Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bikram Yoga 30 Day Challenge: Day 7


I was really looking forward to class.  I got there early, as usual, to stake out my spot. Since the class from the prior night was fairly full I found myself in the front of the class (which I don't like). Tonight I was back in my cozy spot towards the back corner.

I knew from checking the schedule that we would have a new teacher. Since I've been on the challenge this would be the first male teacher that we have had so far.  Today's class was led by Jake Symons.  He seemed really mellow in his instruction, which was fine.  It was a rainy night but the class was full anyway - I guess the rain didn't dampen the dedication of his students.  If anything, Bikram students are hard core. San Diego rain didn't keep them away.  I was secretly hoping for no-shows for a smaller class size. Shh...don't tell.

I had my WORST class ever tonight.  Not with how I did with the poses, I felt really strong.  What made it horrible was the amount of disruptions to the class.  I have never been in a session with so many students going in and out of the hot room.  It is extremely distracting.  I am not yet disciplined enough to tune it out.  Instead of feeling calm & focused, I found myself becoming annoyed.  Usually instructors will coach newcomers to stay in Savasana if they feel like they need a break, making it their goal to REMAIN in the hot room for the 90 minute duration.

I am looking forward to Day 8 of my journey.  I have noticed that my circulation must be improving.  I have been experiencing some tingling in my leg & foot which is now decreasing.  My hip and back are feeling "stretched", which alleviates some of the pain that I have been having. My posture is also improving.  One of the biggest benefits that I am after with Bikram is bettering my alignment.  I have been sleeping so well this week.  I am no longer staying awake late at night so my online hobbies have fallen by the wayside.  Another observation that I have made is that my appetite has gone crazy!  I am super hungry. I have actually GAINED 1 pound!  Good thing I am not on a weight loss challenge!

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