Thursday, July 14, 2011

OOTD: What Momma Wore To The Office Today

Life has it's UPs an DOWNs...  I like when it's made UP and dressed DOWN! 

I turned Thursday into an honorary "Casual Friday".  I know it's July and a sweater may seem all WRONG, but the temperature in our office is set to frigid - so a girl has to make do!  I have a space heater in my office, but its kind of ridiculous to turn on the heat!

Life Has It's UPs & DOWNs

My husband commented on my glossier than normal pout this morning as I kissed him before heading to the office.  I had to go back into the house after getting into my car once I realized that I left my cell phone behind.  We walked out together and he then commented on my sandals.  He notices the little things but I'm just not quite sure if they were compliments... but at least he noticed.

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