Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cocky Behavior of the Drama Actor

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Actors need to stay fit and work on their bodies to be confident of their overall fitness and to show off that much-coveted abs. A drama actor (DA) enrolled in a gym near his place of work. The gym keeps a low profile and its clientele are non-showbiz people, who are mostly businessmen. All gyms have its rules that clients are expected to follow. However, DA wants to be different. Although the staff expects DA to be at least pleasing in demeanor, but sadly it isn't so. Whenever he comes to the gym, which is about two or three times a week, he keeps to himself and doesn't talk to anyone, not even to exchange pleasantries. For some reason, he also refuses to use the locker room facilities. One day, DA wanted to bring his driver inside the gym. He was denied but he insisted. Thus DA was reprimanded that the gym was for members only and that his driver had to wait at the waiting area.

What the staff could not figure out is why DA is the way he is. There is just something in him that spells arrogance. His overbearing in attitude just sucks. They could not help but compare him with the other actor (OA) who is also a client. OA is charming and definitely a lot friendlier than DA by a mile. And to top it all, OA is the bigger star than DA, also by a mile. Both OA and DA work in the same network where OA is highly prized.

Has success gotten into DA's head that he thinks he can always get away behaving in such a cocky manner? Well, good for him that he is now working out to get in shape again. Wasn't it just a few months ago when a photograph of him came out, flabs and all, that people thought he was going to ruin himself in a big fashion event?

Who is DA? Please abide by the GUIDELINES in writing comments if you want them to be posted. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS

Inspiration or Imitation: Rolling Stone vs. Esquire

Happy Halloween From Buzz Lightyear

Our son LOVES Toy Story! We have watched it so many times! Check out our little Buzz Lightyear! To infinity and beyond! Kids and their funny faces = THE BEST! We hope that you all have a fun and safe Halloween!

Sickle cell anemia - NHS Choices video

From NHS Choices YouTube channel:

Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic (inherited) blood disorder where red blood cells develop abnormally. In this video a specialist nurse explains what it is, and Junior describes living with the condition:

The estimated survival at 18 years is now 94 percent for those with HbSS sickle cell disease or HbS/beta(0) thalassemia and 98 percent for those with HbSC or HbS/beta(+) thalassemia.

Related reading:

What's new in hematology from UpToDate

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

San Diego Mom's Night Out 1 Year Anniversary Party

It is a rare occasion that my Mom friends and I get a chance to go out together.  We are all so busy with work and family life. When I heard about San Diego Mom's Night Out I couldn't pass up the opportunity at spending a few hours with my sisters and friends. Hubby was all for it so I began inviting the ladies closest to me: my sister & sister in laws.  Sadly, not everyone could make it. Those of us that were able to go had a wonderful time. We enjoyed food (sushi, sliders, tray passed hors d'oeuvres, dessert), drinks, entertainment, and various spa services!  I was in such a rush to get to the event that I had forgotten to grab my camera on the way out.  Good thing for my friends who were able to snap a few photos and for Memories Event Photography & Photobooth!

There were some wonderful prizes that were raffled off.  I wasn't a lucky winner but my friend Melanie won 4 tickets to Peter Pan!  Another highlight was getting to meet a few online friends in person for the first time!

Wonderful memories from our SD Mom's Night Out experience!  My friends and I were all first-timers!  But I have a feeling that we will be back!  In larger numbers no doubt!

The party was held poolside at the Kin Spa at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego which was the perfect venue.

Pippa Middleton and Michael G. Minter: Is there something in common?


Pippa Middleton

Pippa Middleton and Michael G.Minter may have something in common...

Pippa Middleton' book: Celebrate: A Year of Festivities for Families and Friends, according to Amazon delivers a fun-filled, colorful book of festivities for family and friends. The author shares her secrets on how to be a graceful host that aims to please! Middleton describes not only how to entertain for social gatherings, but also offers tips and detailed instructions to make it successful and memorable.

But is it a fun book to read? Maybe if you are more interested to find out about Kate Middleton, she drew some inspiration from the childhood traditions she shared with her sister.
Pippa offers a tiny glimpse of life inside the Middleton home and hints at a few spooky memories from their youth.

Read more:

On the other hand, Michael G. Minter's book I-Plan is about financial planning.(Sorry, it is not party planning...)

I-PLAN is a unique book where you will find a fun way to learn how to plan your "financial life". It is a book for all ages. Give it to your mom, father, neighbor, grandchildren. They will be thankful to learn how to be prepared for all the financial phases of their lives and will be assured that one green nugget will help them save hundreds and if not already applied thousands in their quest to financial freedom.

"The rule of thumb when writing a book is to focus on reaching the masses. However, when I decided to write the I-Plan, my intention was not only to reach millions of people, but to impact them in a way that would make a collective difference in America", says the author - Michael G.Minter.

Pippa Middleton and Michael G.Minter are about planning. Different ones, but still planning.

The difference is with I-PLAN you will learn how to do your “Napkin on the Fridge” as your guide and financial education as your top priority so you can build a strong foundation of financial education and a better future for yourself...and then you can plan your parties! 


More about Michael G.Minter:

Women who smoke triple their risk of dying early, but quitting early enough might just wipe out that risk

A new study of more than a million women found that smokers have more than triple the risk of early death than nonsmokers, and that quitting can virtually eliminate the increased risk. Smoking is still the most preventable cause of death in the United States and the United Kingdom.

The University of Oxford study, published this week in the British medical journal The Lancet, included 1.3 million women between the ages of 50 and 65, making it one of the largest ever conducted on smoking. At the start of the study, in 1996, 20 percent of the women were smokers, 28 percent were former smokers and 52 percent had never smoked. "Each of the women was registered in the U.K.’s national health system, so their deaths and cause of death were recorded," explains Alexandra Sifferlin of Time magazine. "By 2011, 66,000 had passed away." Researchers found that even smokers who smoked as few as nine cigarettes a day had twice the mortality rate of nonsmokers.

"More encouraging, however," writes Sifferlin, "was the positive effect that quitting seemed to have on the women’s life span. Those who quit smoking before they reached 40 avoided more than 90 percent of the increased risk of premature death from cigarettes, while women who stopped even earlier -- before age 30 -- avoided 97 percent of the added risk." (Read more)

Here are the seven factors driving health care cost increases

Escalating health care costs are everybody's problem and no one entity's fault. Julie Appleby at Kaiser Health News reports that the United States spends about18 percent of its gross domestic product -- or about $2.6 trillion a year -- on health care costs. So what's making that figure rise? A Bipartisan Policy Center study took on the task of finding out and came up with it believes are seven major factors:

1. Paying our doctors, hospitals and other medical providers in ways that reward doing more, rather than being efficient. Even insurers like Medicare pay on a fee-for-service system. New efforts in the federal health law look to change that.
2. Growing older, sicker and fatter as a nation.Medicare is set to grow by an average of 1.6 million people annually. With two-thirds of adults are either overweight or obese, lots of additional medical spending looms.
3. Wanting the latest drugs, technologies, services and procedures. Prices for newer treatments are often higher than for the products they replace.
4. Employers and employees get tax breaks on health insurance, and it costs employees little to seek care. Appleby writes, "The majority of people with insurance get it through their jobs. The amount employers pay toward coverage is tax deductible for the firm and tax exempt to the worker, thus encouraging more expensive health plans with richer benefits, the report says. How that coverage is designed also plays a role: Low deductibles or small office co-payments can encourage overuse of care, the report says. Increasingly, however, employers are moving toward high-deductible coverage as a way to slow premium growth and require workers to pay more toward the cost of care."
5. Not having enough information to make decisions on which medical care is best for us.
6. Hospitals increasingly gain market share through consolidation and demand higher prices.
7. Legal issues complicate efforts to slow spending. Doctors sometimes prescribe tests or treatment out of fear of facing a lawsuit, the report says. Fraudulent billing is another concern. The report notes that laws sometimes limit the ability of medical professionals to do work for which they are trained but that more highly paid doctors must do. (Read more)

To read the entire Bipartisan Policy Center report here.

Continuing Their Secret Affair

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Fame in showbiz comes with a high price. Family, friends, and affiliation sometimes have to be sacrificed. Managers would want their talents to assume a certain identity in exchange for an image that will sell and the public will adore. The few who adhere to these demands succeed, while there are others, who despite giving up everything, still miserably fail. Some young actors have to deny their gay benefactors, or stay closeted. Some actresses have to hide their lovers or deny a love child.

The most tragic price for success in showbiz is perhaps to deny one’s own family. Sadly, this talented actor (TA) has to give in and bite this bitter pill. Some people know that TA had a child with a partner before he hit stardom. He had to make a choice and the rest is history. His network transformed him into what he is now - one of today's hottest.

TA and partner try very hard to be private about their relationship. There were talks that went around that part of the contract of TA was for him to remain unattached. Recently, a story came out that it was over for TA and the mother of his child. The partner kept quiet about the issue and let it take its course. She’s become more focused and conscious of the fact that every sacrifice will be for the welfare and future of her child.

However, all might not be lost. TA and partner were spotted holding hands in a more secluded mall east of the city. They were sweet and even held hands while they were on the escalator. Probably attempting to remain incognito, TA was wearing a cap with head a little bowed and his partner was wearing bug shades. Some of those who saw them recognized TA. Does this appearance belie the separation rumour?

Now, if TA were to keep this relationship and continue to be seen in public with his partner, will his management get in the way? TA should know that his newfound status can plunge as quickly as it zoomed.

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Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS

Like or Dislike: Solenn Heusssaff for Maven

Down Ballot: No on Amendment 6

There is more at stake on November 6th than just the White House. No, I'm not talking about the Supreme Court, although that is a valid concern. I mean all the local ballot initiatives!

In Florida, Amendment 6 would ban state funds from covering abortion. This is far more than just the Hyde Amendment folks. This means state employees who get their health insurance from the state are at risk of losing their abortion coverage.

So don't stop voting after you select President Obama! Keep on going...check the back of the ballot too! Sometimes things are hiding there. And if you don't live in Florida, I bet you might know someone who does.

Oxbow Organic Farm

During the summer I was honored to participate in the Oxbow Box Project and create some recipes with the beautiful produce from Oxbow Organic Farm. Just a couple of weeks ago I visited the farm for the first time and got to be part of their Pumpkin Patch and Fall Hoe-Down. Let me tell you, if you are ever near Carnation, Washington, this is the place to be.

Oxbow Organic Farm is a 25-acre vegetable, fruit, and berry farm about 40 minutes outside of Seattle. You can find their produce at local farmers markets, independent grocery stores, and through their CSA. Besides their gorgeous produce, my favorite part about their farm is their mission to reconnect people to the land and sustainable farming methods while also educating people about healthy food and environmental stewardship. Oxbow has some fabulous educational field trip opportunities for schools and groups as well as a pumpkin patch that can't be beat this time of year!

Lacinato kale in the fields

And a special thanks to everyone who came out a few weeks ago for the Hoe-Down and got to enjoy my kale smoothie for kids demo!  (Recipe can be found here.) 

Have you been to Oxbow Farm before? What local farms do you love?

Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

The “Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival” is a weekly summary of the best posts from medical blogs. Feel free to send your suggestions to my email at Best of Medical Blogs (BMB) is published every Tuesday, just like the old Grand Rounds.

Here are this week's top blog posts arranged in 4 broad categories:

Twitter as a new educational medium for doctors

ENT doctor: "Twitter is the best and most efficient way to get started learning from and sharing information"

Social media is a great way to connect with others at scientific meeting and share your personal experiences. The Chest 2012 meeting jumps in the social media pool with both feet and you must join them:

Crowdsourcing Gout (with tweets). Here is how it works according to @RonanTKavanagh: This is why I love learning on Twitter. New drug, limited experience and 4 rheumatologists chipping in:

Health policy: what's on doctors' minds

Dr. Wes is worried about The Growing Culture of Hostile Dependency Toward Caregivers:

The Joys Of Health Insurance Bureaucracy - Dr. Val from the blog Better Health shares her personal experience:

Dr. Wes: The Growing Residency Squeeze: While medical schools have increased their medical school positions by 30%, residency slots have only increased at a much slower rate of 8%

Medical librarian provides a much needed critical look

Online Education Sites: and the Spam Goes on - Laika's MedLibLog from the Netherlands comments on her excellent and always well-referenced blog:

Why Publishing in the NEJM is not the Best Guarantee that Something is True - Laika's MedLibLog

Inner well-being: The glass is half full

Patient-Centerness in Healthcare: Chief Experience Officer at Cleveland Clinic and e-Patient Dave:

Healthcare CIO: After I started farming, my gray hair has disappeared. My optimism and equanimity are peaking...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kentucky to get $811,000 from drug company as settlement of federal suit alleging unfounded promotion of three medications

Attorney General Jack Conway has confirmed that the state will receive almost $811,000 for its share of recoveries in a settlement reached in a lawsuit filed by the federal government against Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. In all, the drug company has agreed to pay $95 million to settle allegations that it promoted three drugs for uses in Kentucky and other states that were not medically accepted.  The Associated Press reports that the stroke-prevention drug Aggrenox, the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease drug Combivent, and the high-blood-pressure drug Micardis are the drugs named in the suit. The Justice Department said the company also promoted the use of the heart drug Atrovent at doses exceeding those covered by federal health programs. (Read more)

Halloween 2012 Our Pumpkin Patch Adventures

To get into the Halloween spirit we went on a visit to the pumpkin patch. We had a great time. We went early and on a weekday so, for the most part, we had it all to ourselves.  We are not big fans of crowds so it was perfect.

Our son had more fun running around and kicking at the straw than he did on the big inflatable slide!  It humors me how he was unimpressed. I thought he would love it!  He really wanted to go on one of the rides but wasn't tall enough to. Maybe next year!

Grandma joined us and WON our little guy a prize in a carnival type game! Who knew Grandma knew how to throw darts?! To my amazement she hit 4 out of 5 balloons!  I'm so glad hubby caught it all on video!  My siblings will get a kick out of watching mom make it look so easy!

Next up: Adventures in Trick-or-Treating! I'd love to hear your plans and/or traditions for Halloween. Check our out little man from Halloween 2011 as Baby Yoda. Hoping that you have a FUN and safe Halloween!

Anthem funds program to fight childhood obesity in Louisville area

A $35,000 Anthem Foundation grant to the American Academy of Pediatrics will allow a program that fights childhood obesity in Louisville and northern Kentucky counties to continue, reports Darla Carter of the The Courier-Journal. The grant provides free YMCA memberships and fitness and nutritional guidance to families of 9- to 17-year-olds with weight issues who have been referred by member physicians. The foundation is a philanthropic arm of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Kentucky. 

Democratic ads accuse Republicans of supporting pill mills by voting against bill that all agree needs work

A bipartisan group of Kentucky lawmakers are looking ahead to fixing the much complained about "unintended consequences" of last spring's hastily passed bill aimed at curbing prescription drug abuse. Still, the House Democratic Caucus Committee has paid for political ads criticizing at least three Republican House members for not supporting the measure though they may have raised concerns about the very issues that now need legislative surgery.

Ryan Alessi of cn|2's "Pure Politics" reports that Rep. Mike Harmon of Boyle County and Rep. David Floyd of Bardstown are being targeted for not supporting the expansion of the use of the prescription monitoring system, KASPER, and requiring pain clinics to be run by physicians. Rep. Kim King of Harrodsburg has also been targeted; there may be othesr. Here is the ad:

Republican Floor Jeff Hoover of Jamestown, a supporter of HB 1, told Alessi that that need for changes in the bill now "vindicates lawmakers like Floyd and Harmon, who raised questions about whether the law would be overly restrictive for law abiding Kentuckians." (Read more, see more videos)

The Sideline of the Former Heartthrob

Image courtesy of

Former teenage heartthrob (FTH) has an interesting sideline. According to a reliable source, FTH is engaged in the booking business. No, he does not place bets on races or something similar. In bekimon, FTH is “pabooking,” which means engaging in certain bedroom activities with anyone who can pay his asking price. Furthermore, his asking price is negotiable: allegedly between Php 20 to 25k per session.

It’s such a pity that FTH is allegedly involved in this business. When he was starting out, he easily stood out because he had the looks and the talent in acting. His entry was promising because the young actors at that time lacked the acting intensity needed to be convincing. FTH even got the interest of a major movie network, who gave him his launching movie. Sadly, the movie did not do well at the box office.

Nonetheless, FTH had several projects on tv, but all these opportunities became scarce as stories about his unprofessionalism spread around. Stories even floated that he was allegedly into illegal substances, which he denied. To make it worse, FTH got involved with a married woman. Rather than earn the ire of the husband, FTH went abroad upon the advice of his parents. And add to that, his frequent sightings at the casino. Indeed, all the ingredients to self-destruct. What a waste for a truly talented person.

A few years later, FTH made his comeback via an indie film where he shared the starring role with an emerging talent at that time. The movie was acclaimed but networks and producers were wary of hiring FTH. Since he came back, FTH is still covered by the press occasionally; however, he is not visible on the screen these days.

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Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS

Poll: Which Film is Better?

Like or Dislike: Liz Uy for Cosmopolitan

Social media: how can doctors contribute?

"Social media: how doctors can contribute" is a brief but valuable opinion piece in The Lancet, one of the "big five" journals in the medical publishing world. I have suggested some practical examples before ( and my comments are in the text below.

Most social media guides for doctors emphasize the need to:

- maintain patient confidentiality
- provide accurate information
- treat colleagues with respect
- avoid anonymity online if writing in a professional capacity
- be aware of how content is shared
- review privacy settings and online presence
- declare conflicts of interest
- maintain separate personal and professional profiles

Here are some quotes from The Lancet article:

"Accepting Facebook friend requests from patients is, in general, not advised. But what of situations where doctors and patients are genuine friends? (then it's OK in many cases).

What, too, of the benefits of doctors providing medical information via blogs, Twitter, or Facebook? Current guidance focuses more on the risks than the benefits of doctors' use of social media."

Providing only negative examples of social media use by doctors is like teaching medical students only with "Morbidity and Mortality" conferences. Providing examples of positive outcomes and best practices is essential.

Patients use social networks to research their symptoms, their doctors, their treatments, and to set up support and information groups.

Doctors can use social media to drive awareness, to provide accurate information, and as a portal to communicate with other physicians.

"Much is said about the dangers of social media. Care about posting in a public space is, of course, needed. Doctors, though, should seize the opportunities provided by social networks to improve the health of their patients, and do their utmost to ensure that the highest quality of health information and access to treatment is there for all."

Finally, some common sense thinking about social media use by doctors has made it into a top 5 medical journal.

Cycle of Patient Education (click here to enlarge the image). An editable copy for your presentation is available at Google Drive:

Cycle of Online Information and Physician Education (click here to enlarge the image). An editable copy for your presentation is available at Google Drive:

The two cycles work together as two interlocking cogwheels (TIC). Here is how to facilitate the Rise of the ePhysican who works hand in hand with the ePatient:

Products of the Cycle of Patient Education: EQUALS

- Energy!
- Quality of life is improved
- Understanding of patient condition is improved
- "Affinity" - better physician-patient relationship leads to increased referrals to the practice, e.g. 2-5 new patients per week per physician, increased revenue
- Lower rate of ER visits, hospital admissions, phone calls
Savings for patient and health system


Social media: how doctors can contribute. The Lancet, Volume 379, Issue 9826, Page 1562, 28 April 2012.
Social media in medicine: How to be a Twitter rockstar and help your patients and your practice 

Related reading:

Howard Luks MD @hjluks: Many MDs and hospitalis are rushing into a So Me with a lack of proper offline preparation, and the lack of understanding

Comments from Twitter:

@mHIMSS: Nice breakdown! [GRAPHIC] How can #physicians contribute to #patient experience w/ #socialmedia? via @DrVes

Laika (Jacqueline) @laikas: Social media: how can doctors contribute? #socialmedia by @DrVes (with nice Patient Education Cycles) HT @DrShock

Mens Health

We know that life-expectancy gap between women and men has decreased, but do men look for medical help as often as women. Men tend to smoke more cigarettes and drink more alcohol as compared to women so it's very important that men's need to take care of his body system than women. Some men outline them-selves by their work, which may add more tension to their life.

Mens Health

Do you know that there are also some health problems which only influence men, for example low testosterone and prostate cancer. Most of the major health risks that men face - like heart disease or perhaps colon cancer. This may be definitely avoided and also treated with early on medical diagnosis. Screening tests can find disease problems early, while they are easier to treat. So it's important for men to have regular medical check-ups. Men must try following health tips which will helpful for men to keep them self healthy.

Men Must Do

1. Get enough sleep - In this busy world their is not sufficient time for men to take good, enough sleep. And we know that to maintain a healthy body, you need to take 8-10 hours of sleep every day. This will help you to be alert and awake and also keep your fitness/lifestyle up to-date. So you don't have to drink sugar-loaded energy drinks and caffeine.

2. Exercising -  If you want to get more energy and feel better, and perhaps even live longer? Then there is no better option than exercise. There are lots of health benefits of regular exercising. Regular exercise can help you protect from high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease and stroke, osteoporosis, back pain and help to improve your mood and help you to better manage stress. Some other benefits of exercise includes Reducing risk of developing high blood pressure, Helps to control weight, helps to maintain and build healthy muscles, bones and joints, Reduces feelings of anxiety and depression.

3. Eat more vegetables and fruits - Healthy vegetables and fruits help to reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Do you know that most of fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat where as full of essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health. Please feel free to comment on this... Thanks.

Cause Breast Cancer?

Free From Harm compiled a collection of information from experts about the connection between dairy and breast cancer. Some highlights:
  • "Casein, which makes up 87% of cow's milk protein, promoted all stages of the cancer process," says Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of the well-regarded, seminal China Study, summing up his relevant findings.
  • "[S]everal epidemiological studies have indicated a relationship between dairy consumption and breast cancer risk in pre-menopausal women (Outwater, 1997)." -Breast Cancer Fund
  • "It appears that when individuals do not have the correct enzymes to metabolize many of the hormones naturally found in any type of cow's milk, a glass of milk can flood the body with excess estrogen. This raises the risk of developing or accelerating the growth of existing breast cancer." -Susan Wadia-Ells, Founding Director of
  • Professor Jane Plant advocates changing from dairy to soy products to prevent breast cancer, noting that "even in Hiroshima, the chances of contracting breast cancer are half that of western nations. Only when Chinese and Japanese women move to Europe or the United States does their chance of contracting breast cancer dramatically increase," as Free From Harm summarized.
  • "While scientists are hard at work searching for specific breast cancer-fighting compounds, the safest approach is to apply what we already know: Diets that are highest in a variety of plant foods and stay away from heavy oils, meat, and dairy products, help prevent a great many diseases." -Dr. Neal M. Bernard
  • 'Some dairy products, such as whole milk and many types of cheese, have a relatively high saturated fat content, which may increase risk. Moreover, milk products may contain contaminants such as pesticides, which have carcinogenic potential, and growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor I, which have been shown to promote breast cancer cell growth.' -The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Some nutritionists confirm the doctors' findings. One of them, Phil Richards, writes that 'the connection between casein and cancer was so profound [in experiments on rats] that the scientists could literally turn cancer growth on and off in the laboratory animals, like a light switch, simply by altering the level of casein protein in their diets." Specifically, "[c]onsuming dairy products is linked to an increased risk for breast cancer as dairy products are high in fat, animal protein, and hormones, each of which increases cancer risk. Since the 1980′s, study after study has linked dairy consumption to a high incidence of breast and other cancers.'

Part of the problem with dairy is the things that come out of cows because of the way factory farmers treat them, as The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition quote above suggests. Dairy producers inject cows with a growth hormone to increase their milk production by a factor of ten. That milk then contains pus, bacteria, and blood because of the infections cows are prone to from their living conditions and from producing far more milk than they are meant to. Obviously these are not healthy things for us to drink.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure sounds a more conservative note than the researchers cited above: 'data from the Nurses' Health Study II found women who ate a lot of high-fat dairy products (like whole milk or butter) were at higher risk of premenopausal breast cancer," it admits, but nevertheless asserts that "[m]ost studies have found no link between consuming dairy products and breast cancer in premenopausal women." The site also claims that studies "have found no link between dairy product intake and postmenopausal breast cancer risk.'

By Piper Hoffman

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hunting enthusiasts Chinese have discovered a new hobby macabre, aimed at all the new rich who are

Hunting enthusiasts Chinese have discovered a new hobby macabre, aimed at all the new rich who are willing to pay big bucks for a ten day trip to Canada to spend on the trail of polar bears. A club dedicated mwf 3 to hunters, based in Beijing, provides, through an "all inclusive" value of about 60 000 euro, the possibility of being able to shoot without fail for a polar bear, whose fur is used for making a carpet of high commercial value. You're probably wondering what are the reasons that lead men and women to participate in one of the wild hunt. The fun, first of all, but not only.
The leaflets advertise hunting trip as a chance to finally hunt the most dangerous and feared member of the animal kingdom that is present in Canada and North America. Polar bears were males, thanks to their white fur, the best reward that a hunter might receive for their courage and for their skills. The President mwf 3 of the Chinese hunting club, that Scott Lupien, a native Californian, mwf 3 he notes, the pages of the Daily Mail, as the price incurred for the hunting expedition is equivalent to the purchase value of a bearskin rug, with assured that they can experience the thrill of personally kill the prey choice. mwf 3
The absurd excuses about not end here unfortunately. According Lupien, in fact, the killing of a number of males of the polar bear would ensure the survival of the species, as they often would follow the instinct to attack the puppies recently brought into the world by the females. In addition, in its opinion, the complete extinction of polar bears would be forthcoming, because of the increasingly widespread melting of arctic ice caps. So, to hunt them would simply speed up a process already destined to come to its fulfillment.
The hunting of polar bears would not, however, nothing more than a new hobby of luxury. The participants of the expeditions are offered hotel rooms equipped with every comfort and the real lessons

of hunting, which usually take place under the guidance of an experienced Inuit. Available for hunters there are guns, bullets and dogsled, on which each of them will rise to follow the traces left by the bears in the snow. Their - unheard of and criticism - experience will always be a distant memory thanks to the photographs collected in a special album where every hunter is portrayed next to their prey, and movies in DVD dedicated to each participant.
The affair did not leave indifferent the animal rights groups Americans, British and Canadians, mwf 3 who are trying to fight that such enterprises are immediately prevented. Polar bears are one of the species most at risk of extinction, and their reckless hunting can not simply be a further danger. Robbie Marsland, director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, hopes to convince the Chinese people to renounce the Holocaust to be part of polar bears, instead of contributing to initiatives to their defense.
Canada is the only nation mwf 3 to allow hunting of polar bears for pure entertainment purposes, sought mwf 3 to transform the poor animals in real trophies. Because of this, about 500 bears are killed each year on Canadian territory. Norway has completely banned the hunting of polar bears, while Russia, Alaska and Greenland to allow natives to hunt them as a food source. Meanwhile, groups of Chinese activists have started protests against the club founded by Scott Lupien,

in the hope that sooner or later, like hunting tours are outlawed.
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Breast milk may spread viruses that cause breast cancer

Breast milk and HPV

We all know that faulty genetics is partially responsible for breast cancer in a family. But faulty genetics is not the sole risk factor for breast cancer that spreads from a mother to her daughter(s).

Studies suggest that viruses that cause or increase risk of breast cancer can spread from one generation to another through breast milk.

Dr. W.K. Glenn and colleagues published a study in BMC Research Notes that had found high risk human papillomavirus and Epstein Barr virus in human breast milk and babies drinking the virus-loaded milk may contract the cancer-causing viruses.

The authors reported that multiple viruses including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Epstein Barr virus (EBV) and mouse mammary tumour virus have already been identified in human milk and high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) sequences have already been identified in breast cancer tissue.

Apparently, baby girls who drink milk from their infected mothers may get infected with the viruses. But the current study has found these viruses may also be present in human milk from normal lactating women who had no history of breast cancer.

The researchers found high risk HPV in 15% of milk samples from normal lactating Australian women. Four samples were sequenced and HPV 16 was found in three samples and HPV 18 was found in one sample. Epstein Barr virus was detected in 33% of breast milk samples.

The researchers concluded "The presence of high risk HPV and EBV in human milk suggests the possibility of milk transmission of these viruses. However, given the rarity of viral associated malignancies in young people, it is possible but unlikely, that such transmission is associated with breast or other cancers."

Although HPV was found in non-cancerous tissue, HPV was also found in breast cancer tissue, suggesting that these viruses may play a role in the development of certain cases of breast cancer.

By David Liu, PHD

The Scent of a Woman

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Product endorsers can have a huge impact on one's business. A respected celebrity can add both credibility and value to a product, and paves the way for instant recall even to an unknown or untried brand. An endorser is thus expected to send a message to the public that she/he is indeed a believer and user of the product being endorsed.

Actress Endorser AE and her manager HM were at the press launch of her latest endorsement -- a new perfume brand PB. The endorsement made AE several million pesos richer in talent fee, among other perks that came with it. When talent and manager arrived at the venue, there were the usual exchange of pleasanties with everybody present.

When the PB company's Vice President VP arrived, as a show of courtesy, AE approached him and extended a handshake before she did the customary "beso-beso." Suddenly, the VP stopped and paused for a few seconds. Being the company top gun, he knew and smelled AE's perfume which was not PB that they were launching which AE was paid to promote and endorse.

VP was visibly annoyed -- to him that was a spectacular oversight. VP called HM and chided him for his negligence over AE's blunder. HM was so embarrassed and apologized profusely. Immediately, HM went back to the table he shared with AE and some company executives. Very quietly and discreetly, he told her what the VP told him and scolded her for not wearing the company's perfume on its launching day at that. AE who is not known to be mindful of etiquette, quickly retorted, in full earshot of the company executives seated on the table, " Eh kasi naman Momsy, ayaw ni **** (name of her bf) na gamitin ko yung pabango kasi amoy p*kp*k daw. Mag-aamoy p*kp*k daw ako pag ginamit ko!"

Can you guess what happened next?

"A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting. " ― Christian Dior

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Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS

Letter from a Reader: What You See Is Not Always What You Get

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Dear Fashion PULIS,

I am a Kapamilya fan and also an avid reader of Fashion PULIS. I would like to share with you some sidelights/tidbits about the ASAP stars when they had the ASAP show here in Singapore recently.

The ASAP stars were all around SG for 2 days and since there are many Pinoys here including the OFW's, many fans easily recognized them. My friend and I were at Suntec when we saw Bamboo having coffee at Coffee Bean. Of course we were starstruck but too shy to approach. We followed him when he stood up and walked towards the Conrad Hotel. Then we were so surprised to see most of ASAP stars scattered at the hotel lobby. Since it is a hotel, we were really too shy to approach them to take pictures, so we just stood there and gawked.

Almost all of them were going in and out of the hotel lobby except for one, Piolo Pascual who was the only one sitting at a couch and smiling at us. It was such a friendly smile as if he was inviting us to approach him, but oh, we really didn't have that much guts to even go near him, what a loss! I don't know, but we felt awkward to be running after stars inside the hotel. My friend and I were probably the only fans there.

During the actual show itself, Piolo was "super bait," with such genuine kindness. Yes, we also saw several stars walking along the lobby and we said 'Hi' to them and they waved and said Hi back to us. However there were also a few who were quite a big disappointment, and kind of turned us off completely.

We saw a Teleserye hunk Actor TA getting off from the lift and walking with his head bowed all the time while holding a cap to cover his face. It was actually funny and OA of him to do that because there were just my friend and I whom you can call as Pinoy fans who were there at that time. As in there was no one who would haunt him for photos and ask for autograph. Thus, TA's fears to be hounded by unruly and screaming fans was clearly unfounded. Our impression was that TA was really a complete snub.

Another turn-off was a VJ/host VJH. She walked infront of us so my friend said, "Hi VJH!" Yes, she mentioned VJH's name. But we were so surprised by her reaction. VJH just glared at us, very coldly, "sabay irap!" We were shocked and it took a while before we recovered from that. Just goes to show that what we see in front of the camera is really different from what some of them show in public, especially with VJH. Until now, I still can't forget how stiff her face was. Oh well, maybe she wasn't in the mood, or just so wrong of us to expect a 'hi' from her or even a smile, just like the rest of the stars we met like Shaina, Kim, Maja, Piolo, Bamboo, Khalil, Daniel, Enchong etc.

By the way, most of our"kababayans" who went to see the ASAP show were quite disappointed with Very Popular teleserye Actor VPA as well. He was so cold with the fans, he was smiling but so uncomfortable or shy maybe? He wasn't charming like most of his colleagues, some fans branded him as "suplado." Could it be that he was still "living" his role in the soap that just ended?

Well, this just it, FP - I'm just venting out maybe, and at the same time showing big appreciation to some stars who know how to acknowledge their fans whether in or out of the Philippines.

Congrats to your blog, FP! God bless always!

An avid fan,

Note: Letter is edited for brevity

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President Obama does not agree with Suze Orman

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

The sages tell us camels On "Camels Polar" | GIUSEPPE GENNA
The "moral operetta" are among the highest pages of our literature. Genna decided to omaggiarle, and succeeded in the difficult goal without falling in the manner and without showing any arrogance. He managed, in other words, to make a huge undertaking with incredible ease. His "Sermon done to people in the impermanent species of camels polar" (colon, millipore microcon 2010), first release of the series "Zoo-animals Scriptures," directed by Giorgio Vasta and Dario Voltolini, is a writing intensive, imaginative and moving. It is sacrilegious to say that would have liked the unfortunate and immense literary Marche, not at all. This operetta moral Genna seems designed the first disciple of Leopardi - and if this is not the first, it is one of the most loyal. And when the tone ends, for it is too apodictic, the reader has no desire to censor or condemn him. Because he realizes that tone hides a wave of pure feeling, and absolute conviction.
Genna tells anomalous phenomena "in the vast shaves ghiacee millipore microcon around the point where the magnetic axis pierces the earth, and comes out in full Antarctica: the Pole. The core point, dissolute and tilt of the planet ", never described in the past by" travelers foolish millipore microcon and visionary. " One of these phenomena is that of Camels Polari. Mysterious creatures, sometimes appearing to young for a moment before falling asleep: incedono white, indifferent to everything, and seem to exist only to advance. Go, and do not feel fatigue. It may consist of light alone. Genna: "They seem to skate, even with rhythmic swaying concern, soil ground, not realizing what breaks the silence for those who are subjected to the yoke of hearing. They do not have to hate the perception, but seem immune, but are capable of great stories: stories, millipore microcon legends, anecdotes. They know to speak "(p. 10). And that their language is "snowy", "ulcerated by the light," sings Genna: it is a kind of ultrasound that "evokes images and intentions." And in our the artist refers to a speech that they have both turned, full of memories of the old days when the "world was uncertain" (p. 27). And in this discourse lurks the secret origin of the moon, and the secret essence of humanity. The camels, in their infinite wisdom, know that we are the species impermanent, that we only rarely manage to look beyond the prison where we have to. And they want to remind us that our destiny is freedom, not at all needed. And in the end we do not know what is really a point. And if we see them, we must learn to look back. Why, translates millipore microcon Genna, those who learn to see them "learn to see (because, finally, the question lies in this: from time immemorial, as always, for anyone, including us, intangible Bactrians, the problem is to learn to see)" ( p. 42). And who wants to hear what they have to say will discover a primitive millipore microcon message and perfect. Addressed to all of us.
The sages tell us camels' back to the house. " And they seem to want it as he wished Novalis, the poet child who wanted to return millipore microcon to the Father's house. The message of the camels is simple and eternal. millipore microcon "Be friends millipore microcon and family. The well you hear without mediation. The time is over forever. There is a point that can be overcome and all we are. [...]. Silence is the origin and the presence of all symphonies. " Finally, perhaps millipore microcon we should learn to listen - this alone.
Beautiful. "Speech made to people in the impermanent species of camels polar" is a meditation on the meaning of the writing and the role of the writer conceived and composed by an artist in a state of grace. For me this book is a small masterpiece. Glad I met on my journey, I swear I'm going to look for polar camels just before sleep.
Post random interview audio RadioAlt of Italy De Profundis On 'Tuttolibri': "Altar of the Fatherland" of Parazzoli 'I, You, Zinc, Lead: Gold' The mp3 of the Fabula Orphica millipore microcon recited The Wretched of Panorama:

The Italians are affected!
Areas 1. Assault on a time ravaged and cowardly one. Tar 1. Books 2. The two light-year. Literature 2. In the name of Ishmael 3. Dies Irae 3. Materials 3. Do not touch the skin of the dragon 4. Great Mother Red 4. Hitler - novel 4. Meditations 5. Arts 5. Italy De Profundis 5. The heads 6. End of Empire 6. The new book The Assayer @ Revelation with figures Art Camels Polar Constantine and the empire Diary Fabula public Orphica Forget Domani Demons The case Battisti Installations Hitler speeches I seen Meditations Books Nondualiste Medium Narratives News This is not the place Nugae Thought Poetry millipore microcon Without Shooting Reports

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