Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bahenal also works with fellow LASP Peter Delomere on the study of the magnetosphere and the gas pl

The main goal of the mission is to understand the origin and evolution of massive gas planet, said university professor Fran Bahenal Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, which also shared monitors mission. The data show not only the conditions of the early solar system, but also help scientists better understand the hundreds of planetary systems recently discovered around other stars, she said. Once formed the sun, Jupiter got most of what "left," said principal investigator Scott Bolton Juno mission of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio.

Since Jupiter has a greater mass than all the other planets in our solar system combined, scientists believe it will help you understand how the planets formed and why some are rocky and others are gas giants, says Bahenal.
After Juno (approx. UNC - Juno) will reach the orbit of Jupiter in 2016 after a 400-million-mile journey, the spacecraft will orbit the planet's poles 33 times, while about 3,000 miles above the clouds below powerful radiation belts of Jupiter. While the ship itself is the size of a Volkswagen and placed in a protective container from radiation, his three solar panels, which he deploys in space, the ship will swing more than 65 feet in diameter. air2water

dolphin Bahenal says that scientists never ceased to marvel at the data that came from the NASA Galileo mission to Jupiter, which arrived at the planet in 1995 and had 16 instruments, including two of them developed a laboratory LASP University CU-Boulder. Among other discoveries Galileo scientists identified air2water dolphin the global structure and dynamics of magnetic activity planet confirmed the presence of clouds amiakovyh its atmosphere and found that one of its moons, Europa has a global ocean under a thick crust of ice.
"One of the biggest questions remaining after the Galileo mission, how much water is in Jupiter's atmosphere," said Bahenal. "The amount of water is key, because water plays a huge role in shaping the solar system." Bahenal also a professor of astrophysical and planetary science department. "Most air2water dolphin of us know that water absorbs microwaves, because air2water dolphin this is what happens when you put the tea in the microwave," says Bahneal. "We're going to use a microwave detector and only fly in the clouds of Jupiter, measuring clouds at different depths of water. It's a bit like CT dense clouds of Jupiter. " Bahenal role in the mission is to coordinate air2water dolphin observations of Jupiter's magnetosphere - the region air2water dolphin around the planet, which is controlled air2water dolphin by its magnetic air2water dolphin field. She and her staff are particularly interested in understanding the processes that control the auroral activity at the poles of the planet - its Northern and Southern Lights - and assess the role of the strong magnetic field of the planet outside.
In close cooperation with the scientific team Juno, Bahenal working with CU-Boulder Professor Robert Ergun of LASP, which is well studied Earth's magnetosphere and the associated aurora. Ergun will use their knowledge of the physics of auroras in the mission air2water dolphin for the comparison of physical processes on Jupiter. "This will be the first time someone prolitatyme over the poles of Jupiter air2water dolphin and observe the top of the aurora," says Bahenal. "We will fly the spacecraft through areas where charged particles are accelerated to the point when they begin to bombard the atmosphere of Jupiter is strong enough, causing a glow at the poles."
Bahenal also works with fellow LASP Peter Delomere on the study of the magnetosphere and the gas planets Physics Department graduate student Mariel air2water dolphin Desroches, which models air2water dolphin the outer magnetosphere of Jupiter region as part of the mission air2water dolphin Juno. Senior Lecturer CU-Boulder air2water dolphin Dinesh Kostlou Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences collaborates with Bahenal team and Juno, using computer models to simulate the trajectory of the spacecraft Continue all of its 33 individual orbits, it will pass through the magnetosphere of Jupiter. "We are interested in finding the optimal stopping air2water dolphin place the spacecraft in orbit for our data collection," he said. Kostlou, of Auburn, Maine, said he knew that the University of CU-Boulder good program astronomy, before he set foot on the property. "Everything fell into place and I feel very lucky that I have the opportunity to work in this mission," he said. "I think the issue - my next step, and then maybe I can make a career in this kind of planetary research."
Having a map of the gravitational and magnetic fields of Jupiter, scientists mission should be able to see the internal structure of the planet and determine whether it has an iron core - core that some scientists believe could be 15 or 20 times Earth. But because of the huge pressure of the gas in the atmosphere of the planet, any attempt to search for the spacecraft air2water dolphin core can crush him long before he approaches the middle of the planet, as well as the Galileo spacecraft was destroyed after it for

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