Monday, February 25, 2013

La Repubblica: "Benedict Resigned after Learning of a Group of Gay Men in Charge of the Catholic Church"

Pope decided to resign on the same day he was informed about the existence of a strong gay factions, under the leadership structures of the Vatican. According to the documents it would accept Pope, the clergy were blackmailed by people outside the Church.

Vatican spokesmen declined to comment on information published by "La Repubblica".

According to Pope Benedict XVI has decided to resign from December 17, the day that was taught a secret file.

The pontiff had put three cardinals to compile a report on inforaţii leaks and security breaches that led to the scandal "VatiLeaks" when hundreds of personal emails Pope and many priests have been published.

The three cardinals and the Pope had presented a dossier of 300 pages, organized in two volumes covered in red cloth.According to Italian newspaper report reveal the existence of several factions and interest groups in charge of the Catholic Church, including one made ​​up of clergy "united by their sexual orientation."

Some Vatican officials were subject to an "external influence" exercised by lay men with whom they had connections "secular nature". The report makes a direct statement on extortion they faced these clerics.

"Everything revolves around the non-observance of the sixth and seventh commandments" would have told cardinals who wrote the report, according to sources close cited by "La Repubblica".

The seventh commandment condemns theft, while the seventh forbids adultery. In Catholic doctrine, it is also interpreted as a command which interrzice homosexual orientation.

The report called this group meeting places, including a villa located out of Rome, a sauna, a suburb of the capital, a beauty center and a former residence of a university that is currently used an Italian archbishop of the province.

"Neither the Commission nor the Cardinals and I will not comment to confirm or deny things that are said about this matter. Let each assume their responsibilities. We will not monitor observations are made ​​on this issue " , said Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman.

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