Thursday, February 21, 2013

- Your pelvis undergoes algae, you have made a chlorine shock treatment but there are still many su

Most users have a sand filter applied membranes inc system,

which, if you read our articles on filters, is not the most effective method for fine filtration of your water. Therefore, it is common using this technique to filter

up with water not necessarily very clear and somewhat cloudy. But it can also happen applied membranes inc with cartridge filters or bag filters, which have a filtration capacity of several tens of microns which lets a lot of fine particles.
When the filtration system does not allow for clear water and clear and the use of additives in water is necessary, it is flocculants. This does not mean that your filter is set incorrectly or bad but depending on the use, location and other criteria it is possible that you do not get it what you really expect. When using flocculants:
It is indeed applied membranes inc not advisable to use any such products will, it must be used in cases where it is strictly necessary when the filter no longer applied membranes inc alone to fulfill its role.
- You use a lot your pool, filtering works all day and sometimes at night, but it fails to filter the water to make it clear, from time to time, the use of flocculants can be a good thing. More use of the pool is intense and the water will be polluted by bathers who come and go within the basin and bring the passage of impurities.
- Your pelvis undergoes algae, you have made a chlorine shock treatment but there are still many suspended particles and the system is struggling to come to end, the flocculants can also help. But before using flocculation should be cleaned with a brush the sides and bottom of your pond while combining treatment with chlorine to kill the algae. After cleaning by hand it will empty the skimmer basket applied membranes inc and remove larger applied membranes inc debris from the water. It is only then that flocculation will paste the tiniest particles and send them all to the filter.
- You use a sand filter, cartridge or bag. These filters are those with the smallest filtration capacity, they let all the finest dirt and therefore they can build up in pipes and eventually return to the water in the pool, yet, flocculants can be effective. A diatom filter or zeolite applied membranes inc avoids the use of these products for the filtration is very high.
- The minerals were found in the water of your pool as iron oxide or manganese very common in some areas. Your water is red, brown and even black when flocculation is necessary. applied membranes inc Just a reminder, you should never pump water from a well or other places directly in the ground because

these waters are often loaded with minerals and make you work very hard in the future.
- Very useful in the case of white algae that cause cloudy water and a little opaque, shock treatment, a cleaning and flocculation will in a short time to find clear water. How flocculants:
- This miracle product that is becoming very popular with individuals allows some kind of filter your support in his work. By itself, the filter can retain impurities applied membranes inc smaller than a few microns but flocculants will allow this one to stop them. Flocculants act like magnets, they force the tiny impurities from the water to stick together so that the filter can do it.
- These products work well in regard to organic and inorganic materials such as iron oxide or manganese applied membranes inc that may influence the water as it comes from a well, for example.
- Available in granular or liquid flocculants

can also act very quickly or very slowly over several weeks depending on the use you intend with those below. Everything will depend on you.
- The flocculants applied membranes inc are put in the mouths of skimmers so they pass through the filtration system and deposited on the filter to perform their job properly. It is always advisable to pay maintenance applied membranes inc products directly into the pool water.
- Do not forget that the use of flocculants must follow a filter cleaning because this one has accumulated all the smallest applied membranes inc particles of impure water and will need a backwash and rinse. Do not use flocculants:
Some filters are totally incompatible with flocculation water. Filters

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