Friday, September 30, 2005

What Is Diogenes Syndrome? Hint: Geriatrics Question

Diogenes syndrome is a behavioral disorder of the elderly. It was first defined by a study published in The Lancet in 1975: "acute illness and extreme self-neglect, patients lived in dirty, untidy homes and had a filthy personal appearance about which they showed no shame. An acute presentation with falls or collapse was common."

The name of the syndrome comes from the Greek philosopher Diogenes who believed in self-control and simple living. I am still not completely sure how the syndrome description and the philosopher are connected...

Diogenes once wandered through the streets of Athens with a torch in full daylight, searching for an honest man.

When Alexander the Great met Diogenes, he asked if there was any favor he might do for him. Diogenes replied, "“Move a little, you a’re standing in my sun." Alexander still declared, "If I were not Alexander, I would be Diogenes." (Wikipedia)

I just added a short description of the syndrome to the Wikipedia article about Diogenes. You can also help to make the largest encyclopedia in the world better.

Diogenes syndrome. A clinical study of gross neglect in old age - Lancet 1975 Feb
Psychiatry Rounds: Diogenes Syndrome: When Self-Neglect is Nearly Life Threatening - Clinical Geriatrics, 8/05
Google Scholar search
Diogenes of Sinope - Wikipedia
Make the Largest Encyclopedia in the World Better. I already did (I hope)
Image source: Wikipedia

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why Professor Hanson Does Not Like JAMA

"The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has a long history of publishing articles with old data, inadequate research methods, unsubstantiated conclusions or other failings", writes David J. Hanson, Ph.D., from the Sociology Department, State University of New York. I am not sure how unbiased Prof. Hanson's criticism is but it certainly makes an interesting reading.

JAMA has been labeled as the "journal of irreproducible results" before but this is hardly true since it still has an impact factor of 18. JAMA is a venerable member of the "big five" in medical publishing: NEJM, JAMA, Annals, BMJ and Lancet.

The expression "big five", by the way, comes from the five large animals that you should try to see when you go on a photo safari in Africa.

Believe it or not, there is a real Journal of Irreproducible Results which has been published since 1970.

BMJ impact factor increases by 24% - BMJ 2002
JAMA Discredited Alcohol Articles -
Big Five Game - Wikipedia

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Make the Largest Encyclopedia in the World Better. I already did (I hope)

Wisdom of Crowds

Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, has more articles than Britannica and MSN Encarta combined. It relies partly on the "wisdom of crowds": we all, together, probably know more than even the best individual scholar.

Medical Wikipedia

The medical section of Wikipedia is still relatively scarce. I added our tutorial about central line placement and thoracentesis. You can also help to expand its free content. Many searches on Google, Yahoo or MSN lead to Wikipedia, and it is in our power to provide reliable information. All Google searches now feature a word definition supplied by which uses the free Wikipedia text.

Peter Frishauf, the founder of Medscape says that "a variant of Wikipedia for medicine is the future -- and it's good."

Can You Trust the Wikipedia Content?

Anybody can create an article, and then anybody can edit it. The final product is usually good enough but you have to use your judgment when reading the encyclopedia. And if you think that Wikipedia's content cannot be trusted, think again - even NEJM lists a reference to it.

How to Contribute?

Adding information to the encyclopedia is not as easy as blogging but I am sure that most of us can do it. Millions already did.

Wikipedia traffic is passing the New York Times (via, image source: Alexa

The Counterpoint

"Madness of the Crowds: Take a majority vote from people who don't know the answer, and you're not going to get the right answer. Summing collective ignorance isn't going to create wisdom."

Greg Linden, the founder of Findory

The Wisdom of Crowds - Wikipedia
Wikipedia: Size comparisons
Wikipedia: How to edit a page
Jimmy Wales: A public talk on Wikipedia at - download video of the lecture
Trackback: Wikipedia: Medical Folks Should Use and Contribute -
Who Cares About Medical Blogs? The Video Answer of a Medical Media Company
Wikipedia Lookup Bookmarklet
Ten Wikipedia Hacks - Micro Persuasion
Digg stats after Jason Calacanis offer. Googling Google, ZDNet.
The only way to preserve the wisdom of the crowd is to protect the independence of the individual. WSJ, 2011.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What is Vlog? See a Virtual Tour of Seattle Using Google Earth

This is a video combining Google Earth satellite images and ground level photos to give a very realistic tour of Seattle.

The video-blogging is here and it is called vlogging for short.


Obese Patient with CRI and DVT. How to Monitor the Anticoagulation with Lovenox?

62 yo CM with complicated PMH, including GI bleeding from esophageal varices, colon cancer and CRI, is hospitalized with DVT. He is obese and had a hemicolectomy 3 weeks ago.

Lovenox (enoxaparin) is started, Coumadin use is contraindicated due to history of GI bleeding.

He will need anticoagulation with Lovenox for 6 months.

Is there any way to know if Lovenox dose is therapeutic? What do we check?

- factor Xa
- PT
- anti-Xa level

You have to check anti-Xa level. This is NOT factor Xa level, which most likely will be normal with Lovenox therapy.

PTT is useless in monitoring therapy with LMWH. PTT should be used to monitor treatment with UFH, i.e. regular IV heparin.

What is anti-Xa level? Is it some special factor anti-Xa?

No, there is no factor anti-Xa. There is a factor Xa, just like the other 12 factors in the anticoagulation cascade (there is no factor VI).

Anti-Xa level is determined by a simple mixing study. Patient plasma is added to a known amount of factor Xa with antithrombin. LMWH in the patient plasma will bind to antithrombin and inhibit factor Xa. The amount of residual factor Xa is inversely proportional to the amount of LMWH the plasma.

Low anti-Xa value indicates a high level of anticoagulation. High anti-Xa level indicates a low level of anticoagulation. For example, anti-Xa level of 0.5 indicates adequate anticoagulation, a level of 3 is not sufficient.

Fig 1. The coagulation cascade. Legend: Black arrow = conversion/activation of factor. Red arrows = action of inhibitors. Blue arrows = reactions catalysed by activated factor. Grey arrow = various functions of thrombin.
Image source: Wikipedia

What is the required anti-Xa level for adequate anticoagulation?

Therapeutic range:

- heparin: 0.3-0.7 units/mL
- LMWH: 0.4-1.1 units/mL for SQ q 12 hr dosing. For once daily LMWH dosing, the therapeutic range is approximately 1-2 units/mL.

Prophylaxis of DVT:

There is no defined target range for prophylaxis of DVT. When anti-Xa levels are measured, the values are <0.45. style="font-weight: bold;">How do we order anti-Xa level?

On day 2 of therapy, a blood sample should be drawn 4 hours after the SQ administration of enoxaparin.

Should we monitor anti-Xa level routinely in patients on LMWH?

No. In patients with acute DVT treated with LMWH, the guideline developers recommend against routine monitoring with anti-factor Xa level measurements.

When is anti-Xa level monitoring indicated?

Occasions in which periodic monitoring of LMWH might be considered include:
- renal failure
- obesity or underweight patients
- prolonged use
- patients at high risk for bleeding or thrombosis

Heparin Antifactor Xa Assay - The Laboratory Test Handbook, 5th Edition. Lexi-Comp, Cleveland, 2001; 327-358,
Antithrombotic therapy for venous thromboembolic disease: the Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy - National Guideline Clearinghouse.
Enoxaparin (Low MW Heparin) Guidelines -
Concordance of the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time and the Anti-Activated Factor X Assay in Monitoring Unfractionated Heparin Therapy in Critically Ill Patients - Chest.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Useful Downloads

iFirst Aid - CPR Downloads for Your iPod

St. John Ambulance, a UK charity, believes that everyone should learn the basic First Aid techniques. They made short lectures available as mp3 downloads, podcasts or as streaming Real audio files. You can also check out the CPR Anytime program by the American Heart Association. They claim that CPR "takes just 22 minutes to learn and can be done anywhere".

Image source: St. John Ambulance

Geriatrics At Your Fingertips

Geriatrics At Your Fingertips is a free PDA program provided by the American Geriatrics Society.

The meaning of success according to RangelMD:

"What success means to you is dependent on upon your age.

At age 4 success is . . not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is . having friends.
At age 16 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 35 success is . having money.
At age 50 success is . . . having money.
At age 70 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . having friends.
At age 80 success is . not peeing in your pants."

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Interesting Links in Web Search

Google University Portal
This mini-portal links to all Google services that can be useful to college students: GMail, Google Talk, Google SMS, Google Maps, Google Toolbar, Google Scholar and Picasa. They missed Blogger. There are also about 40 tips for using Google.

Google Blog Search
An excellent move by Google. The version is even better.

Google Recruiting Video
This 7-minute video shows off not only Google-plex but also the new Flash-based Google Video service (via Digg).

Yahoo Instant Search
This is similar to Google Suggest but way cooler. Instant Search gives you answers as you type - a bubble pops up with the possible results. "You don't even have to hit the Search button or the Enter key, and you don't have to sort through pages of results", the YSearchBlog writes. Instant Search is a part of the other very interesting Yahoo services in beta, available on Save to My Web 2.0 is another useful application.

Medical Blogosphere Tag Cloud
KidneyNotes writes: "A tagcloud is an abstraction of keywords from a site or feed, and the size of each keyword in the cloud is proportional to its frequency. Tagclouds allow you to see at a glance what people are talking about." This is powered by

Creating a Good Blog Archive
Some useful advice by Philipp Lenssen at Google Blogoscoped

MSNBC News Map
The world news presented on a Virtual Earth map.

Dental School to Deliver Podcasts of Lectures to Students via iTunes

University of Michigan (U-M) and iTunes - "Born to Be Together"

U-M dental students can access a custom iTunes music store using their university ID/password and subscribe to the classes they want.

Using the special iTunes Music Store, students will "download classroom lectures, transfer the information onto an iPod, and then listen to the lectures in their apartments, walking around on campus, or even while jogging or working out." (U-M, Ann Arbor)

The podcasts/lectures issue was raised by a second-year dental student, who wanted to reinforce what he learned by listening to recordings of classroom lectures. He contacted the Dental Informatics Department and they conducted three pilot studies with 60 dental students to ask for feedback. The overwhelming majority of students preferred listening to the audio recordings saying that the iPods gave them flexibility to listen to lectures at their convenience.

More Universities Are Using Podcasts in Teaching

Duke University describe their experience in Duke Academic and Course iPod Projects - Fall 2004. You can download the PDF summary here.

University of California Berkeley has a special podcasts page ( built with the open source blogging tool Wordpress. All podcasts are free.

Berkeley also has a very cool page with free video lectures (webcasts) ranging from Human Anatomy and Psychology of Personality to Astronomy. They actually offer whole courses online as streaming videos.

Make Your Own Lectures with Text-to-Speech

You can make your own lectures from the best sources available online by using a simple text-to-speech program.

U-M School of Dentistry and Apple Computer in Partnership iTunes Music Store to Help Provide Information Access 24/7 (via Digg)
University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, MI
iPods provide students with recorded lectures - The Michigan Daily
Text-to-Speech Programs and Continuous Medical Education
When iPod goes collegiate - The Christian Science Monitor
Lectures coming to an iPod near you -
Classroom lectures go mobile with podcasting - Yale Daily News
Image source:

Friday, September 23, 2005

Arixtra is the New Contender for the LMWH Throne

Lovenox days as the LMWH king may be numbered.

A new medication, called Arixtra (fondaparinux), was better and safer according to a new study lead by Salim Yusuf at the McMaster University, Ontario. "For every 1,000 people given Arixtra instead of Lovenox, 10 deaths or heart attacks, four strokes, and 25 major bleeds will be prevented, according to Dr. Yusuf". The story was reported on WebMD.

Lovenox generated U.S. sales of $1.5 billion in 2004.

New Blood Thinner May Reduce Bleeding Risks - WebMD
Image source:

Thursday, September 22, 2005

NetVibes is an example of what a web 2.0 desktop might look like

Creating a personal web page has never been so easy. It is even fun.

Get all the RSS/Atom feeds you want plus podcast, or use it to jolt down short "web-notes'. This is a preliminary version of a collaborative web 2.0 desktop, just add content.

NetVibes is produced by a French start-up company and it shows how useful AJAX can be. See their founder's CV with expanding/collapsing sections to see how your CV will look in the future.

Check out the screenshots below:

NetVibes offers a simple looking page

The page is fully customizable with Google-like ease

Reading your favorite blogs via RSS is fast and fun

You can subscribe to podcasts AND listen to them directly from your page

Netvibes and customizable home pages - Geeking with Greg
Netvibes - Personal homepage - TechCrunch
Protopage: an AJAX-based stickies application - Download Squad
NetVibes - AJAX Homepage -
Goowy - Flash-based desktop, widgets, calendar, email. Read more in Alex Moskalyuk Online
Pageflakes: The Teacher Edition. ScienceRoll, 12/2007.

Updated: 12/08/2007

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Most Antidepressants Are Equally Effective. Side Effects Determine Choice

This meta-analysis reviewed trials comparing one second-generation antidepressant with another (Annals of Int Med). The conclusion was that antidepressants do not differ substantially in terms of efficacy.

No evidence to recommend a particular second-generation antidepressant on the basis of efficacy (Ann of Int Med, 2011,

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Antipsychotics - Newer Is Not Always Better

This study was reported in NEJM. A total of 1500 patients with chronic schizophrenia were randomly assigned to receive different antipsychotic medications. Seventy-forty percent of patients discontinued the medications within 18 months.

Zyprexa (olanzapine) was the most effective antipshycotic in the study but the news is not all good for Zyprexa because it was associated with the greatest weight gain and increases in glucose and lipids.

The efficacy of the conventional antipsychotic perphenazine was similar to that of the newer agents - quetiapine, risperidone, and ziprasidone.

What about the incidence of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS)?

Patients taking the older medication perphenazine had more EPS but that was not statistically significant.

A month's supply of perphenazine costs $60, compared with $520 for Zyprexa, $450 for Seroquel, $250 for Risperdal and $290 for Geodon.

The new generation of atypical antipsychotic drugs was introduced 12 years ago, and now 90% of schizophrenia prescriptions are for one of those six drugs (WebMD).

Study Finds Little Advantage in New Schizophrenia Drugs - NYTimes
Effectiveness of Antipsychotic Drugs in Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia - NEJM 9/05
Atypical Antipsychotics and the Risk for New-Onset Diabetes
Schizophrenia Drug Face-Off: No Clear Winner - WebMD
Tough Choices in Treating Schizophrenia - NPR
Why New Drugs Don't Live Up to the Hype - Time
Second-generation versus first-generation antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia: a meta-analysis. Stefan Leucht et al. The Lancet, Volume 373, Issue 9657, Pages 31 - 41, 3 January 2009.

Updated: 01/02/2009

Monday, September 19, 2005

Feel Free - Opera, the Fastest Browser On Earth is Now Free

Opera Software today permanently removed the ad banner and licensing fee from its award-winning Web browser. The ad-free, full-featured Opera browser is now available for download - completely free of charge at (press release).

Opera has consistently won praise from PC World, PC Magazine, and C|Net as one of the best browsers, and it is certainly the most secure one.

Get your free download here and see why Opera is better than IE and Firefox.

What is the business model behind the free offering? Or in other words, how does Opera make money? The answer is in the small Google search box at the corner of the page - Google pays when users search from within Opera. The same business relationship with Google has been very profitable for the no-longer-non-profit Mozilla.

Video: Opera browser 12-year history

Choose a Free Blogging Platform - Check Out Opera Blogs
Google Made Opera Browser Free -
Image source:

Updated: 02/06/2008

Google Earth Shows National Geographic Info About Africa

This is another elegant use of Google Earth - by enabling the National Geographic layers, you can see photos and videos from different parts of Africa.

"The Megaflyover images are stunning. Mike spent more than a year taking 92,000 high resolution photographs of the continent. Look for the red airplane icons as you fly over Africa. Each of these marks a spot where a high resolution image awaits your own personal voyage." (Google Blog)

The idea is great and should be implemented for the other parts of the world as well. Do not forget to use the Keyhole Community BBS layer to get even more information.

Just hit the "F11" key to go in full screen mode of Google Earth, and to make the effect even more stunning. A broadband connection is required.

The illuminated continent - Google Blog
Google Earth Blog

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Lighthouse and Perch Fest at Fairport Harbor, Ohio

Fairport Harbor park; The La Salle expedition in 1699; The beach and the geese flying in a V-shape formation; The giant perch made of wood

Fairport Harbor is a village with a population of 3,000 in Lake County, Ohio. The village is the home of the annual Perch Fest.

The Fairport Lighthouse. See the area on Google Maps.

The original lighthouse was built with bricks in 1825. In 1871 the old tower was taken down and rebuilt with Berea sandstone, doubling its size. The lighthouse is 60 feet high and has a spiral staircase of 69 steps which leads to an observation platform. The light was visible from 17 miles.

The Lighthouse made of Berea sandstone

The Marine Museum exhibits the old lighthouse lens. The light was burning with whale oil.

In 1925 the light in the tower was stopped and the lens was placed in the adjacent marine museum. The building used to be the house of the lighthouse keeper. The marine museum is operated by volunteers and is open from 1 PM to 6 PM, Memorial Day through Labor Day.

There are 69 steps to the top of the lighthouse tower which is open to the public and provides a spectacular view of Lake Erie.

The view from the top is worth the 69 steps up.

These mounds of sand and river stones are even seen on the satellite images of Google Maps.

The Perch Fest in an annual event, so you can check it out next year. As a bonus, the perch and walleye dishes served there are truly delicious (($ 10 each).

Lighthouses in the United States - Wikipedia
Fairport Harbor Marine Museum and Lighthouse
Lake County Visitors Bureau, Ohio
Perch - Wikipedia
Fairport Harbor, Ohio -

Saturday, September 17, 2005

B.B. King, the King of Blues, Turns 80

Listen to the NPR story.

Read the Wikipedia article about B.B. King.

Visit the official website.

In 1949, King played at a dance hall when two men began to fight, which started a fire and everybody left. King realized that he had left his guitar inside the burning building. He entered the blaze to retrieve his guitar, a Gibson acoustic. The next day, King discovered that the two men were fighting over a woman named Lucille. King named that first guitar Lucille, as well as every one he owned since that near-fatal experience, "to remind me never to do a thing like that again."

At 80, King has lived a very full and active life. He has been a licensed pilot, a known gambler and is also a vegetarian, non-drinker and non-smoker. A diabetic for over ten years, King has been a visible spokesman in the fight against diabetes. He still performs 300 nights a year.

Some favorite songs: "The Thrill Is Gone", "When Love Comes To Town" (with U2), and "Riding With the King" (with Eric Clapton).

(Most of the text above is from Wikipedia, used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License)
Image source: Wikipedia

Text-to-Speech Programs and Continuous Medical Education

Can anybody read the latest NEJM articles for me? The answer is yes, just use a text-to-speech program. Check the AT&T demo here.

What Is the Idea?

Let's see, you want to read this pile of the New England Journal of Medicine articles, or may be some part of Harrison's or UpToDate but it seems like you can never find the time for it. At the same time, have you ever thought how many hours per week you spend in the car commuting to work? Here is a suggestion: why don't you listen to those NEJM articles while driving?

What Is Text-to-Speech?

Your computer can talk to you and it can read whatever you want. Text-to-speech (TTS) programs convert text or web documents to human speech. And you can choose between the voices of Mike, Sam, Sally, Pierre, Juan or Ludwig, because most programs can speak foreign languages. Have you ever wondered how to say something in Spanish? The right program can be an invaluable tool in practicing Spanish, French, German or may be Portuguese...

Does it sound like a human voice? Not really, it is a computer-generated voice but it is as close to human as it can get. You can adjust the speed: "Talk slowly please". You can repeat: "Say that again", or change the pitch of the voice, if you like bass versus tenor or soprano.

Which Text-to-Speech Program to Choose?

There are several text-to-speech programs on the web. Just go to Google and type in the search field "text-to-speech". Among the programs I have tested, the best one seems to be "2nd Speech Center." It has a free trial version which can be explored for a month (the full version costs $25).

Download the program on the desktop, not in the jungles of the windows directory, so that you know where it is, and then just unzip, and click "setup".

Now the biggest question -- how to use a text-to-speech program? It is really simple. Just open the program and the article you want to read. Then select the text and press "Ctrl + C", or right click and choose "Copy". The idea is to copy the text in the clipboard. The program will start reading automatically.

Take Your Reading With You

Text-to-speech programs can make MP3 files (or regular CD files) from the articles. You can listen to them on your iPod or the car CD player. It is useful, simple and fun. You can easily catch up on your reading of journal articles, NYTimes, Washington Post, Time, you name it...

Self-Made CME

Continuous medical education does not have to be limited to pre-recorded cassettes or CDs. With a text-to-speech program, you can assemble your own curriculum of topics you want to read.

Our TTS Demo Speaks Your Text. AT&T Labs.
Two Ways to Take iPod on the Road. Washington Post 5/05.
Audio eBooks, both human-read and computer-generated from Project Gutenberg.
University of Michigan Dental School to deliver podcasts of lectures to students via iTunes.
Total Recorder ($ 12) records streaming audio, mic input, line-in input, as well as CDs and DVDs
Reuters Audio News as TTS podcasts.
Listening to MS Office. PC Magazine 6/05.
6 Ways to Link iPods and Car Radios. PC Mag 10/05.
Call for Help: Podcast to transcript?
Google Book Search is More Accessible Through TTS-friendly Plain Text. Google Operating System, 07/2007.
Nature Clinical Practice: Audio Articles., 08/2007.
How To: Convert text to spoken audio. 08/2007.
Overclock Your Audio Learning. Steve Pavlina, 08/2007.
eBooks and eAudio Books - Downloadable Digital Collection.
New Context Menus in Google Docs. Export TTS in the right-click context menu of Google Docs? Google Operating System, 08/2007.
Speak Clipboard., 2009.
Speak Clipboard Reads Your Clipboard's Content Out Loud. LifeHacker, 2009.
Text-to-Speech in Pocket app (formerly “Read Later”)
Image sources:,
Updated: 11/23/2009

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Choose a Free Blogging Platform - Check Out Opera Blogs

Another player has joined the crowd of the free blog providers - Opera Blogs.

The Other Players

Blogger is the granddaddy of them all, and MSN Spaces is a pretty strong contender as well. Opera Blogs look cool and with the history of standards support, built in the browser, the blogs should be standard-compliant and readable in all browsers. You get free photo galleries and support for both RSS and Atom.

Opera Blogs are supported by the Opera Browser - the fastest browser on Earth (really) and were launched last week to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the company. The blog creator tool is as easy as Blogger but less customizable. You cannot change the template of the Opera blogs.

The Long URL

The only drawback is the long URL address. I want my blog to be called, not, or On Blogger, I can get the simple URL and be happy with it.

Update 5/24/06:
MSN Spaces URLs Change. Digital Inspiration.

How To Use a Blog for Research

You can limit the access to a specific post to a group of collaborators, or keep the posts private altogether - a feature not offered by Blogger. With the added privacy feature, 300 MB of free space and good looks, Opera Blogs seem well-suited for scientific collaboration of a small group of people working on a project - a research study, for example.

Just as Mike Torres writes: "You can blog on MSN Spaces, but MSN Spaces is not just a blogging service."

Yahoo 360*Blogs are so limited in features that are almost useless unless you "live" in the Yahoo "walled garden".

Other Players in the Free Blogging Field blogs are great but you still need an invitation to join. Unless you download the newly-released Flock browser. also offers free Wordpress 2.0.

This Google video shows it takes about 2 minutes to start a blog on Creating a web site has never been easier.

Update 06/14/2007:
There is no need for an invitation to start a blog.

Update 7/31/2007:
Wordpress server installation (not the free version) can be used as a content management system (CMS) rivaling Drupal.

Weblog - Wikipedia
A List of Blog Publishers on
Feel Free - Opera, the Fastest Browser On Earth is Now Free
Time to check: Are you using the right blogging tool? - USC Annenberg Online Journalism Review
Get Productive with Windows Live Writer - Guide for Power Bloggers. Digital Inspiration, 2007.
Feature: 5 Reasons to Use WordPress as CMS. BloggingPro, 2007.
Image source:

8 steps to a more professional Blogspot blog. Download Squad, 03/2008.

Updated: 03/25/2008