Thursday, March 7, 2013

You Believe They Might Be Dating?

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After a few highly publicized dates and relationships between them, is powerful personality (PP) dating model actress (MA) now? While PP is getting left and right criticisms from his critics, shifting the news to his personal matters might improve his image at the moment, according to rumors.

MA and PP have no commitment as far as the public knows. Although they have been linked to other parties over the past few months, nothing has really been tagged as serious relationships. It seems that PP is enjoying the perks of being single, and MA has the freedom to do whatever she wants in her career and love life. Both would look good together, and MA can hopefully match wits with PP.

As political events seem to be a preoccupation these days, every move of a politician is closely watched as actions and comments can make or break votes. Perhaps, news of MA and PP dating could increase the positive aura of both parties. The other side of this news is that the public will have something else as the target of its attention. .

"A lot of news is just entertainment masquerading as news." -Nate Silver

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