Saturday, April 20, 2013

Average Rating: not yet rated article Tweet More news Comments Black 13/05/2009 14:15 just thought

The Observatory forum History Solar System Universe Watching Sky Technologies Astro [science] Interestingly Do not miss!
* 1967th the dying French astronomer mcnett aquamira Andre-Louis Danjons to introduce a full moon eclipse color and luminance scale. Spirit is sinking sand of 13.05.2009 (1390/4) Five Mars rover Spirit wheels still spinning, it is stuck in the fine sands. Spirit of engineers and a team of scientists has blocked any attempts to ride and is now carefully analyze the soil surrounding terrain to build simulation tests to be carried out by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory rover copy of the lab.
"Spirit is a very difficult situation," said the Spirit and Opportunity Project Manager John Kallas. "We are moving forward very thoughtfully and carefully. It may take weeks before we try to move Spirit. Currently, we use off-road tools to better investigate the problem of sand properties."
A week ago, suspected that the Spirit bottom plate is already so low that it is facing cliffs. This situation mcnett aquamira is far difficult. Front right wheel does not work for three years. Five working wheels that stuck in the sand and a single wheel, which completely does not work at all do not make solving the problem.
"Electricity production improvement allows us to hurry," said Kallas. "We will use this time to carefully plan the next steps., We know that dust storms could return at any moment, even if the sky looks clean."
In early April, were found in Spirit behavioral problems - memory loss episodes, restart mcnett aquamira the computer and could not wake up communication sessions. Although there is no known reason for this unusual mcnett aquamira behavior in recent weeks, similar problems have been observed.
Average Rating: not yet rated article Tweet More news Comments Black 13/05/2009 14:15 just thought as follows: Hold on, we are with you ;) 13/05/2009 15:57 incorrigible just thought as follows: In general, the irons have often but ... I remember a time when I was still a boy and worked on the moon Lunohod. When the first radioisotope heater "came to an end," had a feeling that any living creature dies. Similar feelings were also Sojourner on Mars - he kept a wee and so far! 14/05/2009 12:20 xf just thought that incorrigible, heh, I had a very similar episode a few months ago, the Phoenix ended life on Mars. In the last entries in blogs and twitter .. Irons has often, but .. 14/05/2009 12:51 inveterate just thought that well yet, that these machines did not talk to the operators of the lovely female voice or express emotions depending on their technical condition parameters such as :), nevaidētu dragging a broken wheel ... although

technically it would not be difficult to do. Something mcnett aquamira like this has ever read Russian fiction. All this indicates how deeply rooted in us anthropomorphism - and if it is bad? About the theme very interesting article: Well but Phoenix still let us reason together :) fingers crossed that everything can happen. Identify mcnett aquamira yourself! Email (will not be published) My thoughts of the International Space Station Starparty Space Saturn Space asteroid astronomy observatory Sun Moon Milky Way black hole in the galaxy astronaut Mars donation Telescope star contest crater companion spacecraft StarSpace Jupiter comet planet Earth satellite atmosphere Newsflash Russia develops robotic android-space (117/0) How to weigh and measure the stars? (13200/3) apostles youth contest We own the sky in 2013 (146/0) Albert Einstein on the International Space Station will go in June (148/0) StarSpace hat travels around the world [updated] (11346/0) Latest Forum Radio Astronomy (DIY) ( JDat) cut out the water from the towel (Cydonia) Astrofoto with modest mcnett aquamira equipment (Indzha) C/2011 L4 Pan-Starrs kometa (Andris R) Mars-3 (incorrigible) sell a variety of small details (mario1) Telescope choice. (Crab) ESTCube-1 (JDat) Meteorite Chelyabinsk (coco) Very, very light material (xf) What, when, why, where?

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