Wednesday, October 12, 2011

David Onek: The Home Stretch

If he wins, he will emerge as one of the country’s most progressive big-city DAs, at a moment when fiscal crisis is forcing a fundamental reimagining of our criminal justice priorities.  -- Sasha Abramsky, The Nation Magazine
David Onek's impressive campaign for District Attorney for San Francisco is in its last weeks.  I have written often of my strong support for his candidacy.  David is a leading expert on criminal and juvenile justice, with experience in policy-making, academia and government.  He would provide the kind of thoughtful, progressive approach to criminal justice and public safety issues that is so badly needed.  (See, e.g., Onek's the One, A True Criminal Justice Reformer.) 

Not surprisingly, David has the strongest grassroots campaign and built the largest and most diverse coalition of any candidate.  He is the leading fundraiser and has garnered a very impressive list of endorsements across the political and criminal justice spectrum.

The San Francisco Bay Guardian selected David, who they describe as an "idealistic reformer," as their choice to become San Francisco's next District Attorney:
[Onek] has by far the strongest credentials and agenda for reform. He starts off every interview and discussion by saying that the criminal justice system in California is broken — not bent, not sprained, not in need of a little attention, but utterly broken...San Francisco could make a national statement by electing a district attorney who wants to change criminal justice, not just make it work better.
With only a month left, this is the time to join David in his efforts to, as he puts it, "make San Francisco the safest and fairest city in the country."   Click here for information for how you can help make phone calls at campaign headquarters (207 Sanchez Street) and to knock on doors.

It is crucial to keep the momentum going.

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