Sunday, April 21, 2013

There are plenty of English words [write because p2201 it is abnormal p2201 chest and I feel that w

Seagoing | Comatoseness things
I studied electrical automation Latvian Maritime Academy Chapter. Inferring the future p2201 - will become the ship's electrical engineer. Academy-trained engineer and electrical engineer, going into their third year of the first practices in the second half.
From 2011 on 7īto February at Panama, I started to write their daily seen, do and think. I numbered days, as the dates I really did not make sense. So to 72nd day, I was taking notes of their notebook p2201 to starting the day 73šo them digitized.
Article I lunchtime on what did / heard / noticed in the first half of the working day. After 1800, I, in turn, working description of the other quests. It is therefore possible that what I wanted to do after dinner or any other day of the week may not, in the end, the sea is variable and tasks as well.
There are plenty of English words [write because p2201 it is abnormal p2201 chest and I feel that writing a freakin badass], which is actually a maritime terms and mechanisms p2201 of origin. p2201 Mostly all the words I have made a non-Latvians ending after the "` "symbol, so that they easily p2201 fits into the context. Below are the available small explanation of each of the maritime term or mechanism.
Profession abbreviations Bridge. p2201 Master - Captain. Responsible for the ship and crew. C / O - chief officer. Chief mate. Responsible for freight and navigation 2 / O - second officer. Second mate. Responsible for maps, navigation, and health care 3 / O - third officer. Third mate. Responsible for the safety p2201 and navigation. D / C - Cadet deck. Deck Cadet. Engine department. C / E - chief engineer. Chief Engineer. Responsible for the entire engine, documentation and administration. 2 / E - second engineer.Otrais mechanic. Responsible for the main engines, nitrogen, seperāciju, work sharing, etc. 3 / E - third engneer. The third mechanic. Responsible for diesel generators, boilers, separators, etc. E / E - electric p2201 engineer. Electromechanics. Responsible for diesel generators, power supply and radio equipment Fitter - Responsible for pumps and other machinery repair E / C - engine cadet. Engine room cadet Oiler1/Oiler2 - Oilers, wipers, apkopēji.Mašīntelpas mechanism to keep them clean and Deck department. Bosun - Boatswain. Responsible for board work etc. enkurēšanos A / B - able seaman. First class mariner O / S - ordinary seaman. Second-class sailor Pumpman p2201 - [PMP, donkerman] - Responsible for cargo operations and commercial maintenance Other C / C - chief cook. Responsible for feeding Messman - officer responsible for the cleanliness of the living room of the minimum required (minimum): pilot ladder - storm traps. Two ropes with wooden rungs crew - crew bunkering - fuel intake raid - Marine line of the harbor or the bunker tanks - liquid cargo space / tank manifold-pipe outlet for all tanks, including cargo tanks and fuel Dank. Located in the middle of the board. Citadel - Safety rules require that a ship going through the pirate zone, have a secure place to hide and turn on the crew during a pirate attack. Usually citadel itself p2201 gives power equipment room. We have armored door in the main entrance to the engine room, and the armored door actuator space. CDR - crew day room. A place where crew's latest p2201 composition can smoke, watch movies, talk, etc.. Such as a living room. ER - engine room. Engine room. ME - main engine. Main engine AE - auxilary engines. Diesel generator. ECR - engine control room. Engine control room. Here you will find all the equipment to run the engine, keep track of any facility condition and to relax, have coffee / tea and smoking. safety shoes - the shoes. Provision - The consignment / supply of the coast. It can be a dish or technique. ODR - Officer `s day room. Senior composition space where they can relax, meet or smoke. Workshop - Workshop p2201 ship's jumpsuit-[notch]

the suit, which is worn for work or during the watch of increased interest in minimum p2201 Bruno wire - just like barbed wire, razor sharp prickles instead. Meant to repel the pirates on board the pour (it does not work) Forward [fwd] - Forecastle bow-bow, including the space under the bow deck, for example., Cables spaces, cargo care facilities Aft - [stern] poop. PS - port side. Left side looking forward. Red navigation light. STB - Starboard. Right side looking forward. Green navigation light. LK - Latvian Shipping emergancy fire drill - drill a fire Abandon ship - drill, during which arrive at the rescue boat wearing a life vest and pick up immersion oil spill drill - drill cargo or fuel exhaustion

case forsunka - fuel injection valve nm - [M] nautical mile. Nautical mile. 1.85 kilometers ch / t - Chemical tanker / IMO - the second Tanker, which is able to take chemistry MARPOL-marine pollution. The organization that controls pollution from ships CFC hea

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