Sunday, March 10, 2013

Geometric patterns golden, does jupiter have water beige and brown - a request for health and longe

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No need to rush at once January 1st bury or throw out the characters of the old year. To Dragon was not offended, astrologers advise to hold them to 10 February 2013, when, according to the Eastern calendar, starts Year of the Snake. But according to our tradition, already New Year's Eve should be prepared to meet patron year.
First, experts does jupiter have water advise, do not be afraid of the number of the year. 365 days under the number 13 does not bode dangerous. First, of course, will be difficult, but it must meet fun and satisfying. And preferably

not go away. Better to celebrate does jupiter have water New Year at home, or at least in their country. Jupiter, who runs long voyages, is extremely unfavorable, say astrologers. Meanwhile, Snake does not tolerate does jupiter have water noise and unnecessary movements. So welcome new 2013 in a small circle of family or friends. Summary of the year 2013 - year of the black water Snake Snake Chinese name: Shi This is the sixth sign of the Chinese zodiac Time of day running Snakes: 9:00 - 11:00 appropriate sign in the Western Zodiac: Virgo Element: Fire Polarity: Negative Year of the Snake enters into their rights February 10, 2013 and will run through January 31, 2014, the Space element - water color - black. Year of the Snake with the following colors: black, blue (cyan) and green. Element - water, which is inherent mobility, dynamism and variability. Black Snake brings does jupiter have water unexpected hidden changes, instability and volatility. That is why it is important in the Snake year in advance and plan everything properly evaluate before doing anything. Need to get in times cautious and circumspect. How to decorate home
According to oriental horoscope, cosmic element Snake is fire. Therefore, burning candles or a fireplace - a perfect decoration for the holidays. Long beautiful candles in candlesticks ideal. Choosing candles, then twisted candles, shaped like two twisted snakes.
Snake likes elegant outfits with smooth fabric. Satin, silk, chiffon fabrics just perfect for New Year's costume. Colors should be shades of water azure, light blue, dark blue, sea green and even black.
However, because the snake as there are shades of green, red, yellow, silver, you can pick a dress color other than white striped fabric. Appropriate does jupiter have water to be bracelet, ring or necklace as a snake.
On New Year's Eve 2013 Avoid clothes with a "rough" fabrics such as coarse linen, corduroy. Snakes do not find an accessory or clothing insertion of crocodile, snake skin. So choose accessories with smooth, beautiful and shiny fabrics.
If in body composition you can not wear a dress outright, then wear shiny gloves or belt with silk matching color. Above all, the new year's outfit looked a lot and elegant it in 2013 promises to bring success in finance. Men can dress as you like, just do not wear a white shirt, Snake does not like it.
Refresh does jupiter have water yourself does jupiter have water perfumes. Men should be clean-shaven. Representatives of women can experiment with makeup, make the eyes clear arrows used sequins and shiny dark shadows. Lip gloss or nafarbuyte glossy lipstick.
To New in 2013 was successful in money, experts advise men to a silver coin wrapped in a black silk handkerchief and put it to the left pants pocket or jacket. To make it a little more attention, a strong memory and mind - is put in his pocket a piece of malachite.
Geometric patterns golden, does jupiter have water beige and brown - a request for health and longevity for older people. does jupiter have water So on New Year's grandmother can give, for example, a handkerchief with shapes corresponding color. Tips for New Year's does jupiter have water table
On New Year's Eve on the table simply required the presence of meat. But salads also find their place on the holiday does jupiter have water table, because as you can do on New Year without Olivier and salad with crab sticks. The best you can file a turkey or rabbit, because it is - a favorite dish snakes. Turkey or rabbit can grill, bake in the oven, cook in a skillet.
Snake - a lover of gourmet food and luxury. She will not mind if on the table, as exotic dishes appear dishes quotes frogs or crayfish. Moe

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