If you run a smaller business you might be reluctant to invest in things like first aid at work courses, and might struggle to reconcile the cost of the course with the potential benefits. This is because many of the benefits associated with workplace first aid aren't directly financial, and are more to do with employee health and safety, employee esteem and even efficiency.
On the one hand there is a legal requirement for first aid in the workplace. This covers access to health and safety equipment, e.g. a first aid box, and ensuring that staff are suitably trained in the use of equipment. Accidents happen in all kinds of businesses, from workshops to retail outlets, so first aid is a universal need.
However, first aid is clearly more important in some industries and businesses than others. So, the nature of the course will vary depending on the requirement for first aid. In many businesses, basic first aid will suffice, and will considerably improve the overall health and safety of the working environment.
There are additional benefits to taking health and safety courses. Businesses that offer their employees things like first aid training are showing themselves to be more inclusive and tend to enjoy better relationships with their workforce. This effect is hard to quantify, however it's clear that a more involved workforce will be happier and more productive.
Bio: This guest blog post is written by Webmaster of elas.uk.com, offering First aid at work courses and employment law services!
By: Paul Evans
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
National Breastfeeding Week, Aug. 1-7, focuses attention on need for supportive families, friends and employers
World Breastfeeding Week is Aug. 1-7, so the state Department for Public Health is pointing out the importance of providing support for breastfeeding families. “We encourage mothers to breastfeed to ensure that infants are getting the nutrition they need to grow and thrive,” said Health and Family Services Cabinet Secretary Audrey Haynes. “Even the most committed mothers can struggle to successfully breastfeed when they don’t have the kind of support system they need at home, at the workplace and in the community. If we want to send the message that breastfeeding is important and improve our breastfeeding rates, we need to support mothers who choose to breastfeed.”
The World Health Organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other medical organizations recommend that babies be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life, and continue to be breastfed, along with other food sources, for at least a year. The cabinet and the department want fathers, other family members, friends, employers and others to know that, and the importance of support for breatfeeding mothers, especially in the workplace. “Continuing breastfeeding after returning to work is a tremendous challenge,” said Fran Hawkins, director of the state's Women, Infants and Children nutrition program. Public health officials stress that continuing breastfeeding after returning to work is often necessary to meet the recommendations for optimal infant nutrition.
The state says four steps help make workplaces more conducive to breastfeeding: support from managers and coworkers; flexible time to express milk (10 to 15 minutes three times per day); education for employees about how to combine breastfeeding and work; and a designated space to breastfeed or express milk in privacy. Kentucky law protects women who wish to breastfeed their babies in public. This law permits a mother to breastfeed her baby or express breast milk in any public or private location. This law also requires that breastfeeding not be considered an act of public indecency or indecent exposure. For more information, contact Marlene Goodlett at (502) 564-3827 ext. 3612 or marlene.goodlett@ky.gov. Information on breastfeeding can be found here.
The World Health Organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other medical organizations recommend that babies be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life, and continue to be breastfed, along with other food sources, for at least a year. The cabinet and the department want fathers, other family members, friends, employers and others to know that, and the importance of support for breatfeeding mothers, especially in the workplace. “Continuing breastfeeding after returning to work is a tremendous challenge,” said Fran Hawkins, director of the state's Women, Infants and Children nutrition program. Public health officials stress that continuing breastfeeding after returning to work is often necessary to meet the recommendations for optimal infant nutrition.
The state says four steps help make workplaces more conducive to breastfeeding: support from managers and coworkers; flexible time to express milk (10 to 15 minutes three times per day); education for employees about how to combine breastfeeding and work; and a designated space to breastfeed or express milk in privacy. Kentucky law protects women who wish to breastfeed their babies in public. This law permits a mother to breastfeed her baby or express breast milk in any public or private location. This law also requires that breastfeeding not be considered an act of public indecency or indecent exposure. For more information, contact Marlene Goodlett at (502) 564-3827 ext. 3612 or marlene.goodlett@ky.gov. Information on breastfeeding can be found here.
Just Engaging in Some Recreation
Image courtesy of www.indentitydesigned.com
While staying at his hotel, however, his behavior did not escape some onlookers. After a time, IS was slowly being recognized and his actions being noticed. Almost every night, he would go on a night-clubbing, then would return to his room with different women. IS must have really enjoyed his stay here. He continued going out despite having been in a fight in a pub in another country prior to him coming over. At any rate, this story of him bringing in women should have reached the foreign press. Despite the image of IS and the fact that he does his own stunts, the foreign media has always badgered IS with questions regarding his sexuality. In his interviews, IS already denied being gay in an imposing manner.
After he left, one of his movies was shown. IS played a pivotal role in that hit movie. The same box office results are expected for the movie he filmed here. Chances are, if IS visits Manila again, he will no longer experience the anonymity he once had, and the "extra curricular/s" that go with it.
Can you identify who IS is? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.
Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to michaelsylim@gmail.com. Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.
Enjoy updating my blog using my new I-PAD powered by SMART BRO!
Letter from a Reader: Dear Sarah
I watched your show Live here in CA few hours ago. It was very evident that you’re very over-protected and dependent on your parents even at 24 years old. It is very disturbing to watch how your Mom was acting like God knowing His will for you in all things. Gerald was the only brave, sincere, loving and mature man to pay respect to your parents and court you at home, perhaps not as often as your parents wished, but after him, I doubt it if there be another braver soul to face them for you.
The least your parents could say were some kind words of appreciation for his efforts and not judge him on television . Ge always had good words for you and your family during his interviews, it says much of his breeding. I admire you as a performer but I ended up admiring Ge more for his maturity and sincerity. I am a mother of a 19 y/o and raised her God-fearing and with values as well. But I let her learn her lessons on her own, even if I wanted to dictate to her what her decision should be at a particular moment. I trust and give her a chance, and so far, she’s not failed me.
More than half of your lifetime, you’ve already provided, obeyed and shown love to your family, when will you allow yourself to be loved. Being in love is such a wonderful and fulfilling experience in life, and you don’t know when it comes, you learn so much from it, and there’s no such thing as a perfect man that he won’t ever hurt you. For your discernment, I beg you to seek the advise and wisdom from other people like Ms Judy Ann, Sharon, Ms Angeli Valenciano or any other older mentor outside your family that have personally experienced love and lived a happy family life in show biz. You can even ask the guidance of a priest. Your parents are somehow seeing Ge as a competition for your love and attention, that's why they can’t let go. Ge even said in one of his interviews “to understand your Mom bec you’re their baby”.
You have accomplished and done a lot in your career at a very short 10 years. You’re such a great performer, actress, host, endorser and I admire you. But you being in that spotlight, has shown us that at 24, you’re not consistent with your actions and words, afraid to speak on your own convictions especially around your folks. You’re trying so hard to be that perfect image but first you have to be true to yourself, to your own feelings, and views in life ( and not bec your parents said so), then only you can be true to others, to your fans, to your friends, to the man you’ll love someday.
God gave us this beautiful life to enjoy, He also authored love itself and created our hearts to feel such wonderful emotions, without losing our souls. Your parents being so traditionalists wanting you to be courted at home only and not through texts seems out of touch with reality and with the times. Of course, Ge should court you in your house, but they must also allow you to go on dates still with some guidelines because it would be nice to go on a dinner or a movie or just stroll and get to know each other. Besides, this is your chance to experience new things in life that you’ve missed out on. It doesn’t mean you’re going to do the “wrong thing” which parents are afraid of, but with proper discussion about saving your purity/ chastity until marriage, it can be done.
Just look at Nikki Gil and Toni Gonzaga, their respective boyfriends know and respect their boundaries, and it’s admirable and achievable. Texting and calling on cellfone are the ways to communicate now, what are your parents thinking? As much as you’re wanting to to tell your parents that you’d be obedient and try to please them, the episode with them last nite showed how very strict and overprotective they are of you, and that was very evident and made a lot of us very sad for you . Like Ge said, time lost will never be found again, live life, do the things you want to do, say the things you want to say, ( I don’t think he implied be rebellious to your parents and do whatever you like), take risks, be not afraid, trust God and those you love. Enjoy life, there’s more to life than just lots of career, popularity, awards, good family image, ( there’s no such thing as a perfect family even if you're intact), You’ve given so much to your family, to your fans, to your bosses and management. It's time to give time to yourself and what matters most to you.
My heart aches for Ge, he’s matured and appreciates all that he’s learned from knowing you and he might not be the intellectual man that your parents wished for, but it’s very evident he is the more emotionally matured of the two of you. The spiritual aspect is something that the two of you together can grow into and it’ll even be more fruitful .
Sarah, I am in my late 40′s and I’ve never followed a love story like yours and Ge. It reminds me of Sharon Cuneta’s days with Gabby, Richard, and made us relive our hopeless romantic days in our college years when we're in love ourselves. I believe that your team up with Ge was the most genuine so far out of all of them, bec it blossomed after the movie was over. You didn’t really need each other’s help to promote something, and that you each on your own have names established already. That’s why it was very clear and sincere to all of us when Ge started courting you.
Forgive me Sarah for giving you my unsolicited views but I hope this gets to you. Other people will say very nice words to comfort you but you need to know that this is how we see it from the fans point of view , and my intention is for you to learn there are well meaning people out there that truly care for you, your growth as a young, confident, woman with conviction.
Sarah, you and Ge are in my prayers as well as your parents, and the many fans out there who are a bit disillusioned like me, may God’s holy will be done!
July 30, 2012 at 10:17 am
The least your parents could say were some kind words of appreciation for his efforts and not judge him on television . Ge always had good words for you and your family during his interviews, it says much of his breeding. I admire you as a performer but I ended up admiring Ge more for his maturity and sincerity. I am a mother of a 19 y/o and raised her God-fearing and with values as well. But I let her learn her lessons on her own, even if I wanted to dictate to her what her decision should be at a particular moment. I trust and give her a chance, and so far, she’s not failed me.
More than half of your lifetime, you’ve already provided, obeyed and shown love to your family, when will you allow yourself to be loved. Being in love is such a wonderful and fulfilling experience in life, and you don’t know when it comes, you learn so much from it, and there’s no such thing as a perfect man that he won’t ever hurt you. For your discernment, I beg you to seek the advise and wisdom from other people like Ms Judy Ann, Sharon, Ms Angeli Valenciano or any other older mentor outside your family that have personally experienced love and lived a happy family life in show biz. You can even ask the guidance of a priest. Your parents are somehow seeing Ge as a competition for your love and attention, that's why they can’t let go. Ge even said in one of his interviews “to understand your Mom bec you’re their baby”.
You have accomplished and done a lot in your career at a very short 10 years. You’re such a great performer, actress, host, endorser and I admire you. But you being in that spotlight, has shown us that at 24, you’re not consistent with your actions and words, afraid to speak on your own convictions especially around your folks. You’re trying so hard to be that perfect image but first you have to be true to yourself, to your own feelings, and views in life ( and not bec your parents said so), then only you can be true to others, to your fans, to your friends, to the man you’ll love someday.
God gave us this beautiful life to enjoy, He also authored love itself and created our hearts to feel such wonderful emotions, without losing our souls. Your parents being so traditionalists wanting you to be courted at home only and not through texts seems out of touch with reality and with the times. Of course, Ge should court you in your house, but they must also allow you to go on dates still with some guidelines because it would be nice to go on a dinner or a movie or just stroll and get to know each other. Besides, this is your chance to experience new things in life that you’ve missed out on. It doesn’t mean you’re going to do the “wrong thing” which parents are afraid of, but with proper discussion about saving your purity/ chastity until marriage, it can be done.
Just look at Nikki Gil and Toni Gonzaga, their respective boyfriends know and respect their boundaries, and it’s admirable and achievable. Texting and calling on cellfone are the ways to communicate now, what are your parents thinking? As much as you’re wanting to to tell your parents that you’d be obedient and try to please them, the episode with them last nite showed how very strict and overprotective they are of you, and that was very evident and made a lot of us very sad for you . Like Ge said, time lost will never be found again, live life, do the things you want to do, say the things you want to say, ( I don’t think he implied be rebellious to your parents and do whatever you like), take risks, be not afraid, trust God and those you love. Enjoy life, there’s more to life than just lots of career, popularity, awards, good family image, ( there’s no such thing as a perfect family even if you're intact), You’ve given so much to your family, to your fans, to your bosses and management. It's time to give time to yourself and what matters most to you.
My heart aches for Ge, he’s matured and appreciates all that he’s learned from knowing you and he might not be the intellectual man that your parents wished for, but it’s very evident he is the more emotionally matured of the two of you. The spiritual aspect is something that the two of you together can grow into and it’ll even be more fruitful .
Sarah, I am in my late 40′s and I’ve never followed a love story like yours and Ge. It reminds me of Sharon Cuneta’s days with Gabby, Richard, and made us relive our hopeless romantic days in our college years when we're in love ourselves. I believe that your team up with Ge was the most genuine so far out of all of them, bec it blossomed after the movie was over. You didn’t really need each other’s help to promote something, and that you each on your own have names established already. That’s why it was very clear and sincere to all of us when Ge started courting you.
Forgive me Sarah for giving you my unsolicited views but I hope this gets to you. Other people will say very nice words to comfort you but you need to know that this is how we see it from the fans point of view , and my intention is for you to learn there are well meaning people out there that truly care for you, your growth as a young, confident, woman with conviction.
Sarah, you and Ge are in my prayers as well as your parents, and the many fans out there who are a bit disillusioned like me, may God’s holy will be done!
July 30, 2012 at 10:17 am
What it's like to lack health insurance, and how health reform is changing that: It's a story for every county, with local data
The Kentucky Standard's Randy Patrick deftly shows how the federal health-care reform law is having an effect at the individual level by telling the story of Bonnie Varnell, a Nelson County resident who is uninsured and is more than $65,000 in debt due to her fight against cancer.
For 18 years, Varnell worked at a daycare that didn't offer health insurance. She wasn't able to buy individual coverage because she had pre-exisiting conditions as a result of surgeries. She is only 59, so does not qualify for Medicare, and she didn't qualify for the federal law known as COBRA, which "allows workers to keep their company group health insurance benefits for up to 18 months after leaving their jobs, as long as they pay the entire premium," Patrick explains.
As a result, the bills kept mounting, despite hospitals giving the Varnells reduced rates through charity care. "I've been trying to pay something on every one," Varnell's husband Ed said of the bills he receives and has to delay paying in full. "It's really frustrating. We had never been late a day in our lives."
Now, Varnell has health insurance through a program created under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. "It costs her $315 a month and covers most of her costs after the deductible is met, but the law stipulates that a person with a pre-existing condition must be uninsured for at least six months before she or he can be eligible," Patrick reports.
Varnell's fear now is the program will be taken away if the Affordable Care Act is repealed after the November election. Patrick gives opponents of the law their say. (Read more)
There are stories like Varnell's in every county. Patrick, who recently joined the Bardstown thrice-weekly after editing papers in Nicholasville and Winchester, sets the bar high for how to tell such stories.
Varnell is among the estimated 15 percent of people in Nelson County who didn't have health insurance in 2009, the last year for which estimates are available. Statewide, the census estimate was 16.5 percent. For a list of all Kentucky county estimates, click here. For the Census Bureau website that is the source of the data, go here.
For 18 years, Varnell worked at a daycare that didn't offer health insurance. She wasn't able to buy individual coverage because she had pre-exisiting conditions as a result of surgeries. She is only 59, so does not qualify for Medicare, and she didn't qualify for the federal law known as COBRA, which "allows workers to keep their company group health insurance benefits for up to 18 months after leaving their jobs, as long as they pay the entire premium," Patrick explains.
As a result, the bills kept mounting, despite hospitals giving the Varnells reduced rates through charity care. "I've been trying to pay something on every one," Varnell's husband Ed said of the bills he receives and has to delay paying in full. "It's really frustrating. We had never been late a day in our lives."
Now, Varnell has health insurance through a program created under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. "It costs her $315 a month and covers most of her costs after the deductible is met, but the law stipulates that a person with a pre-existing condition must be uninsured for at least six months before she or he can be eligible," Patrick reports.
Varnell's fear now is the program will be taken away if the Affordable Care Act is repealed after the November election. Patrick gives opponents of the law their say. (Read more)
There are stories like Varnell's in every county. Patrick, who recently joined the Bardstown thrice-weekly after editing papers in Nicholasville and Winchester, sets the bar high for how to tell such stories.
Varnell is among the estimated 15 percent of people in Nelson County who didn't have health insurance in 2009, the last year for which estimates are available. Statewide, the census estimate was 16.5 percent. For a list of all Kentucky county estimates, click here. For the Census Bureau website that is the source of the data, go here.
Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

Medical crowdsourcing through social media
Berci, one of the most popular proponents of #HCSM, comments on being mentioned in TIME magazine: They described how crowdsourcing works through social media and used my story of crowdsourcing a rare diagnosis via Twitter as an example. Life is just great!" http://goo.gl/CxwgK
The Final Update of the Hospital Social Network List
Ed Bennett: "After a long run, I’ve decided to archive the Hospital Social Network List. The final update will be published at the end of August 2012" http://goo.gl/z0GTm
International Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICEM) 2012 Talks Free Online
Chris Nickson, from the EM blog Life in the Fast Lane, reports that the lectures from the 2012 International Conference on Emergency Medicine are now freely available: http://goo.gl/qIF9n
Johns Hopkins medical students have invented an app that checks your symptoms
Symcat (symptoms-based, computer-assisted triage) app allows the user to enter in various symptoms such as a fever, cough, swelling etc. and receive "an instant diagnosis" (more like a suggestion rather than a diagnosis) http://goo.gl/C0nYc
Instead of Asthma, Laryngospasm in a Child
The ENT surgeon and prolific medical blogger Dr. Christopher Chang special comments on how VCD can masquerade as asthma http://bit.ly/QGMJJJ
Computers can never replace physicians as diagnosticians - Dr. Centor explains why on his blog: http://goo.gl/SDx2L
Social media updates and the 2012 AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Students
Dr. Mike Sevilla from published a #AAFPNC 2012 Wrap-up at: http://goo.gl/TCI7L
How Twitter connects Mayo Clinic and patients - Lee Aase's presentation http://goo.gl/7LNde
Monday, July 30, 2012
Did She Give It To Him?
Image courtesy of www.favim.com
The production department of a major network is abuzz with talk re the latest on the network's prized star, PS. PS had a recent confrontation with a relative and the argument had left her hurt and confused. She wanted to unleash and cool it off and decided to go to the place of her special male friend MF. It was her first time to have done so.
A day later, her relative found PS. They talked, settled peacefully and finally went home. PS resumed work as if nothing happened. But not without the staff talking.
People were asking themselves what really happened when she spent the night with MF? Was it just an innocent sleepover? Or had she finally made a pact with MF?
Can you identify who PS and MF are? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.
Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to michaelsylim@gmail.com. Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.
Enjoy updating my blog using my new I-PAD powered by SMART BRO!
New health law and aging baby boomers' anticipated strain on the system is about to make chronic doctor shortage worse
Kentucky's persistent physician shortage is hardly new. Almost a century ago, the Frontier Nursing Service came to Hyden on the presumption that doctors wouldn't. A report from the Health Resources and Services Administration in 2005 found that 81 of 120 of the commonwealth's counties were officially health professional shortage areas. Now comes news that areas in the United States with growing and dense urban populations are feeling the considerable pinch of also not having enough doctors to provide care.
New York Times reporters Annie Lowrey and Robert Pear report that with the expansion of insurance coverage and aging baby boomers driving up demand, we shouldn't expect the shortage to get better anywhere before it gets worse everywhere. (NYT chart)
"The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates that in 2015 the country will have 62,900 fewer doctors than needed. That number will more than double by 2025," report Lowrey and Pear. "Even without the health care law, the shortfall of doctors in 2025 would still exceed 100,000." In addition, Medicare officials predict their enrollment will surge to 73.2 million in 2025, up 44 percent from 50.7 million this year because of the baby boomer demographic hitting their golden years. “Older Americans require significantly more health care,” said Dr. Darrell G. Kirch, the president of the Association of American Medical Colleges. “Older individuals are more likely to have multiple chronic conditions, requiring more intensive, coordinated care.”
Medical school enrollment is increasing, but not as fast as the population. The number of training positions for medical school graduates is lagging. Younger doctors are on average working fewer hours than their predecessors. And about a third of the country’s doctors are 55 or older, and nearing retirement. (Read more)
New York Times reporters Annie Lowrey and Robert Pear report that with the expansion of insurance coverage and aging baby boomers driving up demand, we shouldn't expect the shortage to get better anywhere before it gets worse everywhere. (NYT chart)
"The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates that in 2015 the country will have 62,900 fewer doctors than needed. That number will more than double by 2025," report Lowrey and Pear. "Even without the health care law, the shortfall of doctors in 2025 would still exceed 100,000." In addition, Medicare officials predict their enrollment will surge to 73.2 million in 2025, up 44 percent from 50.7 million this year because of the baby boomer demographic hitting their golden years. “Older Americans require significantly more health care,” said Dr. Darrell G. Kirch, the president of the Association of American Medical Colleges. “Older individuals are more likely to have multiple chronic conditions, requiring more intensive, coordinated care.”
Medical school enrollment is increasing, but not as fast as the population. The number of training positions for medical school graduates is lagging. Younger doctors are on average working fewer hours than their predecessors. And about a third of the country’s doctors are 55 or older, and nearing retirement. (Read more)
Review: Yo Solo Theater Festival of Latino Solo Shows
I attended Program A of the Yo Solo Theater Festival of Latino Solo Shows at the Flat Iron Arts Building on Sunday (Media day). The festival will be:
Featuring six solo pieces by Latino writers from Chicago and around the U.S. Yo Solo is an event that will display the breadth of talent and the rich complexity of each individual performer as they bring their own personal experiences to the stage, collectively creating a beautiful collage about the Latino experience. In addition to six solo performance pieces, visual art installations and live music will add to Yo Solo’s festival vibe.The first performance was "La Risa de Dios" written and performed by Febronio Zatarain:
La Risa de Dios captures the voices and stories of the Latino immigrant community of Chicago and how they see our city. Through monologue and song, Mr. Zatarain captures the joy, the heartache, and the challenges of living in the big city and the dreams that bring us here.He certainly captured the heartache of living in Chicago and the dreams that often die as if they touched the third rail of the El. "La Risa de Dios" was moving and poignant as Zatarain conveyed the stories of multiple characters.
The second performance was "Guera" written and performed by Lisandra Tena:
In the interactive solo, Guera, the audience is treated as dinner guests in a restaurant, choosing "meals" from the menu. Each item on the menu is a 4-6 minute piece drawn from Ms. Tena's experiences with her father, mother, alter ego, and her identity
This piece was not only smart, but funny. Tena portrays a server in a diner and the audience is handed a menu before she begins. The menu has six items and she asks the audience what they want to "eat." If you go and see one piece you want to watch, speak up quickly! Tena is pictured portraying, I believe, her father in El Mexicano. It is mostly silent until a young girl, "Mija," enters the room. And you might need a tissue for this one.
I'm not a big theater goer, so I feel a bit constrained as to what I proper theater reviewer would say. What I can say is that Yo Solo looks like a great festival and I look forward to attending for years to come.
Each program runs about two hours and will be presented eight times over the course of the festival. Tickets are $15 per program; $10 for students, industry and anyone under 30. Festival Passes offering admission to all three programs are also available for $35; $20 for students, industry and under 30. For tickets and information, go to yosolofestival.com or call 312.226.9633.
Remaining shows:
Thursday, August 2, 8 pm (Program B)
Friday, August 3, 8 pm (Program B)
Saturday, August 4, 4:30 pm (Program B); 8 pm (Program C)
Sunday, August 5, 4:30 pm (Program C); 8 pm (Program A)
Monday, August 6, 7 pm (Program C)
Thursday, August 9, 8 pm (Program A)
Friday, August 10, 8 pm (Program A)
Saturday, August 11, 1 pm (Program A); 4:30 pm (Program C); 8 pm (Program B)
Sunday, August 12, 1 pm (Program A); 4:30 pm (Program B); 8 pm (Program C)
Program A = La Risa de Dios by Febronio Zatarain + Guera by Lisandra Tena
Program B = Highway 47 by KJ Sanchez + para Graciela by Sandra Delgado
Program C = Empanada for a Dream by Juan Villa + Antipoda by Rey Andujar
Disclaimer: I did attend the performance on media day and received a media pass, plus entry for my husband.
CFP: Cinema and the Mother: Motherhood in Contemporary World Cinemas
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Disclosure: I am getting a complementary membership to MIRCI and subscription to the journal in return for posting these updates. It is, however, something I would have agreed to do for free because I think their work is so wonderful.
How Do Pain Relievers Work? TED-Education video
From TED Education series, Jun 26, 2012: Some people take aspirin or ibuprofen to treat everyday aches and pains, but how exactly do the different classes of pain relievers work? Learn about the basic physiology of how humans experience pain, and the mechanics of the medicines we've invented to block or circumvent that discomfort.
Lesson by George Zaidan, animated by Augenblick Studios.
Lesson by George Zaidan, animated by Augenblick Studios.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
How To Save Money On Buying Software?
I think that many have faced up a situation when having bought a thing you turned out that it was possible to buy it cheaper. Always check whether you can save money on buying software online. Most software companies provide coupons at a rate of 15-50% and sometimes more. You just need to look for them. Sometimes you should choose few programs equal in functioning and buy the one with a coupon. Below you will find a few trusted services and ways to save money. And remember - never buy because you have found a discount - find discount for something that you really need.
- Bitsdujour One of the largest software discounters. The site's chip is that it provides software at substantial discounts, where each deal is available usually for one day only. On this resource you can found some very comprehensible discounts on a number of interesting software. It doesn't process the sales; it just arranges the discounts and provides the links. You buy the program right from its vendor. Everything it features is a legal, current version of the product.
- Retailmenot Great Universal discounter with a separate software category. It has a very positive moment - you can add your own discount, which is then promptly checked by moderators. On the site there is a considerable number of products from well known developers.
- Softcns More than 50 positions. Good categorization of types and brands. There are both permanent and transitory positions. (products, item)
- Pricecrumbler The service is relatively young, but it is spinning up. More than 34 positions. Good division on categories. The most interesting items are brought to the home page that greatly simplifies the search for you.
- Thesoftwareclub Another service with a large number of positions divided on brands and categories. Top items are brought to the home page. It is also distinguished by the presence of exclusive discounts.
- Freesharewaredepot discounter The software discounter with the possibility of software submission and coupon codes. They also have top position, and Editor's Picks.
- Giveawayoftheday This service stands apart from others since it is not a matter of discounts. Daily Online they post licensing programs that will be available for download free of charge within 24 hours. Not a demo version, a licensed registered version. Really worthy programs are rare today but they are not always the same.
- Try open source alternatives. But there are nuances - as a rule such Software is less convenient (except for the most popular products), has a limited functional or does not have sufficient documentation. Often license agreement tells that such products should not be used for commercial use. You can spend significantly much more time to solve problems. But it's worth a try. Just use the word Open Source in the search.
- Find freeware. To be realistic - there is not really free things on the web. Especially for software. The "free" software usually contains adware, toolbar installers and other crapware. It's legally, because the installation adware has been indicated in the license but we all know how carefully the license agreements are read. Of course, there are a lot of pleasant exceptions. Anyway - be aware. Sometimes you can just avoid installation of toolbars by disabling the checkboxes during the installation process, but in some cases you need to spend a lot of time digging deeply rooted adware from your system. Often the freeware is the limited version of the commercial program, and it serves to promote the full commercial version.
- Couponcabin Another major universal software discounter with a separate category for the software. The site has a large database of coupons for a wide arrangement of online retailers. The majority of the coupons they list are verified and guaranteed to work, but they do list user-submitted coupons and promo code that may or may not work. Not very convenient because there is no division on categories.
- Never buy so called "OEM software", if you see Windows or Adobe products (usually - old versions) with approximately 60-80% off price or less - be sure it's a scam. Graphicssoft
- When purchasing multiple licenses or expensive software with no coupon codes, always contact the vendor and ask about a discount. In addition to discounts, you will be able to realize how easy and effective communication and support are.
Buying Software,
coupon codes,
guest post,
social media,
Ruelala, Shoelala: Happy Feet

I wanted to share my Rue La La excitement because I was THRILLED when I saw my recent submission for the their #shoelala sweepstakes used on their cover photo on Facebook. It was also pinned on their Pinterest board. It's like having a crush on someone and then finding out that they like you back!
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Photo: Facebook |
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KORS Newton Peep Toe Wedges |
To be entered for a chance to win the grand prize of $500 in Rue Credit all you have to do is show Rue LaLa your shoes. Also up for grabs are $50 runner up prizes! For details on how to enter visit Rue LaLa's blog.
The contest is open until August 1 so hurry and get your entry in!
I love that I can shop for designer brands at crazy good prices. Since becoming a Mom, I really don't shop for myself like I used to. When I do treat myself, I try to get the most for my money. I can do that with Rue La La.
Happy shopping! Please wish me luck in the Rue La La Shoelala contest! And good luck to you too!
The Singing Princess' Saga Continues
Image courtesy of www.saga.wikidot.com
A few weeks ago, young singer (YS) and cute actor (CA) made everyone smile because the fans felt that something real was finally happening between them. YS has always lived a sheltered life and her parents have kept her well-guarded. However, this arrangement would have been okay if YS were still in her teens but she is almost a quarter of a century old. YS even wished for freedom and people hoped it would be granted. Sometime ago, CA showed that he was up to the challenge of courting YS by visiting her at her home, like a true gentleman should.
Unfortunately, the guardians of YS are not so keen on CA, and this stand was strengthened all the more by stories circulating around regarding CA's secretly flirting with other girls. Another story allegedly pointed to YS and CA as already having a secret relationship. Sensing the dangers involved, the camp of YS resolved that there would no longer be a third movie for the both of them. The possibility of YS's falling more deeply in love with CA in the course of the shooting is so great, and that's something they can't afford to risk for anything.
But by a sudden twist, CA seemed to have lost zeal in pursuing YS. His camp said CA only succumbed to the pressure of his network and her management to attend YS big event. CA did not feel like showing up due to his frustration as he felt that YS did not fight for their relationship.
Some viewers who were at the event claimed that CA seemed to be not at par with the giddiness shown by YS towards him. They thought that CA was stiff and seemed annoyed when YS poked fun at his responses. They even felt that something was not right and that the “kilig” factor was superficial.
Nonetheless, the fans were ecstatic to see them together. The saddest part to this saga could have been CA's confession to YS that he was already staying away because he could no longer handle the situation they were put into. After this private farewell, YS burst into tears.
But no matter how small the chances, all is not lost though. Heard from the grapevine that both YS and CA will iron out the conflict soon.
Anyway, whatever they decide on, it is hoped that everyone should respect their decision (including their rabid fans who will argue with reporters who often write about the pitfalls of their relationship)
Will fairy godmother finally grant the desires of the hearts of these two star-crossed lovers? The days ahead will reveal the future of this much-talked about love story of the Princess and her Prince Charming. Will the Princess shed tears of joy this time?
Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.
Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to michaelsylim@gmail.com. Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.
Enjoy updating my blog using my new I-PAD powered by SMART BRO!
Summer of Feminista is headed to Blogher '12
I'm taking Summer of Feminista to Blogher!
I am loving all the blogger badges, but here are the ones that fit me:



Due to the last minute decision, I'll only be at Blogher on Saturday. But don't let that stop you from stopping me and saying hi.
The reason for attending Blogher (other than to see friends) is to be on a panel about Latinas in elected office:
* Do we need more Latinas in elected office? If so, why?
* Are there issues that Latinas are best at addressing?
I am loving all the blogger badges, but here are the ones that fit me:



Due to the last minute decision, I'll only be at Blogher on Saturday. But don't let that stop you from stopping me and saying hi.
The reason for attending Blogher (other than to see friends) is to be on a panel about Latinas in elected office:
Event Date:Mujeres, as you can see, I'm the lone non-elected Latina on the panel. I'm there to bring Summer of Feminista to Blogher. So if you are Latina, I would love to hear your thoughts on Latinas in elected office.
August 4, 2012 - 9:30am - 10:45am
The demography couldn’t be more clear: Latinas are the new power brokers, politically and economically. Elected officials and analysts of electoral politics speak about the rising influence of Latinas in elected office, what they uniquely bring to the political process, and the role of social media in their 21st century political leadership. This panel takes a close-up look at the roles some key Latinas are playing in shaping politics. Ana Roca Castro moderates a discussion with blogger Veronica Arreola, Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores, NYC Councilwoman Melissa Mark Viverito, and NH Representative Marilinda Garcia.
* Do we need more Latinas in elected office? If so, why?
* Are there issues that Latinas are best at addressing?
Saturday, July 28, 2012
The Appeal of Plastic Sports Lockers
Many more people these days are doing all they can to look fit and healthy. To profit from this desire to achieve a 'body beautiful', places like gyms and leisure centres need to tempt as many enthusiastic 'gym bunnies' into using their facilities as they possibly can.
Of course, people will only want to frequent leisure and gym facilities that look appealing and make them feel comfortable. Naturally, any leisure venue that is unable to offer these two simple aspects to its potential (and current) customers will quickly find itself struggling to keep pace with rival operators.
Although the provision of adequate equipment and facilities is unsurprisingly the most important aspect which prospective clients look for in a new gym, it is far from the only one. Indeed, many people see the changing areas of a leisure venue as being just as important as the apparatus and classes which are on offer.
Therefore, it is absolutely essential that all leisure venues, both public and private, have changing areas that will impress prospective members as soon as they walk in. One of the best ways to achieve this is to invest in attractive and functional plastic sports lockers. These versatile storage solutions are far more resistant to damage and corrosion than standard metal sports lockers so they can help to ensure the changing areas they are sited in will continue to look impressive for a good long while.
And that will look very appealing indeed!
Bio: This guest blog post is written by Webmaster of www.3dlockers.co.uk, offering Sports lockers and Sports Lockers services!
By Paul Evans
Of course, people will only want to frequent leisure and gym facilities that look appealing and make them feel comfortable. Naturally, any leisure venue that is unable to offer these two simple aspects to its potential (and current) customers will quickly find itself struggling to keep pace with rival operators.
Although the provision of adequate equipment and facilities is unsurprisingly the most important aspect which prospective clients look for in a new gym, it is far from the only one. Indeed, many people see the changing areas of a leisure venue as being just as important as the apparatus and classes which are on offer.
Therefore, it is absolutely essential that all leisure venues, both public and private, have changing areas that will impress prospective members as soon as they walk in. One of the best ways to achieve this is to invest in attractive and functional plastic sports lockers. These versatile storage solutions are far more resistant to damage and corrosion than standard metal sports lockers so they can help to ensure the changing areas they are sited in will continue to look impressive for a good long while.
And that will look very appealing indeed!
Bio: This guest blog post is written by Webmaster of www.3dlockers.co.uk, offering Sports lockers and Sports Lockers services!
By Paul Evans
Quick Pickled Cauliflower and Fennel
I have a confession. I think this is only the second time I've eaten cauliflower in the last five years. (And for someone who is obsessed with eating veggies, that is a big deal.)
Here's the issue... I don't really like cauliflower. I don't think it tastes bad, but I just don't like the texture. Plus, if I am going to be eating florets of something, I'd rather it be broccoli. Maybe I'm just weird.
However, this week I learned that I actually really like cauliflower when it's combined with onions, vinegar, fennel, and a bit of dill. The nice thing about this recipe is that it's not truly pickled. There is no canning or intensive preserving process here.
Instead, the cauliflower is quickly simmered with vinegar and then chilled so it takes on a sweet, tangy pickled taste. It's perfect finger food for picnics, long car rides, or just as a fun side at dinner. Who knows, maybe it might change your mind about cauliflower as well.
This is my final recipe featuring the beautiful produce from the beautiful Oxbow farm. (And if you didn't catch my CSA post, be sure to check it out.) This can be served warm, but I like it best chilled overnight. If you are looking for delicious summertime appetizers, this cauliflower is a great complement to my spicy carrots.
Quick Pickled Cauliflower and Fennel
Serves 4
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, sliced
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 large head cauliflower, broken into florets (about 6 cups)
1 fennel bulb, sliced into matchsticks
1 cup water
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons dried dill (or several sprigs of fresh dill)
Sea salt and pepper to taste
Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and saute for about 5 minutes, until the onion is translucent. Add the cauliflower, fennel, water, vinegar, and dill and bring to a boil. Lower heat to a simmer and simmer for 5 - 10 minutes, until the cauliflower is tender but still crisp. Chill cauliflower and liquid overnight in the refrigerator. Drain liquid and serve cold.
Sorry, We’re Not Buying
Image courtesy www.quotz.com
Media Executive (ME) instructed a member of her staff (HS) to present a marketing proposal for a high-end automobile brand. In exchange for featuring the brand in its various magazines, ME requested for a car. HS did her part and delivered what was expected. However, the automobile company rejected the offer. ME got irked when she heard the explanation and rejection of HS. ME reprimanded HS and berated the staff for not doing the work properly.
Perhaps feeling slighted by the rejection, ME just wouldn't budge. She did the unexpected and decided to do the presentation herself and again, requested for the ex-deal. Sadly, the car company was firm in its decision and declined the offer the second time around. ME left very disappointed and embarrassed. As the head of the company, it is not in her job description to do what she did for she has a staff to take care of such matters. And yet, even she got rejected. Certainly, the act only made ME look cheap and desperate.
Well, at least, ME gave it a shot. However, getting mad at the staff was uncalled for. Did not ME realize that the automobile company might still be trying to re-establish itself after it closed shop some years ago? Hence, exchanging one of their cars for ad placements did not seem like a sound investment at that point.
Can you identify who ME is? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.
Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to michaelsylim@gmail.com. Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.
Enjoy updating my blog using my new I-PAD powered by SMART BRO!
Friday, July 27, 2012
State insurance exchanges are good for farmers and other rural residents, farmers union president writes
Farmers and rural Americans have much to gain from state health-insurance exchanges under federal health reform, since "Rural residents often have the hardest time getting health insurance," the president of the Wisconsin Farmers Union argues in an op-ed piece in Madison's Capital Times.
People who live in rural areas "are predominantly self-employed and run small businesses, with insurance costs too high because of small risk pools," Darin Von Ruden points out. "They often pay way too much for terrible coverage. Some are uninsurable because of the high-risk nature of farming. Many can't pay high premiums for the current system of individual and family coverage." Insurance exchanges will "broaden risk pools" and bring down the overall cost, he argues.
People who live in rural areas "are predominantly self-employed and run small businesses, with insurance costs too high because of small risk pools," Darin Von Ruden points out. "They often pay way too much for terrible coverage. Some are uninsurable because of the high-risk nature of farming. Many can't pay high premiums for the current system of individual and family coverage." Insurance exchanges will "broaden risk pools" and bring down the overall cost, he argues.
Wisconsin has been one of the firmest states against implementing federal health-care reforms, including the exchanges, which will be marketplaces where people can choose from a variety of state-approved health-insurance plans. This month, Republican Gov. Scott Walker said he would not take any action to implement the law until after the November elections. After the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law, Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear of Kentucky issued an executive order creating a Kentucky exchange. States have the option to run their own exchange or let the federal government do it for them.
Von Ruden said exchanges are "critical" for Wisconsin's farmers and rural communities. "It's disappointing, to say the least, that our legislative majority would be dragging their feet on getting this done," he writes. "I can't imagine why any of them would want to wait on this. Creating our own state exchanges keeps the control in Wisconsin." He concludes, "Every American deserves health care that is comprehensive, affordable and accessible, regardless of occupation or geographic area." (Read more)
Reports show impact of health-care industry in each of Kentucky's 120 counties
It's not often that such detailed data is broken down to the county level, but a new report looks at the economic impact of the local health-care system in each of Kentucky's 120 counties.
The reports, compiled at the University of Kentucky, look at the number of health-care jobs, as well as the revenue and income generated by the local health-care system. In many rural counties, the authors note, health care is the second largest industry, second only to local government.
The most important economic role of the health-care sector is to "keep local health-care dollars at home," the report says. If private insurance, consumer out-of-pocket payments and Medicare and Medicaid transfer payments aren't kept local, an outmigration of health-care services can take place. "This bypass of local health care remains an important issue for many rural health care providers and rural communities."
Conversely, if the local health-care sector can attract patients from outside the area, health care "can act as an export industry," the authors note. Because doctors and other providers can help improve the health and productivity of the local workforce, the health-care sector can also help an area recruit new and retain existing business.
The county reports include a comparison of household income with the state and nation, and indicates how that income is earned. In Boyle County, for example, 55.6 percent was earned through place-of-work earnings, while 22.6 percent was from transfer payments, such as those from Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The reports also break down how much income is generated according to industry type, from 2000 to 2008.
Income earned by Boyle County residents working in the health-care sector increased 42 percent in those years, one of the largest areas of gains in the county. In all, health care accounted for 13 percent of industry in Boyle and generated more than $322 million in sales, more than $151 million in labor income and nearly 3,500 jobs in the area.
The report, available here, was compiled by Dr. Alison Davis, director of the Community and Ecomomic Development Initiative in Kentucky, part of UK's College of Agriculture. It was funded by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.
The reports, compiled at the University of Kentucky, look at the number of health-care jobs, as well as the revenue and income generated by the local health-care system. In many rural counties, the authors note, health care is the second largest industry, second only to local government.
The most important economic role of the health-care sector is to "keep local health-care dollars at home," the report says. If private insurance, consumer out-of-pocket payments and Medicare and Medicaid transfer payments aren't kept local, an outmigration of health-care services can take place. "This bypass of local health care remains an important issue for many rural health care providers and rural communities."
Conversely, if the local health-care sector can attract patients from outside the area, health care "can act as an export industry," the authors note. Because doctors and other providers can help improve the health and productivity of the local workforce, the health-care sector can also help an area recruit new and retain existing business.
The county reports include a comparison of household income with the state and nation, and indicates how that income is earned. In Boyle County, for example, 55.6 percent was earned through place-of-work earnings, while 22.6 percent was from transfer payments, such as those from Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The reports also break down how much income is generated according to industry type, from 2000 to 2008.
Income earned by Boyle County residents working in the health-care sector increased 42 percent in those years, one of the largest areas of gains in the county. In all, health care accounted for 13 percent of industry in Boyle and generated more than $322 million in sales, more than $151 million in labor income and nearly 3,500 jobs in the area.
The report, available here, was compiled by Dr. Alison Davis, director of the Community and Ecomomic Development Initiative in Kentucky, part of UK's College of Agriculture. It was funded by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.
Excited Screen Partner
Image courtesy of www.mvelzquez86.wordpress.com
The friend again smiled at SP's message and wondered why she wanted to be with YA that night. Rumors have it that YA possesses something interesting. Does that something make SP excited? Whatever it is that makes SP fond of YA will keep us guessing. However, just recently, YA denied that something other than friendship is happening between him and SP. This comment of SP disappointed many fans hoping that their partnership in an afternoon soap would result to something real. SP and YA do look good together. SP added that both of them are looking forward to getting paired off with other performers.
Can you identify the characters in the story? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.
Follow micsylim on Twitter for the latest update. Please continue to send your juicy stories to michaelsylim@gmail.com. Thank you very much for loving Fashion PULIS.
Enjoy updating my blog using my new I-PAD powered by SMART BRO!
Warning: Your reusable grocery bags can become contaminated with bacteria
97% of shoppers admit they never wash their reusable grocery bags. Dr. Susan Rehm from Cleveland Clinic talks about avoiding illness from contaminated grocery bags:
Another video: Viruses and Bacteria In Reusable Grocery Bags, from a local TV station, KOBITV:
Comments from Twitter:
SwoodLady @SwoodLady: Always something! RT @DrVes: Warning: Your reusable grocery bags can become contaminated with bacteria goo.gl/fb/sDOMs
Another video: Viruses and Bacteria In Reusable Grocery Bags, from a local TV station, KOBITV:
Comments from Twitter:
SwoodLady @SwoodLady: Always something! RT @DrVes: Warning: Your reusable grocery bags can become contaminated with bacteria goo.gl/fb/sDOMs
Thursday, July 26, 2012
2012 Subaru Impreza WRX 5-Door
This 2012 Subaru Impreza WRX for the weekend, and I was surprised by how little I missed our long-term 2011 Impreza WRX STI version. This car provides almost all of the fun, without many of the drawbacks of the hard-core model.
The WRX is down 40 hp from its big brother, but in between 3,000 rpm and 5,000 rpm you'll hardly notice. It makes the same sounds as the STI and rips off the line with the same aplomb. Unfortunately, fuel mileage didn't seem to improve; my two fill ups averaged about 19 mpg.
I did like the feel of an old-school five-speed manual in the hatchback, instead of the six in our sedan. The cogs could be held for a bit longer, and there are no extra steps to get into reverse. Like the STI, the driver doesn't need to shift out of top gear to pass on the expressway. Also, the shifter felt robust in the hand. There wasn't a lot of flexing from any of the linkage parts.
The steering and suspension are both softer than the STI. I put a good amount of miles on the car over the weekend, and not having to dodge every road imperfection was a blessing. I didn't realize how stiff our long-term car actually was until I jumped in this one.
Ninety percent of the time, having a softer suspension and easier steering are a good thing. But those few times when you do want the razor sharpness of the STI you'll miss it. Luckily for me, spirited driving wasn't needed on Saturday or Sunday.
I still like the sedan body better than this hatch. I like the big wing on the four-door, something I wouldn't trade for the extra space of the hatch. I might be alone in that. I also love this gunmetal color much better than the WR blue.
So, the upgraded STI gets you more power, upgraded brakes and the driver-controlled center differential. If you're looking for a track car, that's the one to have. But if you want a car that's good everywhere, except when being pushed to 10/10ths, the WRX will do. And being $8,000 less expensive doesn't hurt, either.
This is a pure, fun-to-drive hatch with excellent dynamics, a nice engine and a middling interior. Enthusiasts will appreciate the five-speed, which is easy, simple and enjoyable to operate. Downshifting is fun, and launches as one works through the lower gears are energetic. The engine is responsive, and this manual allows the driver to wring the most out of this Subie for spirited driving.
I like the look of the hatch. It's tasteful, functional and something a lot of Americans could actually find useful in their everyday lives. The interior is below standard, however, with chintzy plastics all over the doors and dash. The easy-to-read and sporty dials and athletic, upright seats, however, are solid redeeming qualities. My issue is that this cabin makes a sporty-driving and -appearing car feel cheapy, which for this price comes close to sandbagging the value proposition.
Behind the wheel, however, this thing does make one want to drive, and drive fast. The steering is light but pleasing, the chassis is sporty enough, and the all-wheel drive and the well-mannered body make this hatch more than up for the tasks for daily driving mixed in with some verve.
2012 Subaru Impreza WRX 5-door
Base Price: $26,345
As-Tested Price: $26,841
Drivetrain: 2.5-liter turbocharged H4; AWD, five-speed manual
Output: 265 hp @ 6,000 rpm, 244 lb-ft @ 4,000 rpm
Curb Weight: 3,208 lb
Fuel Economy (EPA/AW): 21/20.2 mpg
Options: XM satellite radio kit ($427); all-weather floor mats ($69)
For more information: Check out the 2012 Subaru Impreza WRX 5-door at shopautoweek.com.
By: Jake Lingeman
The WRX is down 40 hp from its big brother, but in between 3,000 rpm and 5,000 rpm you'll hardly notice. It makes the same sounds as the STI and rips off the line with the same aplomb. Unfortunately, fuel mileage didn't seem to improve; my two fill ups averaged about 19 mpg.
I did like the feel of an old-school five-speed manual in the hatchback, instead of the six in our sedan. The cogs could be held for a bit longer, and there are no extra steps to get into reverse. Like the STI, the driver doesn't need to shift out of top gear to pass on the expressway. Also, the shifter felt robust in the hand. There wasn't a lot of flexing from any of the linkage parts.
The steering and suspension are both softer than the STI. I put a good amount of miles on the car over the weekend, and not having to dodge every road imperfection was a blessing. I didn't realize how stiff our long-term car actually was until I jumped in this one.
Ninety percent of the time, having a softer suspension and easier steering are a good thing. But those few times when you do want the razor sharpness of the STI you'll miss it. Luckily for me, spirited driving wasn't needed on Saturday or Sunday.
I still like the sedan body better than this hatch. I like the big wing on the four-door, something I wouldn't trade for the extra space of the hatch. I might be alone in that. I also love this gunmetal color much better than the WR blue.
So, the upgraded STI gets you more power, upgraded brakes and the driver-controlled center differential. If you're looking for a track car, that's the one to have. But if you want a car that's good everywhere, except when being pushed to 10/10ths, the WRX will do. And being $8,000 less expensive doesn't hurt, either.
This is a pure, fun-to-drive hatch with excellent dynamics, a nice engine and a middling interior. Enthusiasts will appreciate the five-speed, which is easy, simple and enjoyable to operate. Downshifting is fun, and launches as one works through the lower gears are energetic. The engine is responsive, and this manual allows the driver to wring the most out of this Subie for spirited driving.
I like the look of the hatch. It's tasteful, functional and something a lot of Americans could actually find useful in their everyday lives. The interior is below standard, however, with chintzy plastics all over the doors and dash. The easy-to-read and sporty dials and athletic, upright seats, however, are solid redeeming qualities. My issue is that this cabin makes a sporty-driving and -appearing car feel cheapy, which for this price comes close to sandbagging the value proposition.
Behind the wheel, however, this thing does make one want to drive, and drive fast. The steering is light but pleasing, the chassis is sporty enough, and the all-wheel drive and the well-mannered body make this hatch more than up for the tasks for daily driving mixed in with some verve.
2012 Subaru Impreza WRX 5-door
Base Price: $26,345
As-Tested Price: $26,841
Drivetrain: 2.5-liter turbocharged H4; AWD, five-speed manual
Output: 265 hp @ 6,000 rpm, 244 lb-ft @ 4,000 rpm
Curb Weight: 3,208 lb
Fuel Economy (EPA/AW): 21/20.2 mpg
Options: XM satellite radio kit ($427); all-weather floor mats ($69)
For more information: Check out the 2012 Subaru Impreza WRX 5-door at shopautoweek.com.
By: Jake Lingeman
2012 cars,
2012 Subaru Impreza WRX 5-Door,
car news,
car photo,
car price,
cars review,
cars sale,
new cars,
sports car,
Subaru Impreza,
WRX STI version
Lyme disease in Ky. probably more common than reported
Nearly anyone who has spent considerable time in the woods this summer has later discovered they carried a visitor back with them — one the size of a freckle who latches on for dear life. Ticks are not uncommon in Kentucky, though Lyme disease, which is spread through the bite of a black-legged deer tick, is not commonly seen in the state.
But those numbers are likely under-reported, Keiara Carr reports for The Courier-Journal, in part because "Current medical guidelines say the disease is so rare in Kentucky that doctors should look for alternative causes for symptoms that might suggest Lyme disease."
Only five cases were reported in Kentucky in each of the past two years and there was just one case in 2009. But it's likely cases went under-reported because doctors don't give the blood test that diagnoses Lyme. They just don't feel it's necessary given the rarity of the disease in the area, Carr reports.
But Mike Gatton of Louisville knows all too well that it's possible. He got bitten by a tick while mowing his lawn two years ago. He developed a rash on his leg but when he went to the doctor he was tested for a variety of diseases, including West Nile, multiple sclerosis and Lou Gehrig disease, but not Lyme. "I was feeling more and more fatigued. I was having severe headaches. I was really concerned," he said.
When he got another tick bite a year ago and had the same reaction he had to the first bite, he put the tick in a vial and brought it to his doctor, who still dismissed the possibility of Lyme. He is now being treated with antibiotics he takes intravenously.
Symptoms of Lyme disease include fever, headache and fatigue. Sometimes, a rash that looks like a bull's eye around the tick bite can develop. Usually, people get better with large doses of antibiotics. If left untreated, "the infection can be painful and debilitating, causing arthritis or spreading to the heart and nervous system," Carr reports.
Guidelines by the Infectious Disease Society of America "to help doctors decide if a patient is eligible for treatment say the patient should have received the tick bite in an 'endemic area," Carr reports, which makes sense according to Paul Mead, a consulting physician for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "For example, a physician in Africa evaluating a child for fever should have malaria at the top of his list; a physician in Kentucky should not," he said. (Read more)
It's My Birthday
Thank you very much for all your birthday greetings. Thank you for loving Fashion PULIS! Please continue to spread the love for Fashion PULIS.
Children's health and education improves in Kentucky, but one in four kids lives in poverty, report shows
New data show one in four Kentucky children live in poverty, a sharp increase since 2005, but the state is improving when it comes to children's health and education. These were the latest findings in the influential Kids Count report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, as assessment of children's overall well-being in the country.
Compared to national averages, fewer Kentucky children go without health insurance (6 percent compared to the nation's 8 percent) and there are fewer teens who abuse alcohol or drugs (6 percent in Kentucky; 7 percent nationwide).
Though it remains higher than the national average, Kentucky's rate of child and teen deaths decreased considerably from 2005 to 2009 (41 per 100,000 to 32 per 100,000). And the number of babies who are born underweight dropped slightly in Kentucky from 2005 to 2009 (9.1 percent to 8.9 percent), though the number remains higher than the country as a whole (8.2 percent).
These were some of the 16 factors, shown below, that the report used to assess overall child well-being. The factors fell into four main groups: economic well-being, family and community, education and health. Kentucky ranked a somewhat dismal 35th among the 50 states in overall well-being of children. But in education, it was 28th, and in health, 25th.
The report shows the share of Kentucky children living in poverty grew by 18 percent from 2005 to 2010, meaning they lived at or below the federal poverty line. In 2010, that meant "an annual income of less than $22,113 for a family of two adults and two children," Valarie Honeycutt Spears reports for the Lexington Herald-Leader.
The Courier-Journal's Jessie Halladay points out that more children have access to health insurance in part because of a statewide push to get more children enrolled in the federally funded Kentucky Children's Health Program, known more commonly as KCHIP. Now, about 65,000 children are enrolled. "We are clearly making a difference in easing the difficulty these tough economic conditions put on our families," said Gov. Steve Beshear, who launched the effort.
But much work remains to be done, points out Terry Brooks, executive director of Kentucky Youth Advocates. He referred to the fact that while more fourth-graders are proficient in reading than they were in 2005, a whopping 65 percent of them were still not considered reading proficient in 2010. "At one level you want to celebrate us doing well compared to other states, but you can't celebrate too much," Brooks told Halladay. (Read more)
Compared to national averages, fewer Kentucky children go without health insurance (6 percent compared to the nation's 8 percent) and there are fewer teens who abuse alcohol or drugs (6 percent in Kentucky; 7 percent nationwide).
Though it remains higher than the national average, Kentucky's rate of child and teen deaths decreased considerably from 2005 to 2009 (41 per 100,000 to 32 per 100,000). And the number of babies who are born underweight dropped slightly in Kentucky from 2005 to 2009 (9.1 percent to 8.9 percent), though the number remains higher than the country as a whole (8.2 percent).
These were some of the 16 factors, shown below, that the report used to assess overall child well-being. The factors fell into four main groups: economic well-being, family and community, education and health. Kentucky ranked a somewhat dismal 35th among the 50 states in overall well-being of children. But in education, it was 28th, and in health, 25th.
The report shows the share of Kentucky children living in poverty grew by 18 percent from 2005 to 2010, meaning they lived at or below the federal poverty line. In 2010, that meant "an annual income of less than $22,113 for a family of two adults and two children," Valarie Honeycutt Spears reports for the Lexington Herald-Leader.
The Courier-Journal's Jessie Halladay points out that more children have access to health insurance in part because of a statewide push to get more children enrolled in the federally funded Kentucky Children's Health Program, known more commonly as KCHIP. Now, about 65,000 children are enrolled. "We are clearly making a difference in easing the difficulty these tough economic conditions put on our families," said Gov. Steve Beshear, who launched the effort.
But much work remains to be done, points out Terry Brooks, executive director of Kentucky Youth Advocates. He referred to the fact that while more fourth-graders are proficient in reading than they were in 2005, a whopping 65 percent of them were still not considered reading proficient in 2010. "At one level you want to celebrate us doing well compared to other states, but you can't celebrate too much," Brooks told Halladay. (Read more)
Whooping cough on the rise in Kentucky and nationwide
A resurgence of whooping cough in Kentucky and the nation has officials urging the public to get vaccinated. The state has already had 171 reported cases this year, making it "on track to beat our record from just two years ago," said Dr. Kraig Humbaugh, state epidemiologist with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced recently there have been 18,000 cases nationwide so far in 2012, double the number of confirmed cases at the same time last year. "At that pace, the number for the entire year will be the highest since 1959, when 40,000 illnesses were reported," Mary Meehan reports for the Lexington Herald-Leader.
Washington and Oregon have been hit hardest. In Kentucky, Madison County has 24 cases. Estill County has 20, while the Northern Kentucky Health Department, which serves Boone, Campbell, Grant and Kenton counties, has reported 61 cases. In Lexington, there have been 15.
Whooping cough is spread by respiratory droplets transmitted person to person through close contact. It is sometimes characterized by a cough that ends with a high-pitched "whoop" sound during the next intake of breath. Immunization against the disease is required for school-age children, but many adults may not have gotten the vaccine or might need to get a booster shot. Officials urge them to do so. (Read more)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced recently there have been 18,000 cases nationwide so far in 2012, double the number of confirmed cases at the same time last year. "At that pace, the number for the entire year will be the highest since 1959, when 40,000 illnesses were reported," Mary Meehan reports for the Lexington Herald-Leader.
Washington and Oregon have been hit hardest. In Kentucky, Madison County has 24 cases. Estill County has 20, while the Northern Kentucky Health Department, which serves Boone, Campbell, Grant and Kenton counties, has reported 61 cases. In Lexington, there have been 15.
Whooping cough is spread by respiratory droplets transmitted person to person through close contact. It is sometimes characterized by a cough that ends with a high-pitched "whoop" sound during the next intake of breath. Immunization against the disease is required for school-age children, but many adults may not have gotten the vaccine or might need to get a booster shot. Officials urge them to do so. (Read more)
Chatterbox Newcomer Exposes Pal's Secret
Image courtesy of www.2.bp.blogspot.com
As the soap began airing and tapings were done regularly, both TA and BY admitted to getting closer to one another. Gradually their closeness developed into something more serious. TA and BY were falling in love and have kept their relationship a secret. Presently, both are aware that they are not yet allowed to get into a bf-gf status owing to their very young age. Then, CB for reasons only known to him told BY's parents about her having a relationship with TA. BY's parents were so upset upon learning of the affair, and worse, having everything hidden from them. The parents think both were too young to get into anything serious, believing that such a relationship might distract them from their careers.
Naturally, TA felt betrayed by CB. He thought they were friends all along having been working together in the series. He never thought for a second that CB would squeal on them. TA felt so bad that he wanted to get even. And he did so by revealing CB’s “dirty little secrets” to their friends. Secrets that are so sensitive involving non-showbiz and innocent people.
Sadly, at their young age, TA, BY, and CB are already caught in the web of secrets, mistrust, and betrayal.
Can you identify the characters in the story? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.
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