Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Shocking Revelation

Image courtesy of www.store.samhainpublishing.com

A Talent Manager TM and its Valued Talent VT, particularly VT's camp VTC, had one big feud last year. VTC had misgivings on TM's questionable dealings pertaining to VT's projects. VTC belatedly realized that TM had been defrauding them of VT's rightful income for years since he got to manage VT.

Other management terms and conditions were likewise unfavorable to VT from the very beginning. But since VT and VTC did not know any better then, they just went with it and inked that contract with TM.

Years later, VTC got wind of the enormous discrepancy in VT's real income versus the figures declared to them by TM. VTC confronted him right away. But it seemed that there was news blackout because nothing regarding the controversial matter was heard of since.

Fast forward to recent events -- TM, VT and VTC were on a meeting discussing about VT's expiration of management contract. Allegedly, VT and VTC were not keen on renewing anymore, for obvious reasons. As the meeting progressed, TM finally admitted to VTC and VT his guilt over the discrepancies he did in the past that placed VT at a great financial disadvantage. VT and VTC were shocked at the revelation. But knowing how shrewed TM can be, he was able to soften the blow to both VT and VTC.

How? By giving them peace offering.
What kind of peace offering? Cash.
How much? Close to Php 5Million, for all these years.
In exchange for? Renewal of management contract, at least for a year.

For VT and VTC: Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourselves. You cannot draw to yourselves more than you think you are worth. ~ Iyanla Vanzant

Who is to say that TM won't outsmart them again? "The longer a person does the wrong thing, the harder it is for him to do the right thing.”

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