. I will be disappointed if I use medication." they suggest you plan for using medication. As someone who fell into -7, I never really planned on using medication. I left that decision up to my husband in the delivery room really. Perhaps if we had discussed it more, I wouldn't still be beating myself up over having meds.

My favorite part of the book also on page 9. It is a short list of questions to guide you in making informed choices. This chart is reminding you that this pregnancy is happening not to you, but that you are pregnant, you are in charge, you have agency, so act like it. Looking back on a pretty darn good pregnancy experience despite gestational diabetes, if my midwife had told me to eat seaweed each day, I would have. When you're pregnant that guilt of being pregnant consumes you and you rarely question your medical team's directives.

The book is in nice sections that allow you to read some, skip others, and save sections for later. The most touching section is on loss of a pregnancy or child as well as the section on prenatal testing and making a decision to continue or terminate the pregnancy.

Obviously, I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to get pregnant or newly pregnant. While it does have an excellent section on breast feeding, I'd suggest La Leche's book instead of OBOS if all you want is breastfeeding in. Perhaps La Leche's book will be for next week...

I received this book from Our Bodies Ourselves themselves! Considering that I don't plan on getting preggers anytime soon (knock on wood everyone!) I am offering my copy up. Please note that while this copy is signed by the fabulous Judy Norsigian, it is signed to me.

So if you don't mind that your copy is signed "To Veronica"
Thanks to OBOS for offering a clean copy of OBOS Pregnancy and Birth. AND the winner will get to have it signed and personalized. So please leave a comment with your email and either your best advise for pregnant moms or your own question about pregnancy or motherhood. Hey, maybe you know another Veronica who just happens to be pregnant!

Deadline for entry is Tuesday, August 19, 2008.

You can purchase a copy at your local indie bookstore, Powell's, or Amazon. Please note...the Powell's and Amazon links benefit OBOS.

Technorati tags: What to Buy Wednesday, motherhood, parenthood, gift, Our Bodies Ourselves, pregnancy, book, book review, giveaway

Useful Blog Add-Ons Which Improve Visitor Experience

Digital Inspiration is one of the most innovative tech blogs with many useful and practical tips for fellow bloggers. The latest one is a list of Useful Blog Add-Ons & Tools That Improve Visitor Experience:

Google Talk Badge

Web2PDF Online

Zoho Creator for forms

HP Blog Printing

ShareThis or AddThis

Google Feed Wizard


Eco Safe Badge

Scribd iPaper to embed PDF files and Microsoft Office documents

Yahoo! Media Player to link to MP3s

Translate Gadget

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Pagan Perspective on Abortion

abortionclinicdays posted a repost on pagans and abortion. As many of you know I claim tree-hugging goddess worshiper as my 'religion' but that basically means I'm a pagan. When I read this post, almost every word resonated with me, so I do as ACD did and repost. Thanks to Anne at Blog o' Gnosis for writing this:

What with the persistent attacks on women’s right to abortion and birth control in this country, I feel I must start clarifying my own position in the (falsely dichotomized) pro-life vs. pro-choice debate. I am both pro-life and pro-choice. I do believe life begins at conception, AND I do not believe it is a sin or a death to end that life before the fetus is born.

Because nobody is ever listened to these days without having to stand on their credentials, here are mine: 3 live births, 2 abortions, 1 miscarriage. 2 children adopted as teenagers. 4 children successfully raised to adulthood, one still an adolescent. Have attended births, deaths, fertility rituals, infertility rituals. Have friends who were adopted out as infants, friends who gave up infants, friends who adopted children. Have taught the kids of abusive and/or addicted mothers. Have counseled addicts and women who are unable to support themselves to have abortions.

Ursula LeGuin has a wonderful article (”The Princess”, an address to NARAL in 1982 collected in Dancing at the Edge of the World) where she writes, in response to the ridiculous claims of the Christian Right that every pregnancy must continue to birth, that as a young woman she got pregnant accidentally. Because she was in no position to raise a child, because she chose abortion and finished her schooling, she then went on to create a stable relationship and have three very wanted children. But if she’d had to raise that one, none of the other would have happened. So with the abortion, it is still a net gain of 2 babies. Following the Right’s crude mathematical logic, this should be cause to celebrate, right?

I don’t have the patience to write so craftily in response to this right-wing assault as she has. I am plain furious that our government keeps narrowing the birth control and abortion options for women both in this country and abroad. I hate that they think this is good for social ills of any kind. And I am furious that reasonable-minded people are letting this happen. I don’t like the fact that the Left keeps letting itself get out-flanked on the issue, and I don’t like that by saying I’m pro-choice I’m not supposed to admit that life begins at conception. As a Pagan, there is no contradiction here. Our religion teaches us to hold both death and life simultaneously.

I have trained for many years to sense energy, to feel what is going on both inside my body and in the spiritual realms around me. Each time I have gotten pregnant, it took very little time for me to make contact with the spirit of my unborn child. For me, that connection was so instantaneous, so deep and intimate, that the thought of bearing a child and then giving it up once it was born was not an option for me. That would have been far more devastating than having an abortion.

Each time I had an abortion, it was because I knew I did not have the time and energy to raise that child to my own childraising standards. That is a knowledge borne out of the experience of many, many hard years of mothering. I was completely clear that aborting the pregnancy was the best thing to do. Where I part company with the pro-lifers is here: it is not murder to abort a fetus. The child at that point is a spirit, not a body. It resides only occasionally in its little, developing fetus body. Mostly, it hovers in and around the mother, feeling what we feel, remembering where it’s been before, riding the changes in its consciousness and ours in a completely non-judgmental way.

When it is time to abort the fetus, I have felt the spirit around me strongly. I have said good-bye in a tender, loving, deeply grieving way. The fetus is expelled, and the spirit just drifts away. It does not die, it is not harmed. I know this to be true. It goes back to the spirit world to wait for its next opportunity to come through, hopefully richer for the experience of our having been so close for a short time. That is what happens, yet even with this outlook abortion is deeply traumatic for women, something to be avoided if at all possible. It is not an easy process, even when we want it.

In a term pregnancy, usually the child’s spirit fully enters its body at birth. So from a spiritual perspective I can see why pro-choice folks rally round the credo that life begins at birth. But for me, acknowledging that life is there at conception allows me to take the pro-choice argument a step further: it is a woman’s birthright, this ability to judge which spirits pass through our wombs into life, and which pass through into death. That is part of the deal, part of the package of being born a woman.

We have that power, and we need to claim it, learn how to use it wisely, and guard it ferociously. We need to teach our daughters about their birthright, and be comfortable ourselves talking to them about birth control and our own deepest experiences with our fertility. If we give up the right to choose when we want to have children, either by apathy or by struggle, we will be giving up power over our own bodies AND an important part of our spiritual power. Women are the gates, and the gatekeepers, between the born and the unborn. We hold life in one hand and death in another, and that is how we are meant to be. This cannot be neatly parsed into the ridiculous boxing match of pro-life vs. pro-choice. Abortion should be legal, and extremely rare. We achieve this through realistic sex education (I’m not talking about abstinence-only here) and by providing free or low-cost birth control and abortion services to all women of childbearing age. End of story. Now, just how do we go about making this the law of the land?

Technorati tags: abortion, goddess, feminism, pagan