Friday, November 23, 2012

Beet Detox Juice

If you live in the United States like me, yesterday was Thanksgiving; a time when most people eat their weight in stuffing and gravy. After all that heavy holiday food, I'm guessing that some of you might need a break. At the very least, maybe your digestive system does? I have just the thing: my favorite beet detox juice.

I'm a big fan of fresh vegetable juices and I always notice a huge difference in my body when I juice regularly.  (If you're new to juicing, check out my vegetable juice tutorial.)  I'm not one of those people who advocate extreme juice fasts, but I think there are a lot of benefits to adding juice to a healthy diet.  

This detox juice is one of my favorites because it's naturally sweet, even without adding fruits to the juice.  If I've had a big dinner the night before, I like to start my day with a glass of water and then drink this juice before my morning smoothie.  Beets are loaded with iron, antioxidants, and a cancer-fighting agent called betacyanin (the pigment that is responsible for its purple-red color), making this juice a powerful blood cleanser.  Drink up!

When making fresh juices, I recommend using fresh, organic produce to ensure that you are getting the most nutrients in your juice and that you are not ingesting chemicals. The ingredients are listed below in the order that I run them through my juicer. Depending on the size of your juicer spout, you might need to chop some of the vegetables in half.  If you are new to juicing, you might want to add more carrots or an apple to help balance out the stronger flavors (e.g. garlic and beets) in the juice.

Beet Detox Juice
Serves 1 -2

1 small clove garlic
1-inch piece fresh ginger
5 kale leaves
1 lemon, peeled
3 medium beets and beet greens
2 medium carrots, tops removed

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