Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fourth Reich is a term used to describe a theoretical future of German history - a successor of the

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"The 4th Reich" Channel TheThainer Events Strangers acordewakeup Brave New World Al Jazeera alienscientist Ann indescribable peace anovaordemmundial Armando Falconi atalhosparaocaminho eurka forbes AVozdaResistenciaTV BLOG OF DEL IN DIMENSION LAND Brazil Raging Channel Amauri9191 Channel BrasiLIndomaveL Channel DanielFragaBR Channel

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Fourth Reich is a term used to describe a theoretical future of German history - a successor of the Third Reich. The term was first used by Rudolf Hess after the Nuremberg Trials, when, suffering from mental disorders, eurka forbes he claimed to be the "Fuhrer of the Fourth eurka forbes Reich." [1] But the term became popular in the 1960s and 1970s, due to the fact several political figures in West Germany, as Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger, having ties with the regime eurka forbes of the Third Reich.
In terms of neo-Nazism, the Fourth Reich is presenting eurka forbes as a state which exists in the "Aryan supremacy", anti-Semitism, Lebensraum, militarism and totalitarianism. Neo-Nazis believe that the Fourth Reich will pave the way for the establishment of a "Western Empire", a pan-Aryan empire eurka forbes encompassing lands with prominent ties Aryans (Europe, Russia, Anglo-America, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Latin South such as Brazil), which would allow the West entered the "clash of civilizations". [2]
In his book, "The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies that threaten to take over America" (in English: The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America) Jim Marrs argues that some surviving members of the Third Reich, eurka forbes along with sympathizers of the Nazis in the United States and other countries, worked illegally since the end of World War II to some of the principles of Nazism eurka forbes (eg militarism, fascism, imperialism, widespread eurka forbes spying eurka forbes and use propaganda to control the interests national)

are infiltrated culture,

government and business worldwide, eurka forbes but primarily in the United States.

He cites the supposed influence of National Socialism in the United States after the Second World War, such as Nazi scientists who helped the U.S. advance in the aerospace industry, as well as the acquisition and creation of conglomerates by Nazis and their sympathizers after the war, both in Europe eurka forbes and USA
Departed VERSUS DRAKES-Although you can look into their telescopes and see distant stars and galaxies, which are really eurka forbes just looking at the walls of the outermost portions eurka forbes of itself. All you see is a reflection of you. Everything eurka forbes you experience is a reflection eurka forbes of an aspect of you. We are visitors who come at night because you have not been able to accept us openly in broad daylight. We are still a frightening experience and thought for you. We can be with you now just in archetypal subconscious levels within you. You're still creating in their state

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