Saturday, November 26, 2011

Roasted Root Veggies with Shallots

Today I come to you with a simple recipe and a heart-felt thank you.  Thank you, dear readers, for being such a wonderful part of my life and bringing so much energy and purpose to what I love to do: talk about vegetables!  Thank you for all your comments, tweets, emails, and allowing me to relish you with stories about beets and farmers markets... as well as giving in when I (practically) force green smoothies down your throats.  Without you, I would just be a woman in her pajamas talking to her cats about her love for kale.  Nobody wants to be that person.

I've been working on a gratitude project for the last couple of weeks and documenting all of the things that I am most grateful for in my life.  You, of course, are at the top of my list, along with my family, my friends, and my health.  I am also incredibly grateful to be approaching the one-year mark at my job where I get to do amazing work like introduce kids to kale smoothies and teach people how to cook with quinoa for the first time. 

What are you most grateful for?  I hope that wherever you are you find yourself experiencing health, happiness, and a passion for everything that you do in this world.

This almost isn't a recipe as much as a suggestion... to roast some fall vegetables, treat yourself to good food, and make your health a priority.  You deserve it.

Roasted Root Veggies with Shallots
Serves 4

6 carrots, sliced in half, tops trimmed
6 golden beets, sliced in quarters, tops trimmed
any additional veggies of your choice
4 shallots, quartered
a few tablespoons of oil (any oil that can tolerate high heat will work: avocado, almond, canola, grapeseed, or safflower are all great.)
any fresh or dried herbs you desire (I used fresh rosemary, thyme, and sage)
freshly ground sea salt and pepper to taste

Lay vegetables on a sheet pan and toss with oil and herbs.  Roast at 425 degrees for about 20 minutes, or until the vegetables can be easily pierced with a fork. Add salt and pepper to taste, if desired.  Serve warm or cold.

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