Monday, February 4, 2013

Oprah and the Super Bowl Commercial: What We should learn

Honor guard folding flag stock photo

Last night I was watching the Super Bowl and all the commercials.

To be very honest the only one that touched me was the Jeep Commercial. When I heard Oprah's voice  and the message about our troops, it was very emotional.

And I stopped to think that we, as a nation, do so much for other countries. Because we believe in freedom. We believe in democracy and freedom.


But are we really free?

Still many Americans have to fight day by day, everyday, to...maybe...get a job? Pay their bills? Have a house? So it would not be lost in foreclosure? 

How can they sleep? They have families.

And they are not alone.

There are  many Americans fighting to survive in this financial war zone. Where the gas prices are going up. Food prices going up. And wages going down. And the jobs?

I was thinking....maybe they were not educated enough...maybe they did not have enough knowledge to make the right decisions?

Maybe it is time for us as Americans to go back to the basics.

To learn how to plan and to take control of our finances. To learn how to spend our money, how to savet it, how to invest it, how to prepare for the worse...

Knowledge is powerful.

Getting Americans educated about their finances is essential for a stronger country.

Freedom. There are many kinds of freedom. And Financial freedom is one of them.

Think about it, Oprah! And spread the knowledge to all Americans. 

God Bless America.

Here it is the Jeep Commercial Super Bowl 2013:

And here it is the first baby steps for your financial freedom:

Michael Minter is an independent financial advisor and has been serving the country with his expertise and simple way to talk to people about finances. The way you can understand!

The message is simple and you can do it! Start now in baby steps and you will get there: to your financial freedom!

Check the video:

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