Sunday, March 3, 2013

January 7, 1610, using a primitive telescope, astronomer Galileo saw Jupiter codeline pressure vess

The most massive planet in our solar system with four satellites planetary sizes and many smaller satellites - Jupiter, forms a kind of miniature solar system. In composition, Jupiter resembles a star. In fact, if it was about 80 times greater than the weight, he would become a star rather than a planet.
January 7, 1610, using a primitive telescope, astronomer Galileo saw Jupiter codeline pressure vessel four small "stars". He discovered the four largest satellites of Jupiter, now called codeline pressure vessel Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Now these four bodies are known as the Galilean satellites.
Galileo would be surprised what we have learned about Jupiter and its moons for the past 30 years. Io - the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Ganymede - the largest planetary satellite, and the only one known to the satellite in the solar system with its own magnetic codeline pressure vessel field. During codeline pressure vessel the frozen surface of Europa probably hiding a liquid

ocean. codeline pressure vessel Icy oceans probably also lie deep under the ice cover of Callisto and Ganymede. Only in 2003, astronomers have discovered 23 new moons orbiting the giant planet because Jupiter currently has 49 months, the largest number of satellites in the solar system. Also gravity of giant planets codeline pressure vessel can be captured numerous small outer moons, including asteroids.
Appearance of Jupiter - a plexus of beautiful colors and atmospheric features. Most visible clouds are composed of ammonia. Water is present much deeper and sometimes it can be seen when clouds arise between enlightenment. "Lanes" planets - dark locks and light zones created by strong winds from east to west in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. Within these zones and zones are storm systems that raging for several years. Great Red Spot, a giant storm that was discovered over 300 years ago.
The composition of Jupiter's atmosphere is similar to the Sun consists mainly of hydrogen and helium. Deep in the atmosphere increases the pressure and temperature, compressing

hydrogen up to liquefaction. Even deeper hydrogen becomes metallic and conductive. This metal layer due to the rapid rotation of Jupiter generates electric currents that generate strong magnetic field. In the center of the huge pressure may support a solid core size of Earth.
The magnetic field of Jupiter almost 20 thousand times more powerful of the earth. Inside the magnetosphere of Jupiter (the area in which the magnetic field surrounding the planet from pole to pole) is a large number of charged particles. Jupiter's rings and satellites are in an intense radiation belt of electrons and ions trapped magnetic field.
Opened in 1979, the Voyager 1 Jupiter's rings were a surprise: a flat main ring and internal cloud ring, called the halo, composed of small, codeline pressure vessel dark particles. The third ring, because of its transparency known as gossamer ring is actually three rings of microscopic residual small satellites Amalthea, Fiviv and Adrastea. Jupiter ring system probably formed from dust, which raised meteorite bombardment of the four inner satellites codeline pressure vessel of giant planets. Main Ring, probably comes from the moon Metis. Rings of Jupiter is visible only when prysvityt Sun.
In December 1995, the spacecraft NASA "Galileo" dropped into the atmosphere of Jupiter probe, codeline pressure vessel which had the first direct measurements of the atmosphere. codeline pressure vessel After dumping probe "Galileo" began long-term studies of Jupiter and its largest moons. When the "Galileo" began its 29-tuorbitu to Jupiter approached spacecraft codeline pressure vessel "Cassini-Huygens" for gravitational maneuvers codeline pressure vessel on the way to Saturn. Both devices codeline pressure vessel had simultaneous observation magnetosphere, solar wind, rings and Jupiter's codeline pressure vessel aurora.
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