Saturday, March 2, 2013

Kale Smoothie for Ladies

I'm not going to lie... sometimes it's hard to be a lady. Sometimes there are days when mood swings get the best of you and you become an emotional mess. An emotional mess for absolutely no reason except that, well, you're a lady.

On days like this it's best to stay away from your kitchen. On days like this don't attempt to create a new veggie burger recipe; chances are very high that the recipe that worked so well in your mind won't work out in reality. And then it's just awkward when your male roommate walks in on you crying on the kitchen floor. Not that this has happened to me or anything...

If you do decide to venture into your kitchen, I advise you keep it simple. Throw some frozen bananas into a blender and blend it up with some kale. Toss in some maca powder to correct those hormonal imbalances and add some raw cacao powder for good measure -- unless, you don't like chocolate? And then be sure to enjoy this soothing, fiber-filled smoothie curled up in a snuggie while watching your favorite romantic comedy.

This smoothie starts with kale for a boost of nutrients and fiber to help keep blood sugar stable. Next, we'll add some almonds for healthy fats that make this smoothie filling so it can be used for breakfast or a hearty snack.

Maca powder comes from the maca root, which has been used by the Peruvian population for centuries.  It is one of my favorite supplements because it helps support the body's endocrine system to naturally balance hormones. Maca provides a nice energy boost (without caffeine) and can help with chronic fatigue and low libido. It's a wonderful supplement to use at any time, but I find it especially helpful as a natural PMS remedy. Maca is the perfect addition to this smoothie because it adds a sweet, malty taste without any added sugars!

Ginger is fabulous for aiding the digestive system as well as providing relief from nausea and cramps (which most of us ladies are pretty familiar with). Fresh ginger can easily overpower the smoothie so I recommend starting with a small piece (about 1/2-inch) if you are not used to the taste of ginger.

And, of course, we can't make a kale smoothie for ladies without chocolate! Raw cacao powder gives our smoothie a delicious chocolate kick while also adding important antioxidants and minerals (like magnesium and iron) that are especially beneficial for women's health. You won't believe a smoothie that's good for you tastes this good!

Kale Smoothie for Ladies
Serves 1

3 large kale leaves
2 tablespoons almonds
1 cup almond milk
1 frozen banana
2 tablespoons raw cacao powder
2 teaspoons maca powder
1/2-inch piece of fresh ginger (optional)
stevia or alternative sweetener to taste

Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth!

Note: if you do not have a high-powered blender (I use a Vitamix 5200), I recommend blending the kale, almonds, and almond milk until smooth and then adding the fruit and supplements.

For more green smoothie tips, be sure to check out my Green Smoothie 101 video.

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