You may be asking ...
- Will I have enough money to retire?
- Will I retire at the wrong time?
- Will my money last as long as my retirement?
- A Venture® Variable Annuity can help answer many of these questions
A Venture Variable Annuity offers you the ability to: - Help grow retirement assets on a tax-deferred basis through a diversified portfolio of professionally managed funds.
- Access the Income Plus For Life optional benefits, which can be added to the annuity contract for an additional fee and can help create lifetime income.
- Help protect your legacy through a standard death benefit and other optional benefits.We offer two variable annuity options:
- Venture, our traditional variable annuity option
- Venture 4, which offers a shorter surrender schedule
- What is a variable annuity?
A variable annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company that is intended to create retirement income.
With an annuity, you agree to pay the insurance company an up-front amount, often referred to as “principal.” The money is then invested in a diversified portfolio of professionally managed investment options. Depending on market performance, this money can grow on a tax-deferred basis, and will ultimately be accessed when you are ready to begin receiving income.
How can you invest in a variable annuity?There are two types of variable annuities: Qualified and nonqualified. - Qualified annuities are purchased through a retirement plan with pre-tax dollars.
- Nonqualified annuities are purchased with after-tax dollars.
Consult your financial advisor if you are unsure whether a variable annuity makes sense for you.
Free Annuity Overview Booklet offered by Mintco Financial. E-mail us to get yours Free:
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