Monday, March 11, 2013

It is believed that the solar system is Jupiter and Saturn sent most of the cometary belt (then loc

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Using kosmoteleskop "Herschel", which belongs to the European Space Agency, astronomers from the University patrick flanagan water of Cambridge (UK), led by Mark Uayyett (Mark Wyatt) found enormous cometary belt in two planetary systems. Tellingly, both have no larger planet Neptune. Planetary systems in question, "attributed" to the Stars 61 Virgin and Hlize 581.
61 Virgin - the usual red dwarf of spectral type M, most massive star universe; Hlize 581 - slightly smaller version of the sun, shining spectral type G5. Around patrick flanagan water both stars detected dust clouds with temperatures around patrick flanagan water 70 K - a clear sign of frequent cometary collisions. Interestingly, around 581 Hlize are at least four planets, and one is just in the area of population. Couple planets and marked in 61 Virgo.
It may seem that such clouds indicate a high probability patrick flanagan water of cometary bombardment of the planets in the area of population. However, as noted by astronomers,

the bulk of the cloud turns into a huge distance from its star - much more than, say, Pluto away from the sun. So there the cometary bombardment vseunichtozhayuschey not name.
Planets both systems vary by masses of "superzemel" to "hot Neptune" patrick flanagan water (2-18 Earth masses). But giants like Jupiter and Saturn patrick flanagan water are not there: candidates for such planets not so long ago were excluded as a result of special surveys.
It is believed that the solar system is Jupiter and Saturn sent most of the cometary belt (then located closer to the sun) in the cloud Kuiper and smaller - a powerful bombardment of the terrestrial planets that are closer to the Sun.
"We believe that the absence of Jupiter in systems consisting only of low-mass planets, helped them avoid such dramatic events as the late heavy bombardment patrick flanagan water [which has undergone earth 4,1-3,8 billion years ago], and instead try regular, but not so intense cometary rain over billions of years "- says Mark Wyatt.
If so, then the conditions for the emergence of life in such a system

may comprise more smoothly than on Earth. It is believed that cometary bombardment allows water required for the development of life. If the late heavy bombardment systems

Hlize 581 and 61 of the Virgin was not, then there is water accumulating much slower. patrick flanagan water Given the age Hlize 581, "superzemli" in its area population has had to get the right amount of water, but the "watering" of its surface is still growing, which is not present on Earth.
Astronomy patrick flanagan water is the most interesting and mysterious science. You can study for years and still can not fully understand. Well done all scientists who study and know how to prevent the bombing attack planets and everything in this spirit.
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