Thursday, October 27, 2011

Understand Florida Partnership for Long Term Care

A Florida Partnership for Long-Term Care qualified policy provides you, as the purchaser, with the right to apply for Medicaid under modified eligibility rules that include a special feature called an ‘asset disregard’. This allows you to keep assets that would otherwise not be allowed if you need to apply, and qualify, for Medicaid in order to receive additional long-term care services. The amount of assets Medicaid will disregard is equal to the amount of the benefits you actually receive under your long term care Partnership qualified policy.

Since these policies must include inflation protection, the amount of the benefits you receive can be higher than the amount of insurance protection you originally purchased. If you have a Partnership-qualified long term care insurance policy and receive $200,000 in benefits, you can apply for Medicaid and, if eligible, retain $200,000 worth of assets over and above the State’s Medicaid asset threshold. In most states the asset threshold is $2,000 for a single person. Asset thresholds for married couples are typically more generous.

The following is an example of how a Florida Partnership for Long-Term Care Qualified policy works. Let's say John, a single man, purchases a Florida Partnership for Long-Term Care policy with a value of $200,000. Some years later he receives benefits under that policy up to the policy’s lifetime maximum coverage (adjusted for inflation) equaling $250,000. John eventually requires more long-term care services, and applies for Medicaid. If John's policy was not a Partnership-qualified policy, in order to qualify for Medicaid, he would be entitled to keep only $2,000 in assets. He would have to spend down any assets over and above this amount. However, because John bought a Partnership-qualified policy, if he needs to apply for Medicaid and is deemed eligible, he can keep $252,000 in assets and the State will not recover those funds after his death. However, any assets John has over and above the $252,000 would have to be spent in order for him to be eligible for Medicaid. 

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